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View Full Version : How to point to a string-array?

27-02-2013, 16:11
Currently I'm creating some Listbox-alike control that does not use UI (Windows-Drawing) but 2d-drawing in TBGL. Since I want to use the code to handle that control multiple times I need some pointer to the string-array that's assigned to the control. But I've read that strings and their pointers behave different and I don't get the informations puzzled right together. :cray:
Maybe anyone can help?

So this is my example-code:

Type t_Control
RelatedStringArray as Long ' or Else ?
End Type

Dim A() as string
Dim B() as string

Dim C(2) as t_Control
' fill array A() with maybe 20 elements
' -- and I want to assign array A() to Control C(1)
C(1). RelatedStringArray = StrPtr(A)
' fill array B() with maybe 10 elements
C(2). RelatedStringArray = StrPtr(B)

How to tell the control C(any) correctly which array is related to it?

...now I want to call the draw-method for the listbox-control:

Sub Control_Draw(ByVal Index as Long)

Local i, lLast as Long
Local txt as String

' -- now inside this sub I want to get the informations:

' -- which string-array is related to C(Index) ?

' -- so lLast is now supposed to be the following:
' lLast = UBound( -- ? -- C(Index).RelatedStringArray -- ? -- )

'-- is it possible to find out lLast if not storing it to the Control C(Index) ?

' so I could in the end like that:
if lLast > 0 then
For i = 1 to lLast
txt = Peek$(STRING, C(Index).RelatedStringArray + 4 * i ) ' ???
' -- can I get the string that's contained in either A(i) or B(i) so I can print it out now ?
If Len(txt) then
' ... DrawText(txt) ...
Next i

End Sub

So basically inside the Sub I need the information how to access a certain element of any string-array and retrieve it's content ("String")
and how to find out UBound(of_any_string_array) would be great since it would need to handle an extra-variable to store it in the t_Control-Type else everytime the arrays UBound changes.

Petr Schreiber
28-02-2013, 10:51
Hi Rene,

when you need dynamic arrays in UDT, consider approach described here:
"Dynamic Arrays" in my UDT... (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?11862-quot-Dynamic-Arrays-quot-in-my-UDT&highlight=dynamic+array)
