View Full Version : chr$ text converter (ui)

30-06-2010, 17:48
chr$: Convert one or more ASCII codes, ranges, and/or strings into a single string containing the corresponding ASCII character(s).

this way I have build a little gadget for simple text to CHR$ converter. This can be useful if you want to hide text strings in a program.

' Empty GUI script created on 06-30-2010 17:19:08 by frank brübach (ThinAIR)

Uses "ui"

%ID_TEXT1 = 30
%ID_TEXT2 = 31

Declare Function MessageBox Lib "USER32.DLL" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal hWnd As DWord, lpText As Asciiz, lpCaption As Asciiz, ByVal dwType As DWord) As Long

Function TBMain() As Long
Local hDlg As Long

Dialog New 0, "Thinbasic CHR$ converter", -1, -1, 255, 110, %WS_CAPTION Or %WS_MINIMIZEBOX Or %WS_SYSMENU To hDlg

Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %ID_TEXT1, "", 4, 4, 180, 40, %WS_CHILD Or %ES_MULTILINE Or _
Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDBTN_TXTCHR, "Text to CHR$", 190, 5, 60, 14
Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %ID_TEXT2, "", 4, 50, 180, 40, %WS_CHILD Or %ES_MULTILINE Or _
Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDBTN_CHRTXT, "&CHR$ to Text", 190, 50, 60, 14
Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDBTN_INFO, "&Info", 190, 76, 30, 14
Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDCANCEL, "E&xit", 220, 76, 30, 14

Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call DlgProc

End Function

CallBack Function DlgProc() As Long
Local i As Long
Local txt As String
Local txt2 As String

Select Case CBMSG

Control Set Focus CBHNDL, %ID_TEXT1


If CBCTLMSG <> %BN_CLICKED Then Exit Function
Select Case CBCTL
txt2 = ""
Control Get Text CBHNDL, %ID_TEXT1 To txt
If Len(txt) Then
txt2 = "CHR$("
For I = 1 To Len(txt)
txt2 = txt2 & Format$(Asc(txt, I)) & ")"
Next I
txt2 = LEFT$(txt2, Len(txt2) - 2) & ""
End If
Control Set Text CBHNDL, %ID_TEXT2, txt2

txt2 = ""
Control Get Text CBHNDL, %ID_TEXT2 To txt
txt = Remove$(txt, Any "CHR$()")
If Len(txt) Then
For I = 1 To ParseCount(txt, ", ")
txt2 = txt2 & Chr$(Max(9, Min(255, Val(Parse$(txt, ", ", I)))))
's = Parse$(StringExpression, [Any] StringDelimiter, Index)
Next I
End If
Control Set Text CBHNDL, %ID_TEXT1, txt2

txt = "Text in upper textbox can be converted to CHR$(..) in lower," + $CRLF + _
"ready for copying. Lower textbox can convert from CHR$(..)" + $CRLF + _
"to text in upper. Use right-click menu in textboxes to copy, etc." + $CRLF + $CRLF + _
"That's all, folks.. :-)"

Call MessageBox(CBHNDL, ByVal StrPtr(txt), _
"Information" + Chr$(0), %MB_OK Or %MB_ICONINFORMATION)

Case %IDCANCEL : Dialog End CBHNDL
End Select

End Select
End Function

the example should works in both translation directions, try it :)

best regards, frank

01-07-2010, 01:43
Thanks Frank. Seeing any sort of conversion is magical. It brings out the wild imaginations of being an ancient commander devising a new way to send encrypted messages to others.