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View Full Version : Systems of three non-linear ordinary differential equations & a slight problem

18-03-2014, 21:46
Hi all,

Made something interesting ...
Thanks to the dynamic nature of oxygen compiling , the differential equations can be changed !!!!

In this case the Rössler equations are initial , but you can replace them with what you want .. (Lorenz is one of them)

This is A0 - i ll pimp it up somewhat (colours etc...).

The problem is when I use a slider the keys needed to navigate the TBGL window activate/change the Pos of the trackbar ...

best Rob (you can change any value inside the textboxes -- but the formulae follow oxygen synthax -- avoid poles in the equations.

18-03-2014, 23:00
Wow, thanks for this astonishing present.
I'm always fascinated by those math figures. I do not understand them but ... wow
And when it is so easy to change some parameters and immediately see results it is even more beautiful.

19-03-2014, 12:03
Well, it is you, Charles, Petr and all others I have to thank ;-)

I estimate it runs about 100x faster than Mathlab , Maxima etc ... !
Injecting code inside O2 is a superb tool making dynamic programming at high level possible...

please , have a look at the newer version
The colours are taken from the values of dx, dy , dz (how they change during their travel -- the image represents the locatlion of a point during a certain time period starting at 0 )

you will need PG DN to zoom out a little.
(you often see images of such systems on the web, but mostly 2D - wich is somewhat incomplete because this are really 3D objects ! )

best Rob

19-03-2014, 18:34
ESC does a little animation now ...

(oxygen is too fast ;-))
also changed to (faster - avoiding TB iterations ) Gbuffers now ...

best Rob