View Full Version : Montague Keen
09-01-2012, 03:06
Charles Pegge
09-01-2012, 20:53
The Irish thing baffles me. There is no evidence of a Bronze-Age literary culture, or finely engineered stone monuments such as we see in the Middle East, or Mayan South America.
I search in vain for sources of this material, other than Michael Tsarion.
10-01-2012, 09:48
I do agree, he has a one-track mind concerning Ireland.
But, to me, it's interesting.
I was raised Catholic.
Where would Christianity be without the concept of Original Sin?
It has always seemed to me that most of the people who act badly, do so because, survival is so hard for them.
And, humans are born with the drive to survive.
Is it their fault that their strongest drive is to survive, and that when they are in a life and death competition with many others at the bottom to do so, they act worse than they would like to?
In my opinion, Christianity reverses the situation - people are born bad and deserve nothing good.
If your life seems very hard and unfair, are you less likely to rebel if you believe you deserve it?
Could Original Sin actually be only a control mechanism?
The idea resonates with me.
And, as I said before, I think the concept of Original Sin exonerates God.
The idea is that life was wonderful for all humanoids and animals, before Adam and Eve.
But, who believes that?
Additionally, how am I guilty and deserving of a miserable life and eternal punishment in Hell, because of what two people did 300 generations ago?
Again, I'm seeing an attempt at control.
What is more frightening than ETERNAL misery after death?
If they believed it was true, how many people would do anything to avoid it?
What power would accrue to the manipulators?
What if everyone said, "I think Hell was invented to concentrate power in a tiny group of people, so 'F'-you."?
That's the appeal I see in the galactic channeling stuff, it says we're good and have been deceived.
17-01-2012, 07:34
23-01-2012, 07:22
31-01-2012, 08:42
Charles Pegge
31-01-2012, 13:07
I know that you were shocked, my dear, to learn the truth; and just think - you have only just scratched the surface of the dastardly deeds that were done. To learn the truth of the Irish Holocaust shocked many of you, and to think that this was passed off in your history as a "Potato Famine", is just one example of how you have been lied to.
Wikipedia account of the Great Irish Famine and its causes:
Cecil Woodham-Smith (, an authority on the Irish Famine, wrote in The Great Hunger; Ireland 1845–1849 that no issue has provoked so much anger and embittered relations between England and Ireland as "the indisputable fact that huge quantities of food were exported from Ireland to England throughout the period when the people of Ireland were dying of starvation." Ireland remained a net exporter of food throughout most of the five-year famine.[fn 4] (
Christine Kinealy writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon and ham actually increased during the famine. The food was shipped under guard from the most famine-stricken parts of Ireland. However, the poor had no money to buy food and the government then did not ban exports.[66] (
01-02-2012, 18:10
Resources may be abundantly available.
But, it doesn't matter, if a tiny minority owns them, and, uses them according to its whim, and, without negative consequence.
I suspect that, similarly, today, resources exist to greatly improve the lives of the vast majority of the planet's people.
But, the distribution of wealth is such that, a tiny minority is able to prevent, and is preventing such an improvement.
I think this tiny minority currently acts with impunity.
As the Potato Famine showed, genocide can occur, while those in power, argue about what should be done to remedy it.
The main problem I see is that those in power are all, basically part of the same group - those in power.
They are unaffected by the suffering of the people whose fates they decide.
So, if they do nothing at all, and therefore, many needlessly die, each side in the argument can and does blame the other side.
But, ultimately all sides doing the arguing are the same side, the ones who prosper at the expense of everyone else.
(I knew approximately zero about the Potato Famine. It is still amazing to me what those with power, especially generational power, will permit the powerless to suffer. Such narcissism, I find difficult to comprehend. And since, I find narcissism to be a distorted belief about oneself, it seems to me that such people are not intelligent enough to see through their own delusion, or, lack human empathy, i.e., are psychopathic. Either way, they always find endless ways to rationalize, to justify, to blame the victims for, conditions as they currently exist.)
