18-02-2013, 13:13
Since there was no QOD for a few days now I intended to create one and I wanted to encrypt the whole stuff later by using senseless, wrong-leading variable-names and stuff to let you guess what the program does. But I don't get that far...
I have some problem that occurs since I have Windows 8 on a few different scripts that ran fine on my old system, even with the Displaylist-Tinker!
There's always some If-Without-Endif-Error-Message + scripts crash.
Now I managed to encapsulate and isolate that to a "smaller" script which is postet here.
important comments and how to get it occur are inside - I didn't encrypt this of course but I repeat the most important in advance:
Do not run in Debug-Mode to get it occur at all - stare at window caption instead - the current executed sub gets displayed there.
When program crashes (does just if you went one folder up once) it always shows last scriptline - i counted all if/endif at least 5 times...
I found out which line does the crash (inside Sub Check_Mouse(), last Window-Caption is "Mouse2" )
Is it a Windows8-issue? Does it run on your machines without crash?
' the script is a small file-explorer-control in TBGL-Window
' if runs, check the caption of TBGL-window,
' the current Sub/Function get's displayed there.
' now do the following:
' run this, (without debbuger, then it doesn't occur!)
' click on the first row which gets displayed there
' it'll lead you to the parent-folder mostly then
' do not need to click again but just move the mouse up then
' -- try to point the windows caption for example --
' it crashes here on my system, the Error-Message says
' missing Endif (If without Endif) in the last line of the script
' you can see at windows caption the last status Mouse2 then
' this line is inside Sub Check_Mouse()
' I tried also:"if mY>=0 and mY <= 511 then" ..., instead of "Between" same result
Uses "TBGL", "FILE"
Begin Const
%NO_ITEM = -1
' fonts
%fSmall = 1
' file-list-types, value is the AscII of related WingDings-Char to display
%ft_myComputer = &H3A
%ft_Volume = &H3B
%ft_Up = &HC7
%ft_SubDir = &H30
%ft_File = &HAB
End Const
Type t_Control ' this is a simple control type for multiple use
X1 As Long ' left
Y1 As Long ' top
X2 As Long ' right
Y2 As Long ' bottom
' txt As String ' unused in this case
' V As Long ' store some common value, unused
First As Long ' first shown element
Count As Long ' number of current shown elements
Extra As Long ' control-specific extra value
' max. number of displayed elements for this one
Slctd As Long ' row inside control that is pointed on, %NO_ITEM if none
End Type
Global XXX As t_Control ' XXX is the used explorer-control
XXX.X1 = 2 ' left
XXX.Y1 = 0 ' top
XXX.X2 = 382 ' right
XXX.Y2 = 511 ' bottom
XXX.Extra = 512 / 16 ' available_height / height_of_a_row
' = max. displayable lines
Type t_Drive
Letter As String ' "C:","D:" etc.
VLabel As String ' volume label
End Type
Global Drive() As t_Drive : ReDim Drive(1) ' holds list of available Drives
Global FileListFile() As String : ReDim FileListFile(1) ' mostly "Filename",
' "Subfolders name"
' "move up"
' "My Computer" etc.
Global FileListType() As Long : ReDim FileListType(1) ' type to the file
' see %ft_CONSTANTS
Global FileListPath As String = APP_ScriptPath ' current path
Global FileListDepth As Long ' example:
' myComputer = always Depth 0
' C:\ = Depth 1
' C:\Windows\ = Depth 2...
Global clWidth As Long = 384 ' prefix window size
Global clHeight As Long = 512
Global hWnd As DWord ' global so can set caption
' from subs and functions
Function TBMain()
Local i As Long
' retrieve initial path-depth
For i = 1 To Len(FileListPath)
If Mid$(FileListPath, i, 1) = "\" Then FileListDepth += 1
Next i
' -- Create and show window
hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("TBGL script - press ESC to quit", clWidth, clHeight, 32, _
TBGL_BuildFont TBGL_FontHandle("System", 9), %fSmall
TBGL_BuildFont TBGL_FontHandle("Wingdings", 12), %fSymbols
' -- load the current directory once
' -- Resets status of all keys
TBGL_UseTexturing FALSE ' will just draw text and boxes...
