View Full Version : Psychic Deflation

06-07-2011, 20:43
How depressing if all psychic phenomena and evidence of continuity of consciousness beyond this life, begins and ends inside the recipient's head.

Interestingly, for the people who think that, almost always, science substitutes for religion/spirituality.

While others are gratified by what for them are indicators of the spiritual, these people are gratified by deflating those indicators.

And for them, if today's science cannot explain a phenomenon, then, that proves it must solely be a product of the particular mind.

If our science can't explain it now, then, it must me imaginary, right? - there is no arrogance there, is there? (<-- Do I get a prize for most "there"s?)

I hope the almost hysterically enthusiastic (sadistic?) skeptics are not correct, but, I doubt too.

:oops: :x


Charles Pegge
06-07-2011, 23:49
The error people make is trying to turn science into a religion, encompassing a fixed set of ideas and theory. Actually, this is a medieval habit. Science works best by attempting to break its own theories and stimulating a natural curiosity about the world. Theory often gets in the way of making new discoveries. It is like trying to explore the world using only a telescope. Some things are seen very well through the telescope but one is looking at everything through a long narrow tunnel.
