View Full Version : Allies of Humanity

Charles Pegge
13-01-2012, 09:14
A timely warning about the true intentions of the visitors and their modes of operation.

Marshall Vian Summers



On-line book


13-01-2012, 23:17
I read the Third Briefing.

"Why do your visitors want your world? It is so very obvious. It is not you they are interested in particularly. It is the biological resources of your world. It is the strategic position of this solar system."

This is hard for me to understand.

These "explorers and conquerors" have the technological ability to get to Earth, but, they don't have the technological ability to kill off humanity by biological means?

Even humans are now engineering diseases (HIV-AIDS, various types of flu, SARS (<-- my guesses)).

They, for instance, cannot cause humanity to become sterile, to cease to be able to reproduce?

Additionally, we, as humans, can already see that technology leads to the replacement of humans, by computerized machines.

An example is how fewer and fewer people are involved in the construction of an automobile.

And, before long, it seems to me that all fighter jets will be unmanned (humans cannot withstand the g-forces, humans cannot think quickly enough, humans receive a salary).

(Actually, we, as humans are seeing that a main reason that work becomes always increasingly mechanized, is that, it allows an ever decreasing group to be able to hoard all of the resources. We are seeing a great competition in which the only reliable jobs are those which computerize and mechanize other work. The irony is that, ultimately, the vast majority (But, each thinks, "Not me.", right? Their concerns extend at most to their offspring. Friendly, smiling, charming, cooperative people, but good?) of those with such jobs, will unwittingly succeed in eliminating their own employment. They'll cooperate with the system (never ever publicly complaining about unfairness. I think the reasons are, selfishness, indifference, fear.), and happily advance within it, until the day they are fired. And then, when they howl at the, "injustice", they will have no one's sympathy or companionship.)

So, I don't see the value of humans as a slave species.

If they want Earth, it seems to me that the best way for them would be to make humanity extinct, and then to take the planet for themselves.

It seems much simpler and more efficient than going through all of the time and energy consuming, deception, interbreeding, etc.

I don't see the value of a superior species manipulating and enslaving an inferior species.

We, as humans, don't have monkeys working in mines, now, we mostly have machines do the work.

I think that using biological organisms to do work is terribly inefficient as compared to having machines do work.

Another example - we use machines to reduce the height of lawns (grass), not goats.

I'm not saying this new information is correct or incorrect, how should I know?

I do think it is depressing if those who claim they are here to save us from the Illuminati, are actually a worse version of the Illuminati.

The Galactic Channelings are actually attempts at deception?

This is too much for me to integrate in one day.

(I guess the argument could be made that if there are competing alien groups who want Earth, political pressures might prevent one group from just destroying Homo Sapiens. We have human analogies. --> Today, if a powerful country wants the resources of a powerless country, it doesn't just go there and kill everyone, the publicity would be too bad. It instead has to look like it is helping the little country, while it legally steals from it. I guess it could be similar for the intra-galactic community.)

Charles Pegge
14-01-2012, 00:27
He is saying that they are neither totally benign nor totally evil but have their own agenda and may seek to engage with us in a way which may not serve our interests as self-determined individuals. Apparently free-will is a rare commodity - most civilisations out there end up as collectives - like bee-hives with highly conformant members.

He says the higher beings - 'the unseen ones' seek to protect us through knowledge, but will not intervene directly.

This is all very generalised stuff, and he never goes into detail but speaking of infiltration, having to live underground, abducting people and performing hybridisation experiments, this does seems to point to one particular group...


14-01-2012, 01:12

In December, I heard a guy on my radio show who wrote a book about it.


I felt the interviewer should have challenged him, but didn't.

So, I wrote a review of the book on Amazon (the only review I ever wrote).


(Yes, you can claim my review is not valid, because, I didn't read the book. But, I rationalize what I did, by believing I knew exactly what I wanted to criticize, from what he said during the interview.)

14-01-2012, 11:03
I can see how the argument could be made that free will must be an illusion.

Science knows about two types of physical processes, deterministic (like the orbits of the planets), and random (like the decay of a radioactive isotope).

Deterministic systems can be very non-linear, practically meaning, that it is very difficult to predict their future states. However, theoretically, with enough information, it is possible to calculate any deterministic system's future state, now.