TBGL_RenderMatrix2D(0, clHeight, clWidth, 0) ' and just 2D
' -- Main loop
While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)
' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While
End Function
Sub Get_DriveList()
Local i As Long
Local lDrv As String
Local lArray() As String
ReDim Drive(1)
TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd,"DRivelist") ' just for debug
For i = 0 To 25 ' check for all letters...
lDrv = Chr$(65 + i) + ":\"
If DIR_Exists(lDrv) Then
Drive(UBound(Drive)).Letter = lDrv
DIR_ListArray(lArray, lDrv, "*", %FILE_VLABEL)
Drive(UBound(Drive)).VLabel = lArray(1)
ReDim Preserve Drive(UBound(Drive) + 1)
ReDim lArray(1)
Next i
' somehow this line should be needed, but then it messes the array up...
' If UBound(Drive) > 1 Then ReDim Preserve Drive(UBound(Drive) - 1)
End Sub
Sub Get_FileList()
'read, sort and order files to their types
Local i, lFiles, lDirs As Long
Local sType, lList() As String
ReDim FileListFile(1) : ReDim FileListType(1)
TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd,"Filelist") ' debug state-display
If FileListDepth = 0 Then
' we're top level, so just display all drives
FileListFile(1) = "my computer"
FileListType(1) = %ft_myComputer
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(UBound(Drive) + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(UBound(Drive) + 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(Drive)
FileListFile(i + 1) = Drive(i).Letter + " [" + Drive(i).Vlabel + "]"
FileListType(i + 1) = %ft_Volume
Next i
' there's always one level up then
FileListFile(1) =".."
fileListType(1) = %ft_Up
' collect subdirs
lDirs = DIR_ListArray(lList, FileListPath,"*", %FILE_SUBDIR)
If lDirs > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(lDirs + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(lDirs + 1)
For i = 1 To lDirs
FileListFile(i + 1) = lList(i)
FileListType(i + 1) = %ft_SubDir
Next i
' collect files
ReDim lList(0)
lFiles = DIR_ListArray(lList, FileListPath,"*.*", %FILE_NORMAL)
If lFiles > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(lFiles + lDirs + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(lFiles + lDirs + 1)
For i = 1 To lFiles
FileListFile(lDirs + i + 1) = lList(i)
sType = Ucase$(FILE_PathSplit(FileListFile(lDirs + i + 1 ), %PATH_EXT ))
FileListType(lDirs + i + 1) = %ft_File
Next i
XXX.First = 1 ' fresh read list, so Element 1 is displayed in first row
XXX.Count = UBound(FileListFile) ' altogether there are this many in list
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM ' kill old selection since list has changed
End Sub
Sub Draw_FileList()
Local i As Long
Local lStart, lLen, lEnd As Double
' calculate top and height of scrollbar
lLen = 16 * XXX.Extra / XXX.Count
lStart = lLen * (XXX.First - 1)
lEnd = lStart + (XXX.Extra + 1) * lLen
' shape it down so it doesnt exceed height of all lines
If lEnd > 16 * XXX.Extra Then lEnd = 16 * XXX.Extra
' draw scrollbar
TBGL_Color 192, 192, 192 ' slider
TBGL_Rect XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1 + lStart, XXX.X2, XXX.Y1 + lEnd
TBGL_Color 128, 128, 128 ' back
TBGL_Rect XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1, XXX.X2, XXX.Y1 + 16 * XXX.Extra
For i = 0 To XXX.Extra - 1
' draw all items in list
If i + XXX.First <= XXX.Count And XXX.First > 0 Then
TBGL_Color 200, 200, 220
TBGL_SetActiveFont %fSymbols
TBGL_PrintFont Chr$(FileListType(i + XXX.First)), XXX.X1, XXX.Y1 + 16 * i + 12
TBGL_SetActiveFont %fSmall
TBGL_PrintFont FileListFile(i + XXX.First), XXX.X1 + 16, XXX.Y1 + 16 * i + 12
If i = XXX.Slctd Then
' highlight the selected item
TBGL_Color 128, 64, 96
TBGL_Rect XXX.X1 , XXX.Y1 + i * 16, XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1 + i * 16 + 16
' actual we are drawing underneath the font,
' curios, isn't it?
