23-02-2011, 11:42
i am connecting using a speed of just 7kByte/s (ie worst than dan connection, because i have used my 8 GB download limit, tomorrow i will restore again, Opera browser are very great with this speed using turbo mode x2)
GWBasic still used, look here for the program and docs
i have tried it in windows xp and windows 7 32bit, it runs but seems slow when writing on the ide, also it does not do graphics on the modern cards. some reports said that it does not run on windows 7 64bit
but GWBASIC and any other Dos program can run very beautiful within a nobel prize deserve DOS emulator called DosBox ,
download dosbox portable from here
the way to run gwbasic from dosbox like this:
1-copy gwbasic.exe to c:\games (as an example)
1-run DOSBoxPortable.exe
2-special dos like window will popup, there is Z:\ prompt, write:
mount c c:\games [Enter]
c [Enter]
now the prompt is c:\ and it represents c:\games, if you write:
dir [Enter]
it will display the contents of c:\games
now write Gwbasic [Enter]
note that Gwbasic instructions need line numbers such as:
10 for i=1 to 10
20 tot=tot+i
30 next i
40 print tot
and if you write dim a(10) this means you want to dim an array from a(0) to a(10)
when you want to quit Gwbasic write in its ide: system
when you want to quit DosBos write:
mount -u c [Enter]
exit [Enter]
you will notice that in DosBox you can run gwbasic graphica, and QB45 graphics and any old dos game with sound. a marvelous emulator, i do not know if this emulator runs on windows 7 64bit
Enjoy the old programs and games, this is why we visit the museums.
ps: i said 7kByte/s worst than dan connection !!, no i think it is the same since 7 kbyte = 7 * 8 = 56 kbit which i think approx his connection speed
GWBasic still used, look here for the program and docs
i have tried it in windows xp and windows 7 32bit, it runs but seems slow when writing on the ide, also it does not do graphics on the modern cards. some reports said that it does not run on windows 7 64bit
but GWBASIC and any other Dos program can run very beautiful within a nobel prize deserve DOS emulator called DosBox ,
download dosbox portable from here
the way to run gwbasic from dosbox like this:
1-copy gwbasic.exe to c:\games (as an example)
1-run DOSBoxPortable.exe
2-special dos like window will popup, there is Z:\ prompt, write:
mount c c:\games [Enter]
c [Enter]
now the prompt is c:\ and it represents c:\games, if you write:
dir [Enter]
it will display the contents of c:\games
now write Gwbasic [Enter]
note that Gwbasic instructions need line numbers such as:
10 for i=1 to 10
20 tot=tot+i
30 next i
40 print tot
and if you write dim a(10) this means you want to dim an array from a(0) to a(10)
when you want to quit Gwbasic write in its ide: system
when you want to quit DosBos write:
mount -u c [Enter]
exit [Enter]
you will notice that in DosBox you can run gwbasic graphica, and QB45 graphics and any old dos game with sound. a marvelous emulator, i do not know if this emulator runs on windows 7 64bit
Enjoy the old programs and games, this is why we visit the museums.
ps: i said 7kByte/s worst than dan connection !!, no i think it is the same since 7 kbyte = 7 * 8 = 56 kbit which i think approx his connection speed