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View Full Version : Prometheus (Movie) and Galaxie / Universe Model :-)

04-01-2013, 12:24

last days I've seen some very good films (movies). total recall and prometheus. one of them, "prometheus" (written by ridley scott) have had a very interesting "TBGL" possible creation of galaxie/universe model. between circa 119-121 film minutes you can see by the android "dave" (he activated the cockpit of the "mankind maker" the galaxie model where you can find also the blue earth planet. it's very impressive I think and I can imagine it's possible to switch with tbgl such a complex universe/galaxie model around yourself. it's a link to the film if you like to see more.

the content of the film: some scientists want to find the creator of our "mankind" on earth and there are flying to another planet system where they suppose to find more answers. prometheus is the name of space ship. "david" the android has a very important task on this adventure and there's a solution where the beastie aliens came from at the end of the film too. I think there will be a continued movie in next year or later. that's all. bye, largo

addendum: my silly mistake, I didn't know that article mentioned from eros in march 2012. If I posted these lines the related articles to this topic was seen from me afterwards.


05-02-2013, 20:13

a new continuation of Prometheus movie by Ridley Scott is planned :) infos you can find by the link above.

Petr Schreiber
05-02-2013, 23:38
Hi Largo,

well, that galaxy map would be probably doable in TBGL, but it would need looot of work involved :)
- texturing the lines for digital noise
- adding some glow by render to texture
- slicing the geometry to approximate DOF effect

I think the authors spent many nights doing the effect in Adobe After Effects, coding it from the scratch would probably eat even more time :)
