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View Full Version : TBGL_EntityDestroy-question

26-10-2014, 10:59
A question about TBGL_EntityDestroy:

if entity to destroy is parent of other entities - are the children killed or are their parent-pointers reset so they have no parent any more?

btw. typo in TBGL-helpfile for this topic, it says at REMARKS:

You do not have to delete all entites manually before destroying scene.
TBGL_SceneDestroy (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/tbgl_scenedestroy.htm)( SceneID, EntityID ) handles this automatically.

sceneDestroy doesn't have Entity-parameter...

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2014, 15:07
Hi Rene!,

the behaviour of TBGL_EntityDestroy should destroy just that entity, so no other entities, even when in transform relationship, should be destroyed.

Thanks for pointing out to the issue in the help file, will fix it for next release :)