Next i
End Sub
Sub Check_Mouse()
Local i, mW, mY As Long
Static last As Long ' store left mousebutton-state
mW = TBGL_MouseGetWheelDelta ' store since can read just once per frame
If TBGL_MouseGetLButton Then
Select Case last
Case 0, 3 ' if was not or went up
last = 1 ' it's down
Case Else
last = 2 ' its hold
End Select
Select Case last
Case 1, 2 ' if was down or hold
last = 3 ' its up
Case Else
last = 0 ' its not
End Select
mY = TBGL_MouseGetPosY
' store that to mY for a second so it does NOT CHANGE for sure
' ===========================================================
If Between(mY , XXX.Y1, XXX.Y2) Then
' (.Y1 = 0,.Y2 = 511)
' ===========================================================
If mW < 0 Then ' mousewheel-action
If XXX.First + XXX.Extra < XXX.Count Then XXX.First += 1
ElseIf mW > 0 Then
If XXX.First > 1 Then XXX.First -= 1
If TBGL_MouseGetPosX < XXX.X2 - 16 Then ' 16=Scrollbar-Width
' the mouse is not over the scroll-bar-area on the right
' so it points somewhere on the text-area
i = mY / 16 ' 16=height of rows
' i = row where mouse points now
' if we're below, limit to the maximum row:
If i >= XXX.Extra Then i = XXX.Extra - 1
If i >= 0 And i < XXX.Count Then
' i is in range of displayed rows
' so selected row for explorer-control is i
XXX.Slctd = i
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM
If last = 1 Then doSomething() ' on Mouse_down do sub click()
'mouse points ot of range
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM
End Sub
Sub doSomething()
' this is just the click-event on explorer-control
Local i, lLen As Long
If Between(TBGL_MouseGetPosY, XXX.Y1, XXX.Y2 ) Then
' we are inside list for sure
If TBGL_MouseGetPosX < XXX.X2 - 16 Then ' we're not on scrollbar
If XXX.Slctd < 0 Then Exit Sub ' selected item is outside range
i = XXX.First + XXX.Slctd ' i=index of filelistitem
' now select type of that clicked list-element
Select Case FileListType(i)
Case %ft_Volume
fileListDepth = 1
fileListPath = Drive(i - 1).Letter
' (i-1) is because in this case the first item is "my computer"
' and the second filelist-item is the first Drive()...
Case %ft_Up
' go to parent-folder
If FileListDepth = 1 Then
FileListDepth = 0
For i = Len(FileListPath) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
If Mid$(FileListPath, i, 1) = "\" Then
FileListPath = LEFT$(FileListPath, i)
FileListDepth -= 1
Exit For
Next i
Case %ft_SubDir
FileListPath = FileListPath + FileListFile(i) + "\"
fileListDepth += 1
End Select
' read in this folder:
' click on scrollbar
lLen = (16 * XXX.Extra) / XXX.Count
XXX.First = TBGL_MouseGetPosY / lLen
If XXX.First + XXX.Extra > XXX.Count Then
XXX.First = XXX.Count - XXX.Extra
ElseIf XXX.First < 1 Then
XXX.First = 1
End Sub
EDIT: [OT] Hey, the forum doesn't display anymore if anyone has read this at all. Could at least just show some number... :( ...and Forums front page doesn't tell me if any of my friends were online today...