I think that, after you throw out all of the mumbo-jumbo, the free will deniers are saying that we (humans) are very non-linear, but, deterministic. In that case, we have no free will. With enough information, what any of us will do on Christmas Day, next year, at 2:32 PM, can be precisely calculated now.

The deniers are saying that there are only the two types of physical processes, deterministic and random, therefore, the brain must operate according to one and/or the other of them.

To them, that rules out the possibility of free will.

(Interestingly, from quantum mechanics, it is known that some processes are random, but, no one knows how such a process could be effected. Every attempt by humans to produce randomness, is actually deterministic. Even the ping pong balls that are picked in Super Lotto, are actually deterministic - extremely non-linear, but deterministic. So, humans are able to simulate randomness, and are able to use physical processes that are actually random, like radioactive decay, or, electronic white noise, but, humans cannot create randomness. And, if I am correct, no human understands the mechanism of randomness.)

I will say that I also don't understand how free will could work. I'm not saying that I don't think it is possible, but, I can't imagine how it could be.

For instance, in computers, there is nothing which makes a decision. Every switch functions as it is programmed to function.

Similarly, if the human brain is analogous to a computer, then, how could anything in it make a decision?

Maybe, inside everyone's brain, lives a little man, and he makes the decisions. Similarly, inside his brain lives a little man..

Charles Pegge
14-01-2012, 20:30
Here is a group with almost the opposite view about ETs, or one particular type at least:



15-01-2012, 09:29
I finally had time to watch the interview. While listening to him, a lot of thoughts about Star Trek came to me. While very entertaining to listen to what he said and some neat observations are presented, some big points hit me wrong.

The aliens, can't directly take over the Earth because of biological reasons. They want the Earth for its resources. Why not then use the other planets, most have no life supposedly and are abundant with resources.

He also mentions that it is not like the new frontier or like the early days of the west where there is plenty of space for everyone. That strict lanes of trade are made, space is broken into territories etc... this would then mean that the Universe is not infinite, that there are boundaries and hence the congestion and thirst for resources.

As advanced as space venturing beings would need to be, to travel by manipulating gravity, means having access to tremendous energy. And as we see the crafts that we see are not that big. So this means some sort of zero point energy device on board. This means access to almost unlimited energy with such a device. That sort of energy can then be turned into matter of any kind given the right technology. So this idea that aliens are all over the Earth just for resources just doesn't do anything for me. Resources in space are everywhere. Every asteroid, planet, moon and lets not forget dark energy and dark matter.

Also this week I read that it now it looks like every star has planets around them, so this idea of coming to our tiny planet like we are the last resource source available seems strange to me. Like the old notion that we were the center of the universe.

Heard this on the radio this weekend:
Supposedly Isaac Newton had this wonderful hand crafted movable model of our solar system on his desk. He had an atheist friend visit one day and the friend just marveled at this model and asked "Who made this incredible model of the solar system?". Newton answered, "no one". The friend asked again, "come on... who made this model?". Again Newton answered "No one". I don't know if his atheist friend got it or not, but I thought it was funny, clever story :)

15-01-2012, 10:20
I can't watch the interview, but, what you wrote makes sense to me.

I like the story about Newton. It makes him seem like a real, likeable person, besides being one of the greatest geniuses. By the way, he was a very industrious guy. I think they made him head of the British treasury, or mint. He would solve problems, such as the Brachistochrone problem,


when he had a few spare minutes. I think he published the solution to that problem anonymously, and, when one of the Bernoullis (of the mathematician family) saw it, he said, "I recognize the lion's paw.".

Again concerning the story about Newton. I thought something similar about Shakespeare. Of course, it is well known that many people believe Shakespeare did not write what he is generally credited with writing. Sometimes I would say to someone, "You know, they determined that Shakespeare did not write his works.". The person would say, "Who wrote them?". I would say, "No one. Scientists have found that they were created by the process of spontaneous composition.".

Charles Pegge
15-01-2012, 15:51
The texts cover all the material that Summers spoke about in the interview, so I don't thinks you will miss anything Dan.

I interpret the warning given by the Allies as being infiltrated by the visitors, and then 'domesticated' through hybridisation, into a more compliant and docile form breed of human which could be of advantage to them, much as we breed animals and pets.