(I wonder how much longer it will be before the British people decide that their, "Royals", should not receive any preferential treatment whatsoever. On that day, I think the royalty will become not more than strange, inbred people, wearing funny costumes. (And let me know if you think Harry contains even one molecule of Charles' DNA. But, I don't hear one word about it - is that weird, or, is it just me?))
Charles Pegge
02-02-2012, 01:09
Some other mass evictions being perpetrated by the aristocracy in Britain around this period:
The Highland Clearances
The Inclosure Acts
This half hour video is very enlightening in showing how corrupt the US and World Governments have become. How Capitalism has been replaced by Corporatism and Monopolistic monstrosities. It all comes together with high tech Northern California fighting with Old Oligarchical Southern California... Hollywood vs Silicon Valley. I have never heard of this guy, but he is a breathe of fresh air telling how things are today.
Lou Dobbs was a CNN anchor that I trusted, but he asked too many questions that CNN didn't like I guess and he was retired early. And the only on air guy now that I trust is Judge Napolitano. Many times you see his show on youtube with comments like "I don't know how he was able to say what he just said... and how it got aired." He tells it like it is and how much of the constitution has been stepped on disgracefully. Now at least there is another voice. I wonder how many homes get RT in the US? I don't have a TV anymore and just get my entertainment and news from the internet.
05-02-2012, 23:41
13-02-2012, 00:59
...Lou Dobbs was a CNN anchor that I trusted, but he asked too many questions that CNN didn't like I guess and he was retired early. And the only on air guy now that I trust is Judge Napolitano. Many times you see his show on youtube with comments like "I don't know how he was able to say what he just said... and how it got aired." He tells it like it is and how much of the constitution has been stepped on disgracefully...
Judge Napolitano got fired, so there goes the last regularly heard voice for true freedom in the United States on major TV. It was just a matter of time as he was telling the truth on FOX as was Lou Dobbs was on CNN. I heard the news last week, but felt so bad about it I didn't post it right away.
20-02-2012, 08:20
27-02-2012, 04:56
05-03-2012, 00:42
12-03-2012, 07:25
19-03-2012, 00:45
"Money was created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve. It has controlled your world. It destroys whole countries, as well as many, many lives."
In a system in which a person must have money in order to be able to do anything legally, those who control the money, control everyone.
Within such a system, those without money are totally, absolutely, helpless.
Effectively, they can take no action to improve, or even to maintain their lives.
They become like, living, breathing statues - but, statues which are programmed to above all else, try to survive; and who, in order to do so, need constant access to air, water, food, and shelter.
Do you think it as a coincidence that we live in a world with such a system?
25-03-2012, 23:12
I have to admit, most of what he says, feels true to me.
If it is true, in my opinion, it would explain a lot - life seems much harder than it should be, especially now, hundreds of years after the start of the industrial revolution, in the digital age.
And, life seems much more chaotic than it should be - always new supposed threats of impending human extinction, wars, etc.
Does it make logical sense that in the 21st century, wars are being fought as often as they were in the 10th century?
But, I think, the idea that there are hidden forces which have existed for centuries, and covertly control all, could explain much.
(Absolutely, I can envision collusion between the Vatican (It's easy to imagine once you entertain the idea that organized religion is not more than a method for gaining and maintaining power.) and the banksters.)
Can you imagine generational corruption secretly passed down through families, how entrenched, efficient, decadent, how rotten it could become over hundreds (thousands?) of years?
If it is true, that now this group is being exposed, it might explain why, each day world events seem to be more frightening and unpredictable.
I think it makes sense that this hidden group would have used, and is still trying to use, constant fear to maintain power and control.
What else could it do?
(Now we are seeing plainly what, I think one of the Rothschilds originally said, if you control the money, you control, everything.)
(How many times have I heard the phrase, "New World Order", used by powerful people, with no explanation of what it means? The first time I heard it was by Bush Junior's father, who is supposedly one of its principals. Could it be that these, "people", have been, as Montague Keen and others say, so confident, so arrogant, so narcissistic, that they derive great pleasure from publicly alluding to what they think they are going to do to us? Do you think when they are together, they laugh about it?)
(One advantage we have in trying to understand them, is that they are of the same species as we are. So, often, what we imagine to be how they think and what they do, is probably correct.)
