06-04-2011, 11:29
hi michael and zak, thanks for replies.
a) I've had more time to check the little loop example and found the problem. I wanted only to have a "pause" for the loop and perhaps a "stop" function. (see my example A. )
b) I have added three different approachs for counting numbers and canvas loops. perhaps somebody can check the last two example if that's correct or if there's another (better) way to stop a counter (I've taken stop command, but that's not perfect I am thinking).
example A)
' Empty GUI script created on 04-05-2011 16:54:03 by lionheart008 (ThinAIR) Uses "UI" Begin Const %cCanvasSB = %WM_USER + 500 %cCanvasDB %btnClose %btnPause %btnstop %tAnimationTimer End Const ' -- Create dialog here Function TBMain() Local hDlg As DWord Dim cx, cy As Long Dialog New 0, "Canvas numeric loops for fun :)",-1,-1, 300, 180, _ %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _ %WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %WS_CAPTION Or _ %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX, 0 To hDlg Dialog Pixels hDlg, 200, 200 To Units cx, cy Control Add Canvas, hDlg, %cCanvasDB, "", cx-50, 25, cx,cy Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnstop, "stop proggy", cx-30, 30+cy, cx-50, 14 Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnClose, "Click to close", 60+cx, 30+cy, cx-50, 14, Call btnCloseProc Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnPause, "pause", cx-125, 30+cy, cx-50, 14 ', Call btnCloseProc Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgProc End Function ' -- Callback for dialog --------------------------------> CallBack Function dlgProc() Local pauseflag As Long Select Case CBMSG Case %WM_COMMAND If CBWPARAM = %btnPause Then PauseFlag = IIf(PauseFlag = %TRUE, %FALSE, %TRUE) End If If PauseFlag = %TRUE Then Sleep 750 DoEvents 'Iterate While End If If CBWPARAM = %btnStop Then MsgBox 0, "click ok-> stop now program and fine" Stop End If Case %WM_INITDIALOG Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %tAnimationTimer, 20, %NULL Case %WM_TIMER Canvas_Attach(CBHNDL, %cCanvasDB, %TRUE) DrawGraphics() Canvas_Redraw ' -- Needs this to sync Case %WM_CLOSE End Select End Function ' -- Callback for close button CallBack Function btnCloseProc() If CBMSG = %WM_COMMAND Then If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then Dialog End CBHNDL End If End If End Function '--------> loops and calculations -----------------------------------------> Sub DrawGraphics() Local lenx,leny,proport,zx,zy,i,j As Long Local a,b,c,d,zero, cnt, found As Long Local CmdLine,CmdLine1,CmdLine2,CmdLine3,CmdLine4,CmdLine0 As String Local rnda, rndb,rndc,rndd,rndzero As String cnt = 0 For a = 1 To 4 'Until found = %TRUE If a > 1 Then rnda = rnda + "VT" For b = 1 To 4 If b = 4 And a >= 1 Then rndb = rndb + "XA" ' 4 x 4 = 16 a x b For c = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 16 = 64 a x b x c If c = 4 And b = 1 Then rndc = "" If c = 4 And d = 5 Then rndc = rndc + "YB" For d = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 64 = 256 cnt = cnt +1 If d = 4 And c = 1 Then rndd = "" If d = 4 Then rndd = rndd + "ZC" For zero = 1 To 4 If zero = 4 And d = 4 And a>=4 Then rndzero = rndzero + "+" 'found = %TRUE CmdLine = "4. Loop : " + Format$(a) + " " + rnda CmdLine1 = "3. Loop : " & Format$(b) + " " + rndb CmdLine2 = "2. Loop : " & Format$(c) + " " + rndc CmdLine3 = "1. Loop : " & Format$(d) + " " + rndd CmdLine0 = "FunLoop : " & Format$(zero) + " " + rndzero CmdLine4 = "to 256 at: "+ Format$(cnt) If cnt = 257 Then Exit For Canvas_Color Rgb(128, 255, 0), Rgb(100, 0, 0) Canvas_Clear(Rgb(0,0,0)) Canvas_SetPos(25,12) Canvas_Printl "" Canvas_SetPos(25,20) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine Canvas_SetPos(25,28) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine1 Canvas_SetPos(25,36) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine2 Canvas_SetPos(25,44) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine3 Canvas_SetPos(25,52) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine0 Canvas_SetPos(25,60) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine4 Canvas_Box (zx+10, zy+10, zx+120, zy+100, 0, %BLUE) Canvas_Redraw Next Next Next Next Next End Sub '---------------------> end
B) counting until "21" canvas loops + counter example:
' Empty GUI script created on 04-05-2011 18:54:03 by lionheart008 (ThinAIR) Uses "UI", "console" Begin Const %cCanvasSB = %WM_USER + 500 %cCanvasDB %btnClose %btnPause %texty %btnstop %tAnimationTimer End Const ' 1) -- main dialog ------------------------------------------ Function TBMain() Local hDlg As DWord Dim cx, cy As Long Dialog New 0, "Canvas numeric loops + counter for fun :)",-1,-1, 300, 180, _ %WS_POPUP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or _ %WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %WS_CAPTION Or _ %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX, 0 To hDlg Dialog Pixels hDlg, 200, 200 To Units cx, cy Control Add Canvas, hDlg, %cCanvasDB, "", cx-50, 25, cx,cy Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %texty, " ", 225,25,cx-45,cy-55 Control_SetText(hdlg, %texty,"still empty") 'Control Add Label, hDlg, %texty, " ", 225,25,cx-45,cy-55 Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnstop, "stop proggy", cx-35, 30+cy, cx-50, 14 Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnClose, "Click to close", 60+cx, 30+cy, cx-50, 14, Call btnCloseProc Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnPause, "pause", cx-125, 30+cy, cx-50, 14 ', Call btnCloseProc Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgProc End Function ' -- 2) Callback for dialog --------------------------------> CallBack Function dlgProc() Local pauseflag As Long Static counterx, counterz As Single Local hdlg As DWord Select Case CBMSG Case %WM_COMMAND If CBWPARAM = %btnPause Then PauseFlag = IIf(PauseFlag = %TRUE, %FALSE, %TRUE) End If If PauseFlag = %TRUE Then Sleep 750 DoEvents 'Iterate While End If If CBWPARAM = %btnStop Then MsgBox 0, "click ok-> stop now program and fine" Stop End If Case %WM_INITDIALOG Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %tAnimationTimer, 20, %NULL Case %WM_TIMER Canvas_Attach(CBHNDL, %cCanvasDB, %TRUE) DrawGraphics() '---------------------------------> counter idea 2 -----------------> If counterx >= 0 Then End If Do Incr Counterx Console_WriteLine("--> counting up to 21 ->" + Format$(Counterx-1, "#.00")) '+Str$(Counterx)) If Counterx <= 21 Then Exit Do'And Counterx >= 22 Then Exit Do Stop Loop Control_SetText(CBHNDL, %texty,"counter slowly.."+Str$(counterx)) 'Str$(counterx)) '---------------------------------> counter idea 2 end -----------------> Canvas_Redraw Case %WM_CLOSE End Select End Function ' -- 3) Callback for close button --------------------------------------> CallBack Function btnCloseProc() If CBMSG = %WM_COMMAND Then If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then Dialog End CBHNDL End If End If End Function ' 4)--------> loops and calculations -----------------------------------------> Sub DrawGraphics() Local hdlg As DWord Local lenx,leny,proport,zx,zy,i,j As Long Local a,b,c,d,zero, cnt, found As Long Local CmdLine,CmdLine1,CmdLine2,CmdLine3,CmdLine4,CmdLine0 As String Local rnda, rndb,rndc,rndd,rndzero As String cnt = 0 For a = 1 To 4 'Until found = %TRUE If a > 1 Then rnda = rnda + "VT" For b = 1 To 4 If b = 4 And a >= 1 Then rndb = rndb + "XA" ' 4 x 4 = 16 a x b For c = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 16 = 64 a x b x c If c = 4 And b = 1 Then rndc = "" If c = 4 And d = 5 Then rndc = rndc + "YB" For d = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 64 = 256 cnt = cnt +1 If d = 4 And c = 1 Then rndd = "" If d = 4 Then rndd = rndd + "ZC" For zero = 1 To 4 If zero = 4 And d = 4 And a>=4 Then rndzero = rndzero + "+" 'found = %TRUE CmdLine = "4. Loop : " + Format$(a) + " " + rnda CmdLine1 = "3. Loop : " & Format$(b) + " " + rndb CmdLine2 = "2. Loop : " & Format$(c) + " " + rndc CmdLine3 = "1. Loop : " & Format$(d) + " " + rndd CmdLine0 = "FunLoop : " & Format$(zero) + " " + rndzero CmdLine4 = "to 256 at: "+ Format$(cnt) If cnt = 257 Then Exit For Canvas_Color Rgb(128, 255, 0), Rgb(100, 0, 0) Canvas_Clear(Rgb(0,0,0)) Canvas_SetPos(25,12) Canvas_Printl "" Canvas_SetPos(25,20) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine Canvas_SetPos(25,28) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine1 Canvas_SetPos(25,36) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine2 Canvas_SetPos(25,44) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine3 Canvas_SetPos(25,52) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine0 Canvas_SetPos(25,60) Canvas_Printl " " Canvas_SetPos(25,72) Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine4 Canvas_Box (zx+10, zy+10, zx+120, zy+100, 0, %BLUE) Canvas_Redraw Next Next Next Next Next End Sub ' 5) ---------------------> counter idea one --------------> Sub counters() Static counterx As Single Local hdlg As DWord counterx = 0 Do Incr Counterx Console_WriteLine("--> counter :"+Str$(Counterx)) If Counterx > 200 Then Exit Do 'PrintL "exit loop" SendMessage hdlg,%EM_GETSEL, %texty,VarPtr(counterx) Control_SetText(hDlg, %texty,Str$(counterx)) Loop End Sub '---------------------> counter idea -------------->
