View Full Version : Oxygen / TB interactions - Conway extended - Bundle question

27-10-2013, 15:28
Hi all,

Another sample ...
Based on the classic "Life" of John Conway - however I added some logistics ,
The idea behind is to give the "colony" some extra growth power when enough "food" - but that the expansion is limited when food gets exhausted and then needs a recuperation period ...
You anytime can uncheck "logistic" to enter the classic "Life" program.
(there are some similarities with the Fibonacci number -- however, he gave his rabbits eternal life / and Conway gave eternal food ;-)

On the canvas I replaced the circle/point... whatever with a little bitmap .. less boring imho.

Written in the TB 1.9.8... but using the latest oxygen.dll -- and to be sure it runs anywhere I bundled it , so incase you can use the exe.
The question .. I also marked the BMP to incorporate in the bundle, but it seems it does not work ? (maybe I do something wrong).
(this would be handy , to keep things nicely together .. )

To be honest , TB and respec. units amaze me !!
I compared (probably the last time) with the GFA compiler (native code compiler - abandonware since 2001 (from Gemeinschaft für Automatisierung ) and imo superior to VB ) and the speed of Oxygen is similar or even faster !!!.

Best , Rob (Life 3D soon to be expected -- TBGL + Oxygen combo )

Petr Schreiber
27-10-2013, 17:29
Hi Rob,

it is so fast that when executed on my Core i5 PC, I see the result immediately :p

Charles is doing great job on Oxygen, combining it with high level code style of ThinBASIC is killer combo.

I am looking forward to your TBGL edition of the script...


P.S. Not sure about the issue with addition of BMP to script - I usually keep resources external to EXE.

28-10-2013, 20:24
Hi Petr,

Oops , too fast then ;-)

Thinbasic , yes, great !!-- It is written about LISP : "LISP programs themselves are written as a set of lists, so that LISP has the unique ability to modify itself, and hence grow on its own. "
Not unique anymore, TB can change the content of the string to be compiled.
To be effective, this string has to be written to Disk of course (it only exists in memory), in case you want the modification back. So maybe this is a good idea for a future TB. Both the Oxygen space and the Visual Designer output attached into the main script. Not in a way they are visible in the main screen, but can be edited when needed (editor switch between TB, VDesign , Oxygen ) .. For Oxygen this should be not so difficult imo.
In this way if the O2 string if changed by TB, the O2 source (edited either "a mano" or by TB ) is written to Disk together with the main script. -- this will be best done when separated from the main script , however something primitive already can be set up from within TB -- I'll try something ... in principle you only need loadO2 and saveO2 ...
Idem dito for the VDesigner -- it is done this way with GFA - in the menu there's a switch between both (or even both / screen ).
P.E. some programs may need 1.000.000's of optimizing calculations.
Oxygen calculates -> results to TB -> TB optimizes the O2 script till perfect a.p -- Optimal O2 script saved with the main TB source.
You can even add something as '#PROTOTYPING or '#FINAL in the script to protect is against writing in case ....
As you mentioned eXtreme Power !!!!!!

best Rob