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View Full Version : Lines L -- another Basic / Lisp hybrid

03-07-2014, 15:18
Hi folks,

Been wandering around and getting more and more convinced about the symbiotic powers of two orthogonal languages.
A little prog :
a random line cutting 2 parallel's -- how are the line lenghts distributed (can be calculated on forehand , but ... just for fun).

(use around 1000 lines for a clearer view - on top is a kind of frequency diagram )
Data is processed in Lisp and given to tB for graphics. (in Lisp arguments are typeless and variadic .. that should be one of the gains)

The two languages interact in an extreme easy way (see code).
(and despite what Lispeners tell you, the language is easy to learn .... )

best Rob

(RAR file contains the DLL)

29-07-2014, 11:04
Hi all,

tB + TBGL + NewLisp ,

code : M(ove) -- U(p) -- D(own) -- any number , calculations by mappings ...
Init 6 iterations (take a few seconds)

best, Rob (dll inside the RAR file) -- use arrow keys / PgU/Dn for navigation

Petr Schreiber
29-07-2014, 17:33
Cool demo Rob!

Runs perfectly on Windows 8...


30-07-2014, 00:42
Thanks Petr,

It's just a starter -- with this it will be possible to make 3D images of those L-system fractals ( the trees, the ferns etc ... )

Last months I've been very busy with Lisp ( old love never dies -- or in this case "the first cut is the deepest " old=first ) , and to be frank and honnest , nothing comes near your TBGL of the things I've seen doing with OpenGL, GLU(T) as available Lisp packages ... etc ...
(maybe one final attempt to make a combination of tB , TBGL , O² and compiled Lisp code )

best Rob

30-07-2014, 11:55
Starting to get workable ...

Load and saves your base/mutator/iteration -- zooms closer -- more human navigation -- info activated

best Rob

Now, a look at embeddable Common Lisp (however unlike under Linux it compiles "only" to bytecode ). --Mr Jack, any idea ??

dll inside the RAR

Petr Schreiber
30-07-2014, 20:05
Hi Rob,

thanks for new version and compliments on TBGL. In case there is some functionality you would need me to add to the module, just let me know!


31-07-2014, 22:08
Hi Petr,

"some functionality " -- already more that I can handle ;-)

Well, TBGL is easy , clear and clean to use -- reminds me a quote of Albert Einstein : " if someone gives you a complex and difficult explanation, (s)he doesn't know what (s)he is talking about " .. I think the same is true for programmers, coders, hackers etc ....

In the mean time - it runs together with compiled Lisp ( CLisp (bytecode + Lightning JIT) -- orig. univ München / Heidelberg iirc )

(the CLisp interface at the left-top (attachm.) - uses Japi (java - from univ Koblenz ) , had to write the bindings myself -- it's A.D. 2002 , looking somewhat obsolete now , but perfectly usuable - for 2D it even can build images from memory arrays -- very fast ).

best Rob
compiled code runs (guesstimating) 5x faster than previous ... it runs happy together with tB (the drawings shows one line too much, i c now)