View Full Version : Two Grid Questions

15-12-2010, 08:29
Hi Folks,

Two questions please.

1. Is it possible to control the height (depth) of the rows in grids?

2. Is it possible to have multi-line labels in the column headings (as in spreadsheets)?


Peter H.

Petr Schreiber
16-12-2010, 12:29
Hi Peter,

I had a look at the MLGrid help file and I don't think these two are possible with current command set. You can slightly enlarge the width by specifying visual override during control definition:

hGrid = Control Add MLGRID, CBHNDL, %IDC_MLGRID, "y6", ...
The number after y can be in interval 1..6 and will make the height slightly bigger, if it helps.

Anyway, please feel free to add these two suggestions to our new support section (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/project.php?projectid=1).


16-12-2010, 12:43
Hi Petr,

That confirms my understanding of the documentation I saw.

I missed the "yn" option. Thanks for pointing it out.

Actually, I was hoping to make the rows shallower to match the text box depths and screen size I already have.

No worries. I will make the text box depth and overall screen size larger, to suit the default grid row depths.

I will add the idea of multi-line column headings to the support section. It will mean that the depth of the heading row will need to be variable to suit.


Peter H.