-> only a test for checking code tags
' Empty GUI script created on 04-05-2011 18:54:03 by lionheart008 (ThinAIR)
Uses "UI", "console"
Begin Const
%cCanvasSB = %WM_USER + 500
End Const
' 1) -- main dialog ------------------------------------------
Function TBMain()
Local hDlg As DWord
Dim cx, cy As Long
Dialog New 0, "Canvas numeric loops + counter for fun :)",-1,-1, 300, 180, _
Dialog Pixels hDlg, 200, 200 To Units cx, cy
Control Add Canvas, hDlg, %cCanvasDB, "", cx-50, 25, cx,cy
Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %texty, " ", 225,25,cx-45,cy-55
Control_SetText(hdlg, %texty,"still empty")
'Control Add Label, hDlg, %texty, " ", 225,25,cx-45,cy-55
Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnstop, "stop proggy", cx-35, 30+cy, cx-50, 14
Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnClose, "Click to close", 60+cx, 30+cy, cx-50, 14, Call btnCloseProc
Control Add Button, hDlg, %btnPause, "pause", cx-125, 30+cy, cx-50, 14 ', Call btnCloseProc
Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgProc
End Function
' -- 2) Callback for dialog -------------------------------->
CallBack Function dlgProc()
Local pauseflag As Long
Static counterx, counterz As Single
Local hdlg As DWord
Select Case CBMSG
If CBWPARAM = %btnPause Then
PauseFlag = IIf(PauseFlag = %TRUE, %FALSE, %TRUE)
End If
If PauseFlag = %TRUE Then
Sleep 750
'Iterate While
End If
If CBWPARAM = %btnStop Then
MsgBox 0, "click ok-> stop now program and fine"
End If
Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %tAnimationTimer, 20, %NULL
Canvas_Attach(CBHNDL, %cCanvasDB, %TRUE)
'---------------------------------> counter idea 2 ----------------->
If counterx >= 0 Then
End If
Incr Counterx
Console_WriteLine("--> counting up to 21 ->" + Format$(Counterx-1, "#.00")) '+Str$(Counterx))
If Counterx <= 21 Then Exit Do'And Counterx >= 22 Then Exit Do
Control_SetText(CBHNDL, %texty,"counter slowly.."+Str$(counterx)) 'Str$(counterx))
'---------------------------------> counter idea 2 end ----------------->
End Select
End Function
' -- 3) Callback for close button -------------------------------------->
CallBack Function btnCloseProc()
Dialog End CBHNDL
End If
End If
End Function
' 4)--------> loops and calculations ----------------------------------------->
Sub DrawGraphics()
Local hdlg As DWord
Local lenx,leny,proport,zx,zy,i,j As Long
Local a,b,c,d,zero, cnt, found As Long
Local CmdLine,CmdLine1,CmdLine2,CmdLine3,CmdLine4,CmdLine0 As String
Local rnda, rndb,rndc,rndd,rndzero As String
cnt = 0
For a = 1 To 4 'Until found = %TRUE
If a > 1 Then rnda = rnda + "VT"
For b = 1 To 4
If b = 4 And a >= 1 Then rndb = rndb + "XA" ' 4 x 4 = 16 a x b
For c = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 16 = 64 a x b x c
If c = 4 And b = 1 Then rndc = ""
If c = 4 And d = 5 Then rndc = rndc + "YB"
For d = 1 To 4 ' 4 x 64 = 256
cnt = cnt +1
If d = 4 And c = 1 Then rndd = ""
If d = 4 Then rndd = rndd + "ZC"
For zero = 1 To 4
If zero = 4 And d = 4 And a>=4 Then rndzero = rndzero + "+"
'found = %TRUE
CmdLine = "4. Loop : " + Format$(a) + " " + rnda
CmdLine1 = "3. Loop : " & Format$(b) + " " + rndb
CmdLine2 = "2. Loop : " & Format$(c) + " " + rndc
CmdLine3 = "1. Loop : " & Format$(d) + " " + rndd
CmdLine0 = "FunLoop : " & Format$(zero) + " " + rndzero
CmdLine4 = "to 256 at: "+ Format$(cnt)
If cnt = 257 Then Exit For
Canvas_Color Rgb(128, 255, 0), Rgb(100, 0, 0)
Canvas_Printl ""
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine1
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine2
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine3
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine0
Canvas_Printl " "
Canvas_Printl " > " + CmdLine4
Canvas_Box (zx+10, zy+10, zx+120, zy+100, 0, %BLUE)
End Sub
' 5) ---------------------> counter idea one -------------->
Sub counters()
Static counterx As Single
Local hdlg As DWord
counterx = 0
Incr Counterx
Console_WriteLine("--> counter :"+Str$(Counterx))
If Counterx > 200 Then Exit Do
'PrintL "exit loop"
SendMessage hdlg,%EM_GETSEL, %texty,VarPtr(counterx)
Control_SetText(hDlg, %texty,Str$(counterx))
End Sub
'---------------------> counter idea --------------> I add all example in zip folder. thanks, nice day, best regards, franko :)