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View Full Version : [Q]: Function f() PTR?

18-07-2013, 12:11
I saw in some code-example from Charles (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?t=9866&highlight=calls+oxygen) some method to set a pointer at the end of the oxygen-function alike

Function F() As Long At #P

and I tried to find some further information about this and discovered that tB also seems to allow appending some pointers to functions.
In tB-help it says:

Function declaration:
Function FunctionName [([arguments])] [AsType [PTR]]

Now I'm nosy because there's nothing more explained about "PTR".
How would that work - and what type of pointer?

Charles Pegge
18-07-2013, 19:15
Oxygen now uses the word link to pass a function pointer to a thinBasic pointer. ThinBasic uses at ​to map a function address to a pointer

This is the standard way of interfacing OxygenBasic procedures and thinBasic procedures.

uses "oxygen"

dim as string src
dim as long pHypot3d
dim as long pFinish

function hypot3d(double a,double b, double c) as double link #pHypot3d
return sqr( a*a+b*b+c*c)
end function

sub finish() link #pFinish
terminate 'release all resources
end sub
o2_basic src
if o2_error then
msgbox 0,o2_error
end if

declare function Hypot3d(byval double, byval double, byval double ) as double at pHypot3d
declare sub Finish() at pFinish

msgbox 0,Hypot3d(2,3,4)

18-07-2013, 19:51
OK, thanks for your reply. First at all I prefer using Rawtext-method from tB because of syntax highlighting.
Edit- O2-question here now (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?t=9866&p=89299#post89299)

18-07-2013, 20:29
ok, this was more about the thinBasic "function f() as whatever Ptr"- so I move the oxygen-specific questions over here (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?t=9866&p=89299#post89299)