03-04-2014, 16:14
A small magnet field.
After a while, I got a divison by zero.
Seems to me , is not intercepted.
Uses "ui","math"
OpenWindow 640,480
SetHandleDC hdc,hwnd
Long ys, x, y, z
Single x1, y1, x2, y2, winkel2
Dim xMagnet(768) As Single
Dim yMagnet(768) As Single
Dim wMagnet(768) As Single
Dim sinus (360) As Single
Dim cosin (360) As Single
Function Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2 As Single) As Single
Local dx, dy As Single
dx = x1-x2
dy = y1-y2
Return Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
End Function
Function xMove(x,winkel,speed As Single) As Single
Local x2 As Single
If winkel=0 Then winkel=1
x2 = x + cosin(winkel)*speed
Return x2
End Function
Function yMove(y,winkel,speed As Single) As Single
Local y2 As Single
If winkel=0 Then winkel=1
y2 = y + sinus(winkel)*speed
Return y2
End Function
Function winkel(x1,y1,x2,y2 As Single) As Single
Local xhypo, yhypo, abstand, xwinkel As Single
xhypo = x2 - x1
yhypo = y2 - y1
abstand = Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
xwinkel = Abs(ArcCos(xhypo/abstand))
If Sgn(xhypo) = -1 And Sgn(yhypo) = -1 Then xwinkel =180 + (180 - xwinkel)
If Sgn(xhypo) = 1 And Sgn(yhypo) = -1 Then xwinkel =270 + ( 90 - xwinkel)
Return xwinkel
End Function
For x=1 To 31
For y=0 To 23
xMagnet(z) = x*20
yMagnet(z) = y*20
For x=0 To 330
sinus(x+1) = Sin(x)
cosin(x+1) = Cos(x)
While IsWindow(hwnd) And Key(27)=0
Canvas_Clear Rgb(205,205,205)
For x=1 To 31
For y=1 To 23
wMagnet(z) = winkel(xMagnet(z),yMagnet(z),xMouse,yMouse)
x1 = xMove(xMagnet(z), wMagnet(z), 8)
y1 = yMove(yMagnet(z), wMagnet(z), 8)
winkel2 = wMagnet(z) - 180
If winkel2 < 0 Then winkel2=360 + winkel2
x2 = xMove(xMagnet(z), winkel2, 8)
y2 = yMove(yMagnet(z), winkel2, 8)
DrawLine x1, y1, xMagnet(z), yMagnet(z),4, Rgb(255,0,0)
DrawLine x2, y2, xMagnet(z), yMagnet(z),4, Rgb(0,0,255)
Canvas_Window End
A small magnet field.
After a while, I got a divison by zero.
Seems to me , is not intercepted.
Uses "ui","math"
OpenWindow 640,480
SetHandleDC hdc,hwnd
Long ys, x, y, z
Single x1, y1, x2, y2, winkel2
Dim xMagnet(768) As Single
Dim yMagnet(768) As Single
Dim wMagnet(768) As Single
Dim sinus (360) As Single
Dim cosin (360) As Single
Function Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2 As Single) As Single
Local dx, dy As Single
dx = x1-x2
dy = y1-y2
Return Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
End Function
Function xMove(x,winkel,speed As Single) As Single
Local x2 As Single
If winkel=0 Then winkel=1
x2 = x + cosin(winkel)*speed
Return x2
End Function
Function yMove(y,winkel,speed As Single) As Single
Local y2 As Single
If winkel=0 Then winkel=1
y2 = y + sinus(winkel)*speed
Return y2
End Function
Function winkel(x1,y1,x2,y2 As Single) As Single
Local xhypo, yhypo, abstand, xwinkel As Single
xhypo = x2 - x1
yhypo = y2 - y1
abstand = Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
xwinkel = Abs(ArcCos(xhypo/abstand))
If Sgn(xhypo) = -1 And Sgn(yhypo) = -1 Then xwinkel =180 + (180 - xwinkel)
If Sgn(xhypo) = 1 And Sgn(yhypo) = -1 Then xwinkel =270 + ( 90 - xwinkel)
Return xwinkel
End Function
For x=1 To 31
For y=0 To 23
xMagnet(z) = x*20
yMagnet(z) = y*20
For x=0 To 330
sinus(x+1) = Sin(x)
cosin(x+1) = Cos(x)
While IsWindow(hwnd) And Key(27)=0
Canvas_Clear Rgb(205,205,205)
For x=1 To 31
For y=1 To 23
wMagnet(z) = winkel(xMagnet(z),yMagnet(z),xMouse,yMouse)
x1 = xMove(xMagnet(z), wMagnet(z), 8)
y1 = yMove(yMagnet(z), wMagnet(z), 8)
winkel2 = wMagnet(z) - 180
If winkel2 < 0 Then winkel2=360 + winkel2
x2 = xMove(xMagnet(z), winkel2, 8)
y2 = yMove(yMagnet(z), winkel2, 8)
DrawLine x1, y1, xMagnet(z), yMagnet(z),4, Rgb(255,0,0)
DrawLine x2, y2, xMagnet(z), yMagnet(z),4, Rgb(0,0,255)
Canvas_Window End