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View Full Version : a new os for pc and many devices

10-02-2011, 08:53
HP made some news today. WebOS for PC's, printers, phones, tablets.


This has a long video of the presentation by HP:

10-02-2011, 11:39
in my opinion this is not good that every company have its own OS,
if this is limited to small devices like phones ...etc no problem but if they extend this to laptop and desktop PCs this is not good and may be HP doing this with great risk of accumulating their unsold laptops.
imagine that HP webOS, Dell webOS, Asus webOS, Siemens webOS , Fujitsu WebOS. and so on, Dell will not use HP OS of cource, so we will have a chaos.

Michael Clease
10-02-2011, 17:55
imagine that HP webOS, Dell webOS, Asus webOS, Siemens webOS , Fujitsu WebOS. and so on, Dell will not use HP OS of cource, so we will have a chaos.

Windows,OSX,AmigaOS,Unix plus its 100 different flavours and you dont think chaos is here already ?

10-02-2011, 18:53
I think this is going in the right direction. First it is open source. It brings a modern os designed for the way people work now on multiple devices. Having a true common user experience is really a great idea.

In the video they show an example where he is working on his tablet, his phone gives an alert that a message came. He doesn't have to go to his phone to get the message, he is able to access it automatically from his tablet. His tablet can use the phone to connect to the web, all effortlessly.

I think WebOS is going to be a valued alternative to what is out there.

I am more excited by this than ChromeOS now. I like having certain things in the cloud, but many others I do not want. And I don't want to always be connected.

Also I think what makes an OS is the ability to play games on it. That is the one thing Microsoft understood that no other PC OS has. And I think with gaming on mobile devices a prime activity that has proven profitable. I think it will bring these other OS's into realizing that supporting accelerated gaming hardware is a requirement if one is to succeed.

10-02-2011, 19:40
if HP are serious regarding the laptops and desktops then the logical step from microsoft is to manufacture its own computers on a large scale bundled with ms windows . as that article said "Redmond's arsenal is a formidable one", and also the thousands of the windows soft developers will not happy with HP project if it is approaching the laptops and desktops area.

Michael Hartlef
12-02-2011, 16:00
As interesting this is, I can't see this getting very far. Developers have to concentrate on 2..3 platforms. And especially without tools that will let you do cross platform dev easily, it won't happen.