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View Full Version : How to set near and far plane from entity camera ?

17-05-2013, 20:37
May be i'm blind but how i can set the distance from scene/ entity camera far plane ?
Looks like the default value is to short if you interpret the coords in meter.

thank you


17-05-2013, 20:51
perhaps try TBGL_SetDrawDistance

but I don't know if I understood your question correct - sorry me bad english two

17-05-2013, 21:02
perhaps try TBGL_SetDrawDistance
I know it but it should be set for individual camera entitys also.

Thank you


Petr Schreiber
17-05-2013, 21:04

Rene is correct - the TBGL_SetDrawDistance can be used to set the far plane.

If I may ask, in which situation do you consider the near plane ... too near? :)
I think individual camera setting such as near/far plane could be added, but so far (no pun intented) there was no motivation to do so.


P.S. Welcome back ;)

17-05-2013, 21:13
there was no motivation to do so.
Same for the missing shadows in your 3D engine. (no TBGL_FLAG to enable the stencil buffer) ;)


Petr Schreiber
17-05-2013, 21:37

if you need fully featured engine for triple A game, I would recomend Unity (http://unity3d.com/), it has good multiplatform support too and it has free edition for low budget projects.

TBGL does not compete with game engines with focus on bleeding edge technology, it is meant to be widely compatible library for people in need of 2d/3d visualization.
