09-09-2011, 19:56
I head this story on the radio about the brains of conservatives and liberals, bunch of goofy science if you ask me. What about all the people who start out strong activists as liberals or conservatives then as they get older change their views.
Arriana Huffington for example went from conservative to liberal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Huffington
And David Horowitz, born to Marxist parents and active liberal now conservative http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horowitz
As we have seen with the Global Warming Scandal, unfortunately Science has become political now too.
10-09-2011, 05:46
I think you need to separate genuine liberals and conservatives, from those who are just opportunists without any core beliefs, and who assume one label or the other, only as a matter of what serves them best at the particular time.