View Full Version : Wrong error_line nuber
Please look at the attached jpg file.
The error line should be #6, but the report is #15.
This could be troublesome for a newbie, if the program is lengthy.
thinbasic suport the multilines strings such as
msgbox 0, "this is
a test
end sub
will give you
in your code note that end sub are in light red color ie the same as what is inside quotes, the debugger think that all words after the first quote are a string until he reaches the second quote. but there is no second quote. so it gives the correct info. ie "missing quote _ Line number 14"
it is not an excellent debugger, but informative, and sometimes good and sometimes very good.
07-03-2012, 22:28
Hi chliu,
zak is correct. thinBasic supports implicit line continuation and multi line strings.
In your code there is no double quote so thinBasic parser continues till it will find a double quote or the end of the script whichever comes first. In this case end of script comes first. At that time parser is able to produce a run time error.
Yes, maybe it should interpret the situation better but the advantages of having such a functionality (I mean: multi line strings) is great for many programmers.
I will see if I can improve error handling a bit is such circumstance
Thank you for all your answers.
Anyway, thinBasic is so friendly, like old friends (qb45,vb6)
and it even does much more things then them!
A wonderful language, I love it!