(And remember, they are made of flesh and blood, just like us. They have no superpowers. If their money is gone, so is their control.)
(One more thing, do you think they have worse nightmares, than that of being publicly exposed? I doubt it. For them, what could be worse, than, for the public to become exactly aware of, who they are, what they have done, and what they are continuing to try to do?)
Charles Pegge
26-03-2012, 00:23
Russo related how Rockefeller knew precisely what the event would lead to and which countries would be militarily targeted by the elite.
"He just said there's gonna be an event and out of that event we're gonna invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the middle east and to make the middle east part of the new world order and we're going to go after Venezuela - that's what's going to come out of this event."
"Eleven months to a year later that's what happened....he certainly knew that something was going to happen."
"In my relationships with some of these people I can tell you that it's as evil as it really gets - this is it - this is the game," stated Russo - also relating how members of the elite were routinely obsessed by creating a world identification society where people had to carry ID cards and prove who they were at all times.
Oct 2006
Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
Nick Rockefeller Revealed Elite Agenda to Aaron Russo During Friendship
27-03-2012, 07:24
I went to a show at the Electric Circus in Chicago, in the late 60s.
A few weeks ago, a guy I play pool with, suddenly asked me if I knew who Aaron Russo was.
I said he was dead - I knew he died of cancer.
He said the CIA had given him a fast acting cancer, for opening his mouth, which killed him in months.
Who knows?
How better to murder someone and avoid suspicion, than by causing him to contract a disease?
(If I'm correct, in years past, the CIA would just kill the guy, and try to make it look like suicide.)
Who knows how scientifically far ahead the government is beyond what the mainstream media declares?
(Does anyone think the CIA (and agencies like it) does anything to help anyone at all, except itself and those at the top of the power pyramid?)
(Remember, a year or two ago, I think in one of those tiny artificial Middle East countries (I always forget their names), Israeli agents were caught on hotel video, following, I think an Iranian guy. When the guy went into his room, other Israelis were waiting inside for him. They overpowered him, injected him with a paralysis drug, and then smothered him with a pillow. I guess, death by suffocation appears like death by natural causes. Now, if I am correct, over 20 of those "brave" Israeli agents are wanted by Interpol. I think all of their photographs have been posted online. And, my guess is that they are all back in Israel. Tell me, who are more courageous than the Israelis?! And, what country deserves more to survive and thrive?! In fact, without Israel, would there be any civilization at all?! Of course, it just makes logical sense that Israel should have hundreds of nuclear weapons, while the United States and its allies remain silent - but, if Iran has any contact with an element that has a radioactive isotope, the same group shouts from the rooftops of the imminent extinction of humanity, yes?!)
02-04-2012, 00:08
09-04-2012, 21:18
I have to hurry now, the train won't wait for me.
Imagine if one person had all of the money.
Within the boundaries of the system that exists, we would all be helpless.
He could inflict unending misery upon us.
I think that is basically the situation we are in, due to a tiny percentage of humanity.
I think, that is part of what Montague Keen is saying today.
Concerning forgiveness, I have some problems with the idea.
To me, it's one thing to forgive someone for previous harm to me, that the person is sorry for inflicting.
It's another thing to forgive someone who is not sorry, and who will do it again given the opportunity.
In that case, I think that forgiveness is irrelevant, the goal should be to prevent the person from getting the opportunity to do me further harm.
I still say that our species can be viewed as a single organism.
That organism has an immune system.
When the immune system recognizes a parasite, it activates to preserve the organism.
In my opinion, the "Illuminati" has apparently been in control for so long, only because, it has evaded the "radar" of the immune system.
I think that is no longer the case.
15-04-2012, 22:58
Wouldn't it be amazing, if, every bit of intentional misery that a human inflicted on other living organisms, he would ultimately suffer proportionally for?
Some "people" have inflicted suffering on millions of other humans, and, also, either as a consequence, or intentionally, on millions of sentient animals (Actually, in my opinion, humans are animals too. To me, there is no basic difference between me and a mouse.).
And, why did they do (or are they doing) these things?
In my opinion, fundamentally, to satisfy their personal narcissism.