I have some problem that occurs since I have Windows 8 on a few different scripts that ran fine on my old system, even with the Displaylist-Tinker!
There's always some If-Without-Endif-Error-Message + scripts crash.
Now I managed to encapsulate and isolate that to a "smaller" script which is postet here.
important comments and how to get it occur are inside - I didn't encrypt this of course but I repeat the most important in advance:
Do not run in Debug-Mode to get it occur at all - stare at window caption instead - the current executed sub gets displayed there.
When program crashes (does just if you went one folder up once) it always shows last scriptline - i counted all if/endif at least 5 times...
I found out which line does the crash (inside Sub Check_Mouse(), last Window-Caption is "Mouse2" )
Is it a Windows8-issue? Does it run on your machines without crash?
' the script is a small file-explorer-control in TBGL-Window
' if runs, check the caption of TBGL-window,
' the current Sub/Function get's displayed there.
' now do the following:
' run this, (without debbuger, then it doesn't occur!)
' click on the first row which gets displayed there
' it'll lead you to the parent-folder mostly then
' do not need to click again but just move the mouse up then
' -- try to point the windows caption for example --
' it crashes here on my system, the Error-Message says
' missing Endif (If without Endif) in the last line of the script
' you can see at windows caption the last status Mouse2 then
' this line is inside Sub Check_Mouse()
' I tried also:"if mY>=0 and mY <= 511 then" ..., instead of "Between" same result
Uses "TBGL", "FILE"
Begin Const
%NO_ITEM = -1
' fonts
%fSmall = 1
' file-list-types, value is the AscII of related WingDings-Char to display
%ft_myComputer = &H3A
%ft_Volume = &H3B
%ft_Up = &HC7
%ft_SubDir = &H30
%ft_File = &HAB
End Const
Type t_Control ' this is a simple control type for multiple use
X1 As Long ' left
Y1 As Long ' top
X2 As Long ' right
Y2 As Long ' bottom
' txt As String ' unused in this case
' V As Long ' store some common value, unused
First As Long ' first shown element
Count As Long ' number of current shown elements
Extra As Long ' control-specific extra value
' max. number of displayed elements for this one
Slctd As Long ' row inside control that is pointed on, %NO_ITEM if none
End Type
Global XXX As t_Control ' XXX is the used explorer-control
XXX.X1 = 2 ' left
XXX.Y1 = 0 ' top
XXX.X2 = 382 ' right
XXX.Y2 = 511 ' bottom
XXX.Extra = 512 / 16 ' available_height / height_of_a_row
' = max. displayable lines
Type t_Drive
Letter As String ' "C:","D:" etc.
VLabel As String ' volume label
End Type
Global Drive() As t_Drive : ReDim Drive(1) ' holds list of available Drives
Global FileListFile() As String : ReDim FileListFile(1) ' mostly "Filename",
' "Subfolders name"
' "move up"
' "My Computer" etc.
Global FileListType() As Long : ReDim FileListType(1) ' type to the file
' see %ft_CONSTANTS
Global FileListPath As String = APP_ScriptPath ' current path
Global FileListDepth As Long ' example:
' myComputer = always Depth 0
' C:\ = Depth 1
' C:\Windows\ = Depth 2...
Global clWidth As Long = 384 ' prefix window size
Global clHeight As Long = 512
Global hWnd As DWord ' global so can set caption
' from subs and functions
Function TBMain()
Local i As Long
' retrieve initial path-depth
For i = 1 To Len(FileListPath)
If Mid$(FileListPath, i, 1) = "\" Then FileListDepth += 1
Next i
' -- Create and show window
hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("TBGL script - press ESC to quit", clWidth, clHeight, 32, _
TBGL_BuildFont TBGL_FontHandle("System", 9), %fSmall
TBGL_BuildFont TBGL_FontHandle("Wingdings", 12), %fSymbols
' -- load the current directory once
' -- Resets status of all keys
TBGL_UseTexturing FALSE ' will just draw text and boxes...
