View Full Version : .tProject-files ?

30-01-2015, 17:14
somehow i just stumbled across- thinAir loads *.tProject-files but to save as such i have to chose *.* and enter it manually,
help doesn't tell me anything about this type of files.

anyway: is "*.tProject" just an alias for better overview & similar to handle as *.tBasicU or does it have some special rules?

09-02-2015, 15:11
a look into thinAir-help told me, there would be a menu-item at the filee-menu "New... Project (CTRL+P)"

this does not apply to my version of thinAir - i.e. thinAir-help must be a little outdated already...

So what's the matter with those project-files?

Did they tell thinAir once to open all included scripts in Editor or something like that?

Michael Clease
10-02-2015, 15:40
It is a legacy from and early version.

Here is version for your appreciation, check out the utilities section and code formatting which I always quite liked.

Mike C.

10-02-2015, 16:07
Sorry René but it was an old feature written by Roberto Bianchi (original author of thinAir) that I never ported to the new thinAir when Roberto left the project and oblidge me to rewrite thinAir almost from scratch.

Something in the todo list but never had time to realize.

11-02-2015, 11:36
yes it's a real pain that the time of our lifes is limited.

The more important it is not to waste any time on repeating the same over and over again and if it's possible then let a function do the repetitive stuff.

So when we are at thinAir already, please allow the following:
add some "user"-submenu at thinAir-menubar\Tools += \User

also add some subfolder on disk, perhaps "C:\thinBasic\thinAir\Config\" &= "Tools_User\"

where i can put some "myOwn.tBasic"-script (perhaps also some executeable possible- but not necessary)
and this scripts name appears now as a menuitem "myOwn" on thinAir-menubar\Tools\User

if i click this menuitem in thinAir then the current in thinAir active script-filename incl. path gets passed as a parameter to my script.

for example i put in the "c:\thinBasic\thinAir\Config\Tools_User\"-folder some selfmade spellchecking-utility "varname check.tBasic" that scans a script for correct written variable-names, then i start thinAir, load some script, click on thinAir-menu \tools\user on the menuitem "varname check" and thinAir runs the "varname check.tBasic"-script and appends the name of the currently in thinAir active script as parameter so my "varname check" will retrieve OS_GetCommand for the filename and then test that current in thinAir edited script for typos.

If the script to check here has not been saved yet (after changes or not at all) then disable the Tools\User-submenu

...also an option in thinAir-config to auto-load all #include-files and all #include'd in them would be nice - so if i open a *.tBasic-file it would load all units that belong to the project into thinAir