To me, that's one of the strange things about being a living organism in this universe.
Each organism has its own mind and body.
If I do something to harm you, then, certainly, I feel no physical pain, and, depending on my mentality, possibly, I feel no emotional pain, either - in fact, I may derive great sadistic pleasure from my act - similar to a child torturing an insect.
I was thinking that, even if the most evil humans of this world, succeed in killing all other life on this planet, even if they succeed in eliminating their aging, and can make their bodies immune to all disease, they still will be constructed from atoms, and, they still will be "imprisoned" in this universe.
I see no possibility of them conceivably escaping from this universe (How can you escape something, that your existence is part of?).
So, it could be, just possibly, it might be, that, in the end, for them, the "scales" will be balanced.
They may be able to extend their physical lives indefinitely.
But, my guess is that, they cannot extend them forever.
I think, there is a big difference between, an inconceivably long time, and, forever.
Analogically, in mathematics, the ratio between any finite number, and infinity, is zero.
Maybe, somehow, our physical existences in this universe, do have some deep meaning, which we are unaware of, while we are living them.
Maybe, in a way, we are experiencing some kind of test, and not being aware of it, is necessary for the test to be valid.
Maybe, after the test is over, we continue on, and, our foreseeable futures will hugely vary, depending on our "scores", on the test.
(Imagine if, every harm I do to someone else, even the slightest physical push, or, the mildest insult, is written in a book, and, after this life, I will be forced to pay in full for each act recorded for me, in the book. And, of course, in the book is recorded everything attributable to me. For instance, a tyrannical dictator has no personal knowledge of most of the injury he inflicts. He doesn't know the details of the individual sufferings of the millions he harms. Nevertheless, it could be that, every bit of that suffering, for each individual, goes in the book. In that case, if his future includes making full restitution, that would seemingly mean a long long long time of unpleasantness.)
I guess, my idea is that, whatever suffering I cause for someone else, ultimately, I will experience an equivalent amount of suffering.
I guess, the term for this concept, is "karma".
If there is absolute, exacting, unimpeachable karma, then, who, without dispute, are positively the stupidest ones in this life, in this world?
23-04-2012, 02:46
29-04-2012, 23:32
07-05-2012, 19:39
14-05-2012, 12:10
Charles Pegge
29-05-2012, 18:43
The Slaves That Time Forgot
29-05-2012, 20:06
The corporate media wants most for us to not even know that actions such as this occurred.
Failing that, it would like us to believe, that actions such as this, which was still extant less than 200 years ago, were aberrations, which could never occur again.
Who believes that people at the top, are better today, than they were then?
I've said it before, for some people, morality is exactly equivalent to what is acceptable in their particular social group.
And, more scientifically, their social group, is better referred to, as, their herd.
Upon observation, the behavior of humans, is similar to that of other social mammalian species.
But, those who most exhibit herd characteristics, are the ones who are most incensed when the similarity is noticed, is voiced.
How often throughout history have those at the top objectified a particular group within their own species (Wow!, if we start down the road of what humans have done, and are doing to other species, we'll have a long long way to go, correct?), in order for them to justify to each other their actions which prey upon it, and, "coincidentally", benefit themselves?
Notice the psychology of people in a group.
Incrementally, little by little, bit by bit, the group's actions can become worse and worse.
The group has some common unspoken highest aspiration - for instance, to maximize the probability that its genes will be propagated far into the future. (So therefore, in my opinion, the case could be made that those at the top, who act the worst to the remainder of humanity, are actually emotionally impaired compared to those they prey upon.)
Absolutely, I think if the goal is gene propagation, then, it will be totally unconscious, and will manifest itself in some other form, such as maximizing the accumulation of resources - money, property, rank, etc.
At each step, as the group's actions continually move in a direction which benefits itself and harms another group, the members rationalize and reassure each other, that what the group is doing, is ultimately, good, right, and just.
What would you call that phenomenon, "group creep"?
(My mother was of straight English ancestry (Robinson), and, my father of straight Italian (Barone). My mother's sister married a man, Patrick Walsh, who was of straight Irish ancestry. So, 6 of my cousins are half Irish.)