TBGL_RenderMatrix2D(0, clHeight, clWidth, 0) ' and just 2D
' -- Main loop
While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)
' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While
End Function
Sub Get_DriveList()
Local i As Long
Local lDrv As String
Local lArray() As String
ReDim Drive(1)
TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd,"DRivelist") ' just for debug
For i = 0 To 25 ' check for all letters...
lDrv = Chr$(65 + i) + ":\"
If DIR_Exists(lDrv) Then
Drive(UBound(Drive)).Letter = lDrv
DIR_ListArray(lArray, lDrv, "*", %FILE_VLABEL)
Drive(UBound(Drive)).VLabel = lArray(1)
ReDim Preserve Drive(UBound(Drive) + 1)
ReDim lArray(1)
Next i
' somehow this line should be needed, but then it messes the array up...
' If UBound(Drive) > 1 Then ReDim Preserve Drive(UBound(Drive) - 1)
End Sub
Sub Get_FileList()
'read, sort and order files to their types
Local i, lFiles, lDirs As Long
Local sType, lList() As String
ReDim FileListFile(1) : ReDim FileListType(1)
TBGL_SetWindowTitle(hWnd,"Filelist") ' debug state-display
If FileListDepth = 0 Then
' we're top level, so just display all drives
FileListFile(1) = "my computer"
FileListType(1) = %ft_myComputer
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(UBound(Drive) + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(UBound(Drive) + 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(Drive)
FileListFile(i + 1) = Drive(i).Letter + " [" + Drive(i).Vlabel + "]"
FileListType(i + 1) = %ft_Volume
Next i
' there's always one level up then
FileListFile(1) =".."
fileListType(1) = %ft_Up
' collect subdirs
lDirs = DIR_ListArray(lList, FileListPath,"*", %FILE_SUBDIR)
If lDirs > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(lDirs + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(lDirs + 1)
For i = 1 To lDirs
FileListFile(i + 1) = lList(i)
FileListType(i + 1) = %ft_SubDir
Next i
' collect files
ReDim lList(0)
lFiles = DIR_ListArray(lList, FileListPath,"*.*", %FILE_NORMAL)
If lFiles > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve FileListFile(lFiles + lDirs + 1)
ReDim Preserve FileListType(lFiles + lDirs + 1)
For i = 1 To lFiles
FileListFile(lDirs + i + 1) = lList(i)
sType = Ucase$(FILE_PathSplit(FileListFile(lDirs + i + 1 ), %PATH_EXT ))
FileListType(lDirs + i + 1) = %ft_File
Next i
XXX.First = 1 ' fresh read list, so Element 1 is displayed in first row
XXX.Count = UBound(FileListFile) ' altogether there are this many in list
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM ' kill old selection since list has changed
End Sub
Sub Draw_FileList()
Local i As Long
Local lStart, lLen, lEnd As Double
' calculate top and height of scrollbar
lLen = 16 * XXX.Extra / XXX.Count
lStart = lLen * (XXX.First - 1)
lEnd = lStart + (XXX.Extra + 1) * lLen
' shape it down so it doesnt exceed height of all lines
If lEnd > 16 * XXX.Extra Then lEnd = 16 * XXX.Extra
' draw scrollbar
TBGL_Color 192, 192, 192 ' slider
TBGL_Rect XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1 + lStart, XXX.X2, XXX.Y1 + lEnd
TBGL_Color 128, 128, 128 ' back
TBGL_Rect XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1, XXX.X2, XXX.Y1 + 16 * XXX.Extra
For i = 0 To XXX.Extra - 1
' draw all items in list
If i + XXX.First <= XXX.Count And XXX.First > 0 Then
TBGL_Color 200, 200, 220
TBGL_SetActiveFont %fSymbols
TBGL_PrintFont Chr$(FileListType(i + XXX.First)), XXX.X1, XXX.Y1 + 16 * i + 12
TBGL_SetActiveFont %fSmall
TBGL_PrintFont FileListFile(i + XXX.First), XXX.X1 + 16, XXX.Y1 + 16 * i + 12
If i = XXX.Slctd Then
' highlight the selected item
TBGL_Color 128, 64, 96
TBGL_Rect XXX.X1 , XXX.Y1 + i * 16, XXX.X2 - 16, XXX.Y1 + i * 16 + 16
' actual we are drawing underneath the font,
' curios, isn't it?
