View Full Version : Compiler

Patrice Terrier
27-08-2014, 14:25

Do you have any plan to turn thinbasic into a real compiler ?


27-08-2014, 14:57
Ciao Patrice,

I'm sorry but a compiler is something that is beyond my ability.


John Spikowski
27-08-2014, 17:19

You really should have a peek at OxygenBasic. It creates both 32 and 64 bit binaries. (.exe, .dll and JIT in memory) You would be a valuable asset to the O2 project.


Patrice Terrier
28-08-2014, 15:19
I'm sorry but a compiler is something that is beyond my ability.

Something not impossible, if you are also familiar with C/C++ ?

I am thinking of a code translator, and the real compiler could be the Microsoft CL (Command Line compiler) or any other command line utility.
For me that would be the only way to create a reliable 64-bit version of PowerBASIC.

And the use of macro could be part of the solution :
"then" = "{"
"else" = "} else {"
"next" = "}"
"end if" = "}"
"end sub" = "}"
"end function" = "}"


John Spikowski
28-08-2014, 18:05

You were one of the first PB pros to migrate t0 C/C++. What value do you see in PB syntax that would justify an epic effort to convert it to C/C++? Why would this be better than OxygenBasic? If you can't answer these questions than you may be wasting your time. (and everyone else's)

Patrice Terrier
28-08-2014, 19:56
It is not for me, but for those from the PowerBASIC forum that are relunctant to learn C/C++ :)

The thinBasic syntax is so close to what they are accustomed to.


John Spikowski
28-08-2014, 20:03
ThinBasic is an interpreter and a fine one at that. I can't speak for Eros but he has a real life (and family) and TB is a labor of love. Quit ignoring O2!

02-09-2014, 22:12
Easy...Johnny...yie..haaa ....easy...
Patrick have a good reason to ask about syntax ,o2 in current state is good choice but i am not
sure that is good enough for compiler development.
I understand this people...

John Spikowski
03-09-2014, 00:21
1. It's Patrice not Patrick.

2. Patrice is not trying to create a compiler. His is looking for a BASIC solution to help his PowerBASIC friends out.

3. Patrice needs to find a graphics forum that speaks the same language as he does. All the cool stuff he does is over 90% of the users heads reading it.

4. If Patrice finds O2 or any other open source project interesting, he needs to learn how to be a team player.