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View Full Version : thinBlocks - (a game)

03-06-2013, 19:28
Just for fun and to post it here I made some game. :D

I could not find a section in this forum especially for games - maybe there is one - so moderate it there, Mr.Moderator

The game is some Blocks-Clone - goal is to reach 5000 points per Level to be able to proceed with next level.
I didn't get the online-scoring to work - but it saves at least your highscores.

A good strategy is to create big chunks of blocks with same color to get as many points out of it as possible. Also try to get rid of as many blocks as possible in order to get a bonus at the end of the level.

tB-Minversion 1.9

03-06-2013, 21:13
Wow, what a great present.
Very addictive, I like playing it.

Level 7 and ... count :)

03-06-2013, 21:33
Is the online-scoring stuff still available? I would like trying it out :)

03-06-2013, 22:08
I will try to re-born it by next week, sorry :(

Petr Schreiber
03-06-2013, 22:10

this is really addictive, thanks! I like the fast gameplay and the sound nicely fits overall stylization.

Good job!


03-06-2013, 22:17
Here's my highscores - I made it once to level 24 but then I decided to make it harder... so level 17 is pretty hard alraedy
- try to collect as much points as possible in lower levels

PS. No hurry with them online scores... I fear that's not safe anyway - people could cheat...

I just made some game because I wanted to have some relief from typing in serious stuff

btw- nice example for TBGL_PrintBmp - it's only font! No "real" texture nor sprites...
Strange-I thought the transparent tga would result in transparent fonts. Obviously does not. Did I forget to toggle some switch?

Lowered Minversion again down to 1.9 - because I took Array Scan out again - somehow it does not seem to work always as expected- especially when using Byte(UDT_ElementByte... so I took For-Next-loop in PlaceAnmiation()...and $Not_Used is not used :)

After playing it a few hours (yeah- really addicting) I can announce it's possible to get 100 000 points...

04-06-2013, 21:33
I ask myself- why did I make this shitty game? I didn't do the whole day any else than playing this crap. Only result is: I can annonce it's possible in 1 of 1500 games to get 20000 points in first level. What's the sense of this? I don't know...maybe I like the piano

04-06-2013, 22:19
Why to find a sense? Too dangerous to search for a sense :)
You did it just because you liked it.

I'm too playing with thinBlock just because ... I'm having fun with it.

04-06-2013, 22:42
But I feel so responsible for you - all just playing, nobody posting any questions in the forum- it's like all of you are playing and none of you takes life serious any more. Maybe I should make another game to play something else...next will be some bejeweled-clone..in a few days. Main thing is - i create something instead of just playing around ;)

04-06-2013, 23:04
grrrrrrrr :mad:

I was making 102000 points at level 19 but pressed escape by mistake and point didn't get saved into ranking.
I will kill you !


05-06-2013, 09:02
So deactivate escape key? look inside Function MAIN_CheckInput and comment that line before you do something you'll regret later. Or stop playing this timekiller :D
(if you can) .
I use escape all the time if I dont make at least 12000 to 15000 points in first level. Escape, F5, escape, F5... until i like the screen. Is that cheating? Or just taking opportunity?

Petr Schreiber
05-06-2013, 18:04
Strange-I thought the transparent tga would result in transparent fonts. Obviously does not. Did I forget to toggle some switch?

It should work, you need to enable alpha blending or alpha masking for the part where you use it.


Petr Schreiber
03-07-2013, 10:38

how do you get over score 80 000, any advice on strategy? :D


03-07-2013, 14:32
Easy - try up to Level 8 just to build big clusters - if you make it to have a bunch of about 55 to 60 blocks you can get 15 000 and more points.
Change strategy at level 8 and go for the 2500 bonus and remove the upper rows until no more reloads - keep an eye on the columns at the sides - don't block yourself - so you always can get the reload - and even if the music and gameplay are fast: you have no hurry there's no time-limit... so before you click something away check the rows above first.

Edit: somehow does not work to upload my highscore-screenshot...even after deleteting a few hundred kB attachements. so have to post my image that way: http://s23.postimg.org/v7rq57orr/thin_Hi.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/v7rq57orr/)

18-03-2014, 09:36
Just re-discovered while browsing through older scripts...first link seems not to work any more-
to refresh: thinBlocks (http://www.datafilehost.com/d/4522ce7e)
and also found some undone thinOrbs (http://www.datafilehost.com/d/eff0cd50)-match3-game - which appears (atmo)spheric in the beginning but boring als all match3-games in the end so my passion to finish this got lost. But for some 5 minutes relax from coding to do something totally senseless for getting the mind free just to think thereafter: "Why does he waste any time on progamming THIS?" - which will not just make you believe you are coding yourself much more important things but will also give you the mental energy to start something that's not sooo important... - very spheric game, as said...