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View Full Version : TBGL+ multiple Dialogs?

28-11-2012, 19:14
Currently I'm fighting with them Dialogs together with TBGL-Window - that results always in getting stuck.
Now I'm that far to use TBGL-bound canvas but somehow it won't work as expected. I think it has to do with Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgCallback - which one has to be "parent-dialog" ?

I want to create an editor-environment with

-one (main) window that only shows TBGL-Stuff where the art is done (resizable, keep proportions)

and a few separate windows(dialogs) to control the whole stuff:

-one that has just menu (file, edit, view etc.) + toolbuttonbar + statusdisplay (fixed size)
-another window where user can select drawing tools + tool options (fixed size, floats always on top)
-a third one that shows a tab-control with a few tabs that contain listview(s), treeview(s), some color-picker etc. (resizable)
-another window that just shows the currently used texture (resizable) and is not always visible

but if I use TBGL-in-Dialog-Entity-Skeleton I don't get even one additional window to run :(

Petr Schreiber
28-11-2012, 19:32
Hi Rene,

what you describe is definitely possible - please have a look at the difference between modal and modeless dialogs.


28-11-2012, 23:10
modeless the windows disappear instantly, modal the program gets stuck, after a couple of hours without any success I'm gonna give up trying. I don't get even the simplest skeleton together and resulting I say:

"That weird callback-stuff IS NO BASIC LANGUAGE"

Petr Schreiber
29-11-2012, 09:53
Don't give up!

The code listing in help file for modeless states clearly that you need to pump the modeless windows to keep-em alive.

"That weird callback stuff" keeps the CPU footprint low and yes, it is present for example in PowerBASIC as well :)


modeless the windows disappear instantly, modal the program gets stuck, after a couple of hours without any success I'm gonna give up trying. I don't get even the simplest skeleton together and resulting I say:

"That weird callback-stuff IS NO BASIC LANGUAGE"

07-02-2013, 20:00
Trying not for hours but for months now. It's the about 20th attempt - still did not give up yet.
Not that easy without getting a major crisis- probably that hard to get it working or impossible that's why none of you even suggested a solution.
Until my new PC gets delivered (has NVidia-Card!) I still have some days left, so I try again to find out if I can use thinBasic to create the program I that want.

I reduced the amount of windows to just 4 at the moment - 2 of them shall be always visible,(Menu+Render-Window), but I can't get more to see than one. I searched help and the shipped examples - found no Pump-Method described anywhere. As said, I tried Modeless, Modal, setup of second window inside or before dlgCallbackMain, in lots of different orders, the only results I get are frustration, rage, system-hang-ups and compiler-crashes.

Uses "UI", "TBGL"
'Uses "Console"

' -- Control-Flags, just for me

Const %ME_IsNotDialog = &H00000000
Const %ME_ShowAlways = &H00000001 ' closing this will end program
Const %ME_ShowModeless = &H00000002
Const %ME_ShowModal = &H00000004

' not a ControlID
Const %no_Focus = -1

' -- ID numbers of controls

Begin ControlID
%Screen = 1 ' store desktop-info in here

' - Dialogs

' - Menu on Main-Dialog





' - other common UI-Controls

' %btn_HelpAboutOK ' no Help-"About..." window yet


' - internal controls with special treatment
%tmr_TBGL ' timer applied on TBGL-Dialog

End ControlID

' -- Scene-Entity related ids
Begin Const
' -- Scene IDs
%sScene = 1

' -- Entity IDs
%eCamera = 1
End Const

' create a type for common control-properties
Type tControl
hndl As DWord

XPos As DWord
YPos As DWord
Width As DWord
Height As DWord

Caption As String
Visible As Boolean
Enabled As Boolean
Checked As Boolean

ME_Flags As Long
WS_Flags As Long
End Type

Dim ctrl(%Control_LAST - 1) As tControl

Dim FocusOnDlg As DWord ' store Hndl of the current focussed Dialog
Dim FocusOnCtrl As DWord ' and current focussed Control (not yet available)

Function TBMain()

If Not meets_requirements() Then End

MENU New Bar To ctrl(%men_Main).hndl
MENU New Popup To ctrl(%men_FileMenu).hndl
MENU Add Popup, ctrl(%men_Main).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_FileMenu).Caption, _
ctrl(%men_FileMenu).hndl, _
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_FileMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_FileNew).Caption, _
%men_FileNew, %MF_ENABLED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_FileMenu).hndl, "-", 0, 0

MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_FileMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_FileExit).Caption, _
%men_FileExit, %MF_ENABLED
MENU New Popup To ctrl(%men_EditMenu).hndl
MENU Add Popup, ctrl(%men_Main).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).Caption, _
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).hndl, %MF_ENABLED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_EditMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_EditCopy).Caption, _
%men_EditCopy, %MF_GRAYED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_EditMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_EditCut).Caption, _
%men_EditCut, %MF_GRAYED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_EditMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_EditPaste).Caption, _
%men_EditPaste, %MF_GRAYED
MENU New Popup To ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).hndl
MENU Add Popup, ctrl(%men_Main).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).Caption, _
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).hndl, %MF_ENABLED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_ViewTools).Caption, _
%men_ViewTools, %MF_ENABLED
MENU New Popup To ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).hndl
MENU Add Popup, ctrl(%men_Main).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).Caption, _
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).hndl, %MF_ENABLED Or %MF_CHECKED
MENU Add String, ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).hndl, _
ctrl(%men_HelpAbout).Caption, _
%men_HelpAbout, %MF_ENABLED

Dialog New Pixels, 0, ctrl(%dlg_Main).Caption, _
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Xpos, ctrl(%dlg_Main).Ypos, _
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Width,ctrl(%dlg_Main).Height, _
ctrl(%dlg_Main).WS_Flags, _
0 To ctrl(%dlg_Main).hndl
MENU Attach ctrl(%men_Main).hndl, ctrl(%dlg_Main).hndl

ctrl(%status_Main).hndl = Control Add Statusbar, _
ctrl(%dlg_Main).hndl, _
%status_Main, "", _
0,0,0, 24, %CCS_BOTTOM, _

Dialog Show Modal ctrl(%dlg_Main).hndl, Call dlgCallbackMain

End Function

CallBack Function dlgCallbackMain()

Select Case CBMSG

Dialog New Pixels, ctrl(%dlg_Main).hndl, ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Caption, _
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Xpos, ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Ypos, _
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Width,ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Height, _
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).WS_Flags, _
0 To ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).hndl
ctrl(%canvas_TBGL).hndl = Control Add Label, _
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).hndl, _
%canvas_TBGL, "", _
0, 0, ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Width, ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Height
Control Set Color ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).hndl, %canvas_TBGL, %BLACK, %BLACK
Control Set Resize ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).hndl, %canvas_TBGL, 1, 1, 1, 1
Dialog Show Modeless ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).hndl, Call dlgCallbackTBGL



Select Case CBCTL

Case %men_FileExit


End Select

End Select
End Function

CallBack Function dlgCallbackTBGL()
Static hCtrl As DWord

Select Case CBMSG

Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %tmr_TBGL, 16, %NULL
Control Handle CBHNDL, %canvas_TBGL To hCtrl

' -- Init OpenGL

' -- Create scene

' -- Create basic entities
' -- Create camera to look from 5, 5, 5 to 0, 0, 0
TBGL_EntityCreateCamera(%sScene, %eCamera)
TBGL_EntitySetPos(%sScene, %eCamera, 5, 5, 5)
TBGL_EntitySetTargetPos(%sScene, %eCamera, 0, 0, 0)

' -- Create point light
TBGL_EntityCreateLight(%sScene, %eLight)
TBGL_EntitySetPos(%sScene, %eLight, 15, 10, 5)

' -- Create something to look at
TBGL_EntityCreateBox(%sScene, %eBox, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 255, 255, 255)
TBGL_EntitySetPos(%sScene, %eBox, 0, 0, 0)




End Select
End Function

Function RenderMyImage( hCtrl As DWord )
Static FrameRate As Double

If TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) Then

FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate




End If
End Function

Function meets_requirements() As Boolean

' check for available desktop-size
' also apply sizes and captions in advance
' might be done by an extra sub which loads localized strings later

TBGL_GetDesktopInfo _
( ctrl(%Screen).Width, ctrl(%Screen).Height, ctrl(%Screen).WS_Flags )

Select Case ctrl(%Screen).Width
Case > 1024
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Width = 1024
Case > 800
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Width = 800
Case > 640
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Width = 640
Case Else
' PrintL "can not run because screen is not wide enough"
' Console_WaitKey
Return FALSE
End Select

Select Case ctrl(%Screen).Height
Case > 768
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Height = 768
Case > 600
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Height = 600
Case > 480
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Height = 480
Case Else
'PrintL "can not run because screen is not high enough"
Return FALSE
End Select

If ctrl(%Screen).WS_Flags < 16 Then
'PrintL "can not run because color-depth is too low"
Return FALSE

ctrl(%dlg_Main).XPos = 24
ctrl(%dlg_Main).YPos = 24
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Width = 512
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Height = 56
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Caption = "Main-Menu"
ctrl(%dlg_Main).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%dlg_Main).ME_Flags = %ME_ShowAlways
ctrl(%dlg_Main).WS_Flags = %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _

ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).XPos = -1
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).YPos = -1
' width and height are determined above already
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Caption = "Render-Window"
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).ME_Flags = %ME_ShowAlways
ctrl(%dlg_TBGL).WS_Flags = %WS_VISIBLE Or %WS_CHILD Or _

ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Xpos = 16
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Ypos = 128
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Width = 64
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Height = 192
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Caption = "Tools"
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).ME_Flags = %ME_ShowModeless
ctrl(%dlg_Tools).WS_Flags = %WS_VISIBLE Or %WS_CHILD Or _

ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).XPos = -1
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).YPos = -1
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).Width = 200
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).Height = 200
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).Caption = "About"
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).Visible = FALSE
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).ME_Flags = %ME_ShowModal
ctrl(%dlg_HelpAbout).WS_Flags = %WS_VISIBLE Or %WS_CHILD Or _

ctrl(%men_FileMenu).Caption = "&File"
ctrl(%men_FileMenu).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileMenu).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileMenu).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_FileNew).Caption = "&New"
ctrl(%men_FileNew).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileNew).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileNew).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_FileExit).Caption = "&Exit"
ctrl(%men_FileExit).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileExit).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_FileExit).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).Caption = "&Edit"
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_EditMenu).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditCopy).Caption = "&Copy"
ctrl(%men_EditCopy).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_EditCopy).Enabled = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditCopy).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditCut).Caption = "Cu&t"
ctrl(%men_EditCut).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_EditCut).Enabled = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditCut).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditPaste).Caption = "&Paste"
ctrl(%men_EditPaste).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_EditPaste).Enabled = FALSE
ctrl(%men_EditPaste).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).Caption = "&View"
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_ViewMenu).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_ViewTools).Caption = "&Tools"
ctrl(%men_ViewTools).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_ViewTools).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_ViewTools).Checked = TRUE
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).Caption = "&Help"
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_HelpMenu).Checked = FALSE
ctrl(%men_HelpAbout).Caption = "&About..."
ctrl(%men_HelpAbout).Visible = TRUE
ctrl(%men_HelpAbout).Enabled = TRUE
ctrl(%men_HelpAbout).Checked = TRUE

Return TRUE
End Function

Petr Schreiber
07-02-2013, 20:07
Hi Rene,

you are a fighter, I like it :D
I will have a look at your code now - in the meantime, which NVIDIA card did you pick?


07-02-2013, 20:13
its a GForce sixhundredsomething (don't know exactly, guess 680 GT - but forgotten) with 2048 MB DDR3. Should be here by tomorrow or saturday

small typo: the %MF_Checked-Switch in line 137 is supposed to be at line 133.

Petr Schreiber
07-02-2013, 20:48
Now I know why the manufacturer name is NVIDIA - now I envy you the 6xx series card :unguee:

But good news, I attach code here for you, which shows 2 ThinBASIC classic dialogs and one dialog with TBGL canvas.

I can recommend to split your code to units - main code (tBasic) + one dialog in each unit (tBasicU) is usually fine. This avoids the code to becoming one long noodle.

With this approach, the main code might look as simple as this:

' Script showing multiple dialogs

' -- Include all dialogs
#INCLUDE "dialog_*.tBasicU"

Function TBMain()

Long NumberOfDialogsAlive

' -- Show the dialogs
DWord hMainWindow = MainWindow_Show(%HWND_DESKTOP) ' -- Display on top of desktop
DWord hToolWindow = ToolWindow_Show(hMainWindow) ' -- This makes the tool window to be child of MainWindow
DWord hRenderWindow = RenderWindow_Show(hMainWindow) ' -- This makes the render window to be child of MainWindow

' -- Rearrange them as you want
Dialog Set Loc hMainWindow , 100, 100
Dialog Set Loc hToolWindow , 440, 100
Dialog Set Loc hRenderWindow, 100, 170

' -- Main pump keeping our dialogs alive

Dialog DoEvents To NumberOfDialogsAlive

Loop While NumberOfDialogsAlive > 0 ' -- You can change the ending condition to something else, for example main window closed and so on

End Function

In the attachement you will find working example...


P.S. The pumping mechanism actually is mentioned by example in the help for MODELESS

07-02-2013, 21:16
thanx, that helps a lot.
just little complain about "ToolWindow.tBasicu": lines 51 to 58 should be commented out.
Splitting it to modules is a great improvement and offers lots of overview :D