17-02-2011, 08:05
I'm downloading Haskell. It must really be something, because the download is 74.09 MB.
If I am correct, Haskell is a compiler, programs are compiled into standalone ".exe" files.
I know a tiny bit about Haskell.
For instance, I think if you say,
x = 2,
then, you cannot later say,
x = 3.
That by itself seems like a "show stopper", doesn't it?!
Also, Haskell is referred to as being a "lazy" language.
I think if you say,
y = sqrt(7),
it won't evaluate the value of y, until it is forced to.
Now, if you say,
z = y^0.346,
it still won't evaluate either y or z, because, it is too "lazy".
I think that only if you send a value to output, will it do the necessary evaluations required, to get that output. Maybe even then, it will wait until it is forced to write the output, like for instance, when the program terminates. Or, maybe if it notices that you had a heart attack and died during the program's execution, it will never do the calculations, I'm not sure how smart it is.
"Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!"
If I am correct, Haskell is a compiler, programs are compiled into standalone ".exe" files.
I know a tiny bit about Haskell.
For instance, I think if you say,
x = 2,
then, you cannot later say,
x = 3.
That by itself seems like a "show stopper", doesn't it?!
Also, Haskell is referred to as being a "lazy" language.
I think if you say,
y = sqrt(7),
it won't evaluate the value of y, until it is forced to.
Now, if you say,
z = y^0.346,
it still won't evaluate either y or z, because, it is too "lazy".
I think that only if you send a value to output, will it do the necessary evaluations required, to get that output. Maybe even then, it will wait until it is forced to write the output, like for instance, when the program terminates. Or, maybe if it notices that you had a heart attack and died during the program's execution, it will never do the calculations, I'm not sure how smart it is.
"Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!"