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View Full Version : Particle effects?

05-06-2013, 19:36
I tried to find some particle effects. Is there some? Maybe tB-GL.inc? I've not found them yet but in order to make another game I'd like to use particles for cool special effects. Have some hint for me?

Petr Schreiber
05-06-2013, 20:04
OpenGL does not have any functionality for particle effects, and TBGL also not at the moment. I was tempted to add them multiple times in the past, but the problem is that particles are very general thing.

I did lot of examples on particles in pre-entity era, but I think I could help you with this and create something using entities. What do you need the particles for (what kind of effect: smoke, fire, ...?), in what amounts (few, thousands, ...)?


06-06-2013, 06:08
I would use them different kinds as emitter to be the "exhaust" of some spaceship, and for other games like glow/flashing/lightning so some clicked objects disappears not just like poof- and gone- but with some visual spectacular effect to make it look more interesting. Cool would be some emitter-entity where you can set particle amount, (directional or sphere-like around one point) , density, size, lifetime and color for all purpose from water-fountains to volcanos.
Also nice would be some like electrical power charge that looks as lightning, welding or a short circuit. "Random lines" that connect two points but not in a straight way

Petr Schreiber
07-06-2013, 21:06
There is an older example (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?t=9226&p=70311&viewfull=1#post70311) showing some kind of particle emitting, you can see I used TBGL_EntitySetTarget to keep the particles face camera.
