04-09-2010, 04:49
You guys have been doing SO MUCH! EXCELLENT!
I wrote this program back in 1994, in QBASIC, named VMbrot. I think this was back in the days of bulletin boards. I was pleased To see it used by a Wolfgang E. Lorenz in his master's thesis. For Some reason I was moved to update it to thinBasic.
This program presents the algorithm's iterations visually.
There has been very much done with the Mandelbrot set. Start with
This program works just like I want it to. But I'm sure that I'm not using all the thinBasic features efficiently. I'm posting a question "Dragging the mouse in a Canvas Window" in another thread.
' MandelbrotOrbits, Dave Cromley 2010
Uses "File", "Math", "UI"
Global ghwnd As Long
Sub TBMain()
ghwnd = Canvas_Window("Mandelbrot Orbits: ESC to exit; F1 for Help; G for grid; " & _
"Select a point to display its orbits", 0, 0, 1018, 736)
If Not FILE_Exists("MandelbrotDC.bmp") Then DrawMandelbrot
Canvas_Window End
End Sub
Sub OrbitsMainLoop()
Local ix0, iy0, swGrid, swBGDone As Long
Local xy As Double
Do While CkWin(ghwnd)
If swBGDone = 0 Then ' redraw background
Canvas_BitmapRender("MandelbrotDC.bmp", 0, 0) ' bring in bmp
If swGrid Then ' draw grid
Canvas_Ellipse(xtoix(-.03), ytoiy(-.03), xtoix(.03), ytoiy(.03), Rgb(128,128,128))
For xy = -2 To 2
Canvas_Line((xtoix(xy), ytoiy(-2)), (xtoix(xy), ytoiy(2)), Rgb(128,128,128))
Canvas_Line((xtoix(-2), ytoiy(xy)), (xtoix(2), ytoiy(xy)), Rgb(128,128,128))
Next xy
End If
swBGDone = 1
End If
If GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) <> 0 Then ' ck for help
ElseIf GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_G) <> 0 Then ' ck for grid
swGrid = 1-swGrid
swBGDone = 0
ElseIf mousedown(ix0, iy0) Then ' ck for point select
DoOrbits(ix0, iy0)
swBGDone = 0
Else ' else just show mouse coordinates
Canvas_SetPos (0,0)
Canvas_Printl Format$(ixtox(ix0),"+0.000;-0.000") & " " & _
Format$(iytoy(iy0),"+0.000;-0.000 ") & " "
Sleep 100
End If
End Sub
Sub DoHelp()
Local hwnd As Long, s1 As String
hwnd = Canvas_Window("Mandelbrot Orbits Help: F1 to return", 20, 20, 800, 600)
Canvas_Font "Courier New", 14, 1
Help1 0, " Mandelbrot Orbits"
Help1 2, "(The first run will create a 2MB Mandelbrot bmp image file)"
Help1 1, "Hit F1 to toggle this help."
Help1 1, "Hit G to toggle the grid."
Help1 1, "The BRIGHTEST points are the Mandelbrot set."
Help1 1, "The brighter the point, the more iterations needed"
Help1 1, " to determine that the orbits will eventually go to"
Help1 1, " infinity, and therefore the points are NOT in the set."
Help1 1, "The orbits of the brightest points never go to infinity,"
Help1 1, " and therefore the points ARE in the set."
Help1 1, "The simple algorithm results in incredible complexity."
Help1 2, "Select a point with the mouse -- this program displays"
Help1 1, " the algorithm calculations visually."
Help1 2, "Example 1: -1.7, +0.3 needs only 3 iterations."
Help1 1, "Example 2: -0.8, +0.3 needs many iterations."
Help1 1, "Example 3: -0.6, +0.3 never goes to infinity (is IN the set)."
Help1 2, "See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set"
Help1 1, " for a discussion of the Mandelbrot_set"
Help1 2, "Hit F1 to return to program."
