View Full Version : command$ to thinbasic ?

20-08-2010, 21:34
I have a simple question how I can translate from powerbasic "command$"

powerbasic manual says:

Return the command-line arguments used to start the program
COMMAND$ returns everything that was typed following the program name.

If Trim$(COMMAND$) = "" Then

to thinbasic ? anybody can help ?

best regards, frank

20-08-2010, 21:44
I've moved this post from 3rd party tool forum to thinBasic language forum. More appropriate.

Equivalent of COMMAND$ in thinBasic is inside OS module.
Check OS_GetCommand (http://www.thinbasic.com/public/products/thinBasic/help/html/os_getcommand.htm), OS_GetCommands (http://www.thinbasic.com/public/products/thinBasic/help/html/os_getcommands.htm)
and example in \thinBasic\SampleScripts\OS\OS_SampleCommandLine.tbasic


John Spikowski
20-08-2010, 22:28

I love your online help system. Did you write it yourself? Very well done!


21-08-2010, 08:40
thinBasic help is written manually using Help&Manual (http://www.ec-software.com/products_hm_overview.html) application.

Still very incomplete in many parts but I will work on it.
Many users helped me in sending text of some topics.

John Spikowski
21-08-2010, 19:01
thinBasic help is written manually using Help&Manual application

Nice application but a little too expensive for an open source project I'm already funding out of my own pocket.