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View Full Version : Forum upgraded to version 4.1.10

15-01-2012, 12:59
During the day this forum will be updated to vBulletin 4.1.10 (https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/394386-vBulletin-com-Forum-upgraded-to-vBulletin-4-1-10-FULL-VERSION) (latest available so far)

Do not know exactly when due to the many steps to check.
Will give back when done.

15-01-2012, 17:11
All done.
Let me know if you encounter any bug.

Petr Schreiber
15-01-2012, 23:27
Thanks Eros,

so far the forum seems to look ok, no problems observed.

What is the best is that issue related to moving cursor during editing is fixed. I thought it is FireFox problem, but the fix list you linked mentions this.


Michael Clease
15-01-2012, 23:35
The layout of the Latest posts is messed up on the iPhone, the text is ontop of the icons.

15-01-2012, 23:51
So far, my experience is that, all post formatting has disappeared.

16-01-2012, 00:57
The layout of the Latest posts is messed up on the iPhone, the text is ontop of the icons.
I should have fixed it installing latest version of VSA Advanced Stats (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=235841)

16-01-2012, 00:58
So far, my experience is that, all post formatting has disappeared.
Sorry but I do not get it.
What formatting disappeared?
What browser are you using?

16-01-2012, 02:29
Now, it's reappeared.

Previously today, there were no icons and menus between the message's title and the text box.

I couldn't change the font, the text color, tag text as a hyperlink, etc.

But now, everything is OK.

All's well that ends well.

(Firefox 9.0.1)