Do While CkWin(hwnd) And GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) = 0
Sleep 100
Canvas_Window End
End Sub
Sub DrawMandelbrot() ' draw the Mset and save bmp
Local irgb, zrgb As Long
Local ix, iy, iteration As Long, x0, y0, x, y, xtemp As Double
Local max_iteration As Long Value 1000
Local logmaxiter As Long Value Log(max_iteration)
Canvas_SetPos (100,100)
Canvas_Printl "Creating MandelbrotDC.bmp image file (2MB)"
For iy = 368 To 0 Step -1: y0 = iytoy(iy)
For ix = 0 To 1018: x0 = ixtox(ix)
x = x0: y = y0
iteration = 0
Do While x*x + y*y <= 4 And iteration < max_iteration
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0 ' this is the algorithm
y = 2*x*y + y0
x = xtemp
Incr iteration
If (iteration = max_iteration) Then ' point is in Mset
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, iy , Rgb(255,192,0))
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, 736-iy , Rgb(255,192,0))
Else ' point is not in Mset
irgb = 255*Log(iteration)/logmaxiter ' calc shade of orange
' irgb = 255*iteration/max_iteration ' alternate image
zrgb = Rgb(irgb,irgb*3/4,0)
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, iy , zRgb)
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, 736-iy , zRgb)
End If
Next ix
Canvas_Redraw ' full line
If GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) <> 0 Then DoHelp
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) <> 0 Then Stop
Next iy
End Sub
Sub DoOrbits(ix0 As Long, iy0 As Long) ' draw the orbits
Local ix9, iy9 As Long
Local x0, y0, x, y, xtemp As Double
Canvas_SetPos(ix0, iy0) ' start at point
x0 = ixtox(ix0): y0 = iytoy(iy0)
x = x0: y = y0
Do While mousedown(ix9, iy9) ' ignore position
If x*x + y*y < 8 Then
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0
y = 2*x*y + y0
x = xtemp
End If
Sleep 100
End Sub
Sub Help1(pSkip As Long, pMsg As String)
Static iy As Long
If pSkip = 0 Then Canvas_Clear: iy = 40
iy += pskip*20
Canvas_SetPos (80,iy)
Canvas_Printl pmsg
End Sub
Function ixtox(ix As Long) ' scaling/unscaling routines
Function = (ix-640) / 270
End Function
Function iytoy(iy As Long)
Function = (-iy+368) / 270
End Function
Function xtoix(x As Double)
Function = x * 270 + 640
End Function
Function ytoiy(y As Double)
Function = -y * 270 + 368
End Function
Function MouseDown(ByRef px As Long, ByRef py As Long) As Long
Local p1 As pointapi
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_LBUTTON) <> 0 Then Function = -1 ' true
px = p1.x - 3: py = p1.y - 29 ' correction ?
End Function
Function GetAsyncKeyOnce(pKey As Long) As Long
Local i1 As Long
i1 = GetAsyncKeyState(pKey)
If i1 = 0 Then Exit Function
Do While GetAsyncKeyState(pKey) <> 0 ' wait for key up
Function = i1
End Function
Function CkWin(hwnd As Long) ' stop if no window or ESC
If Not IsWindow(hwnd) Then Stop
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) <> 0 Then Stop
Function = 1
End Function
I wrote this program back in 1994, in QBASIC, named VMbrot. I think this was back in the days of bulletin boards. I was pleased To see it used by a Wolfgang E. Lorenz in his master's thesis. For Some reason I was moved to update it to thinBasic.
This program presents the algorithm's iterations visually.
There has been very much done with the Mandelbrot set. Start with
This program works just like I want it to. But I'm sure that I'm not using all the thinBasic features efficiently. I'm posting a question "Dragging the mouse in a Canvas Window" in another thread.
' MandelbrotOrbits, Dave Cromley 2010
Uses "File", "Math", "UI"
Global ghwnd As Long
Sub TBMain()
ghwnd = Canvas_Window("Mandelbrot Orbits: ESC to exit; F1 for Help; G for grid; " & _
"Select a point to display its orbits", 0, 0, 1018, 736)
If Not FILE_Exists("MandelbrotDC.bmp") Then DrawMandelbrot
Canvas_Window End
End Sub
Sub OrbitsMainLoop()
Local ix0, iy0, swGrid, swBGDone As Long
Local xy As Double
Do While CkWin(ghwnd)
If swBGDone = 0 Then ' redraw background
Canvas_BitmapRender("MandelbrotDC.bmp", 0, 0) ' bring in bmp
If swGrid Then ' draw grid
Canvas_Ellipse(xtoix(-.03), ytoiy(-.03), xtoix(.03), ytoiy(.03), Rgb(128,128,128))
For xy = -2 To 2
Canvas_Line((xtoix(xy), ytoiy(-2)), (xtoix(xy), ytoiy(2)), Rgb(128,128,128))
Canvas_Line((xtoix(-2), ytoiy(xy)), (xtoix(2), ytoiy(xy)), Rgb(128,128,128))
Next xy
End If
swBGDone = 1
End If
If GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) <> 0 Then ' ck for help
ElseIf GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_G) <> 0 Then ' ck for grid
swGrid = 1-swGrid
swBGDone = 0
ElseIf mousedown(ix0, iy0) Then ' ck for point select
DoOrbits(ix0, iy0)
swBGDone = 0
Else ' else just show mouse coordinates
Canvas_SetPos (0,0)
Canvas_Printl Format$(ixtox(ix0),"+0.000;-0.000") & " " & _
Format$(iytoy(iy0),"+0.000;-0.000 ") & " "
Sleep 100
End If
End Sub
Sub DoHelp()
Local hwnd As Long, s1 As String
hwnd = Canvas_Window("Mandelbrot Orbits Help: F1 to return", 20, 20, 800, 600)
Canvas_Font "Courier New", 14, 1
Help1 0, " Mandelbrot Orbits"
Help1 2, "(The first run will create a 2MB Mandelbrot bmp image file)"
Help1 1, "Hit F1 to toggle this help."
