Charles Pegge
11-09-2013, 22:03
I've seen a few buildings that have been brought down by explosives and even for an 8 or 12 story building there is a lot of debris and I was always surprised by the little debris amount of the twin towers. I had been in them and they were massive to stand next too and it was hard to believe that it would collapse in too such a little pile like that. But you say things like that here in the US and you are looked at like a nut case by most people. Luckily I learned not to care :)
If you watch any of the "truther" videos on youtube, you can not walk away without many questions being raised and when you see how the authorities brush these serious questions off in flippant manners backed by their laughing lapdogs in the media all you can do is say oh my, the world is not as we know it.
There are many videos where you hear massive explosions and reporters there saying they just heard explosions, from underground or lower levels. You see vehicles scorched on one side only and perfectly fine on the other side. You see Building 7 reported as being down while it is still standing in the background. You see demolition charges go off as building 7 is brought down and so on and so on down the rabbit hole. And one of the biggest is follow the money, two of the supposed buildings brought down by terrorists, building 7 and the side of the pentagon that was hit is where any accounting that could have existed for the trillions that were unaccounted for as stated openly by Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.
The only thing is can anyone or group be so clever to pull off such a thing and especially in government? You cover up the missing money trails, you take us into a long war bringing more money into the war machine economy and rebuilding economies and you open the door to stomp on our freedoms stated clearly in the constitution.