30-07-2010, 09:53
i refer to a previous post here
about plotting prime numbers spiral, i refer to the Eros modification on using canvas_wait and printing text on the canvas on a specified place, so i have used this feature to print the numbers on the big circles representing the spiral, this is usefull for educational purposes. it is usefull to put a label on a triangle or a square ...etc.
you can change the font size and color and background color.
Uses "UI"
Dim hWin As DWord = Canvas_Window("primes spiral - press any key to Exit", 1, 1, 800, 600 )
Canvas_Attach(hWin, 0, %TRUE) ' <- double buffer
Dim t1, t2 As Quad
Dim i,j,colrR,colrG,colrB As Long
Dim x, y, x2, y2, dots As Long
Dim turn,num,points_per_edge,edgecycle As Long
points_per_edge = 1: edgecycle = 0
'ploting point number 1 :
Canvas_Ellipse(x-4, y-4, x+4, y+4, Rgb(255, 255, 0),Rgb(255, 255, 0))
For i = 1 To 23
Canvas_Window End
Sub Plotting()
turn = turn + 1
If turn = 5 Then turn = 1
edgecycle = edgecycle + 1
If edgecycle = 3 Then
edgecycle = 1
points_per_edge = points_per_edge + 1
End If
For j = 1 To points_per_edge
num = num + 1
If IsPrime(num)=%TRUE Then
colrR = 0 : colrG = 255 : colrB = 0
colrR = 255 : colrG = 0 : colrB = 0
End If
Select Case turn
Case 1
x = x + 48
Case 2
y = y - 48
Case 3
x = x - 48
Case 4
y = y + 48
End Select
Canvas_Ellipse(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB),Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB))
x2 = x-10: y2 = y-10
dots = dots + 1
Canvas_SetPos(x2, y2)
Canvas_Color(Rgb(0, 0, 0),Rgb(205, 242, 254))
Canvas_Font("Arial CE" , 12, %CANVAS_FONTSTYLE_BOLD)
Canvas_Print Str$(num)
Next j
End Sub
i refer to a previous post here
about plotting prime numbers spiral, i refer to the Eros modification on using canvas_wait and printing text on the canvas on a specified place, so i have used this feature to print the numbers on the big circles representing the spiral, this is usefull for educational purposes. it is usefull to put a label on a triangle or a square ...etc.
you can change the font size and color and background color.
Uses "UI"
Dim hWin As DWord = Canvas_Window("primes spiral - press any key to Exit", 1, 1, 800, 600 )
Canvas_Attach(hWin, 0, %TRUE) ' <- double buffer
Dim t1, t2 As Quad
Dim i,j,colrR,colrG,colrB As Long
Dim x, y, x2, y2, dots As Long
Dim turn,num,points_per_edge,edgecycle As Long
points_per_edge = 1: edgecycle = 0
'ploting point number 1 :
Canvas_Ellipse(x-4, y-4, x+4, y+4, Rgb(255, 255, 0),Rgb(255, 255, 0))
For i = 1 To 23
Canvas_Window End
Sub Plotting()
turn = turn + 1
If turn = 5 Then turn = 1
edgecycle = edgecycle + 1
If edgecycle = 3 Then
edgecycle = 1
points_per_edge = points_per_edge + 1
End If
For j = 1 To points_per_edge
num = num + 1
If IsPrime(num)=%TRUE Then
colrR = 0 : colrG = 255 : colrB = 0
colrR = 255 : colrG = 0 : colrB = 0
End If
Select Case turn
Case 1
x = x + 48
Case 2
y = y - 48
Case 3
x = x - 48
Case 4
y = y + 48
End Select
Canvas_Ellipse(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB),Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB))
x2 = x-10: y2 = y-10
dots = dots + 1
Canvas_SetPos(x2, y2)
Canvas_Color(Rgb(0, 0, 0),Rgb(205, 242, 254))
Canvas_Font("Arial CE" , 12, %CANVAS_FONTSTYLE_BOLD)
Canvas_Print Str$(num)
Next j
End Sub