Help1 1, "Hit G to toggle the grid."
Help1 1, "The BRIGHTEST points are the Mandelbrot set."
Help1 1, "The brighter the point, the more iterations needed"
Help1 1, " to determine that the orbits will eventually go to"
Help1 1, " infinity, and therefore the points are NOT in the set."
Help1 1, "The orbits of the brightest points never go to infinity,"
Help1 1, " and therefore the points ARE in the set."
Help1 1, "The simple algorithm results in incredible complexity."
Help1 2, "Select a point with the mouse -- this program displays"
Help1 1, " the algorithm calculations visually."
Help1 2, "Example 1: -1.7, +0.3 needs only 3 iterations."
Help1 1, "Example 2: -0.8, +0.3 needs many iterations."
Help1 1, "Example 3: -0.6, +0.3 never goes to infinity (is IN the set)."
Help1 2, "See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set"
Help1 1, " for a discussion of the Mandelbrot_set"
Help1 2, "Hit F1 to return to program."
Do While CkWin(hwnd) And GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) = 0
Sleep 100
Canvas_Window End
End Sub
Sub DrawMandelbrot() ' draw the Mset and save bmp
Local irgb, zrgb As Long
Local ix, iy, iteration As Long, x0, y0, x, y, xtemp As Double
Local max_iteration As Long Value 1000
Local logmaxiter As Long Value Log(max_iteration)
Canvas_SetPos (100,100)
Canvas_Printl "Creating MandelbrotDC.bmp image file (2MB)"
For iy = 368 To 0 Step -1: y0 = iytoy(iy)
For ix = 0 To 1018: x0 = ixtox(ix)
x = x0: y = y0
iteration = 0
Do While x*x + y*y <= 4 And iteration < max_iteration
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0 ' this is the algorithm
y = 2*x*y + y0
x = xtemp
Incr iteration
If (iteration = max_iteration) Then ' point is in Mset
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, iy , Rgb(255,192,0))
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, 736-iy , Rgb(255,192,0))
Else ' point is not in Mset
irgb = 255*Log(iteration)/logmaxiter ' calc shade of orange
' irgb = 255*iteration/max_iteration ' alternate image
zrgb = Rgb(irgb,irgb*3/4,0)
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, iy , zRgb)
Canvas_SetPixel(ix, 736-iy , zRgb)
End If
Next ix
Canvas_Redraw ' full line
If GetAsyncKeyOnce(%VK_F1) <> 0 Then DoHelp
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) <> 0 Then Stop
Next iy
End Sub
Sub DoOrbits(ix0 As Long, iy0 As Long) ' draw the orbits
Local ix9, iy9 As Long
Local x0, y0, x, y, xtemp As Double
Canvas_SetPos(ix0, iy0) ' start at point
x0 = ixtox(ix0): y0 = iytoy(iy0)
x = x0: y = y0
Do While mousedown(ix9, iy9) ' ignore position
If x*x + y*y < 8 Then
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0
y = 2*x*y + y0
x = xtemp
End If
Sleep 100
End Sub
Sub Help1(pSkip As Long, pMsg As String)
Static iy As Long
If pSkip = 0 Then Canvas_Clear: iy = 40
iy += pskip*20
Canvas_SetPos (80,iy)
Canvas_Printl pmsg
End Sub
Function ixtox(ix As Long) ' scaling/unscaling routines
Function = (ix-640) / 270
End Function
Function iytoy(iy As Long)
Function = (-iy+368) / 270
End Function
Function xtoix(x As Double)
Function = x * 270 + 640
End Function
Function ytoiy(y As Double)
Function = -y * 270 + 368
End Function
Function MouseDown(ByRef px As Long, ByRef py As Long) As Long
Local p1 As pointapi
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_LBUTTON) <> 0 Then Function = -1 ' true
px = p1.x - 3: py = p1.y - 29 ' correction ?
End Function
Function GetAsyncKeyOnce(pKey As Long) As Long
Local i1 As Long
i1 = GetAsyncKeyState(pKey)
If i1 = 0 Then Exit Function
Do While GetAsyncKeyState(pKey) <> 0 ' wait for key up
Function = i1
End Function
Function CkWin(hwnd As Long) ' stop if no window or ESC
If Not IsWindow(hwnd) Then Stop
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) <> 0 Then Stop
Function = 1
End Function