Next i
End Sub
Sub Check_Mouse()
Local i, mW, mY As Long
Static last As Long ' store left mousebutton-state
mW = TBGL_MouseGetWheelDelta ' store since can read just once per frame
If TBGL_MouseGetLButton Then
Select Case last
Case 0, 3 ' if was not or went up
last = 1 ' it's down
Case Else
last = 2 ' its hold
End Select
Select Case last
Case 1, 2 ' if was down or hold
last = 3 ' its up
Case Else
last = 0 ' its not
End Select
mY = TBGL_MouseGetPosY
' store that to mY for a second so it does NOT CHANGE for sure
' ===========================================================
If Between(mY , XXX.Y1, XXX.Y2) Then
' (.Y1 = 0,.Y2 = 511)
' ===========================================================
If mW < 0 Then ' mousewheel-action
If XXX.First + XXX.Extra < XXX.Count Then XXX.First += 1
ElseIf mW > 0 Then
If XXX.First > 1 Then XXX.First -= 1
If TBGL_MouseGetPosX < XXX.X2 - 16 Then ' 16=Scrollbar-Width
' the mouse is not over the scroll-bar-area on the right
' so it points somewhere on the text-area
i = mY / 16 ' 16=height of rows
' i = row where mouse points now
' if we're below, limit to the maximum row:
If i >= XXX.Extra Then i = XXX.Extra - 1
If i >= 0 And i < XXX.Count Then
' i is in range of displayed rows
' so selected row for explorer-control is i
XXX.Slctd = i
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM
If last = 1 Then doSomething() ' on Mouse_down do sub click()
'mouse points ot of range
XXX.Slctd = %NO_ITEM
End Sub
Sub doSomething()
' this is just the click-event on explorer-control
Local i, lLen As Long
If Between(TBGL_MouseGetPosY, XXX.Y1, XXX.Y2 ) Then
' we are inside list for sure
If TBGL_MouseGetPosX < XXX.X2 - 16 Then ' we're not on scrollbar
If XXX.Slctd < 0 Then Exit Sub ' selected item is outside range
i = XXX.First + XXX.Slctd ' i=index of filelistitem
' now select type of that clicked list-element
Select Case FileListType(i)
Case %ft_Volume
fileListDepth = 1
fileListPath = Drive(i - 1).Letter
' (i-1) is because in this case the first item is "my computer"
' and the second filelist-item is the first Drive()...
Case %ft_Up
' go to parent-folder
If FileListDepth = 1 Then
FileListDepth = 0
For i = Len(FileListPath) - 1 To 1 Step - 1
If Mid$(FileListPath, i, 1) = "\" Then
FileListPath = LEFT$(FileListPath, i)
FileListDepth -= 1
Exit For
Next i
Case %ft_SubDir
FileListPath = FileListPath + FileListFile(i) + "\"
fileListDepth += 1
End Select
' read in this folder:
' click on scrollbar
lLen = (16 * XXX.Extra) / XXX.Count
XXX.First = TBGL_MouseGetPosY / lLen
If XXX.First + XXX.Extra > XXX.Count Then
XXX.First = XXX.Count - XXX.Extra
ElseIf XXX.First < 1 Then
XXX.First = 1
End Sub
EDIT: [OT] Hey, the forum doesn't display anymore if anyone has read this at all. Could at least just show some number... :( ...and Forums front page doesn't tell me if any of my friends were online today...