View Full Version : prime numbers spiral

08-06-2010, 07:03
the following program is an implementation of the prime numbers spiral explained here:
there are some patterns which are just a plotting of some equations which produce prime numbers in a small scale such as euler equation:
P(n) = n2 − n + 41 , it is failed when the number is 41
the problem of the primality or not of number one discussed here:
the program here is just a translation of the pencil and paper way in plotting the spiral, there are may be a more ways in doing that
the first program will display the spiral for a few numbers with a big dots, the purpose is to be sure the program is working correctly, the new thinbasic IsPrime function is handy in detecting the primes:

Uses "UI"

Dim hWin As DWord = Canvas_Window("primes spiral", 1, 1, 800, 600 )
Canvas_Attach(hWin, 0, %TRUE) ' <- double buffer
Dim t1, t2 As Quad
t1 = hiresTimer_Get
Dim i,j,colrR,colrG,colrB As Long
Dim x, y, dots As Long
dim turn,num,points_per_edge,edgecycle as long
points_per_edge = 1: edgecycle = 0
'ploting point number 1 :
Canvas_Ellipse(x-4, y-4, x+4, y+4, Rgb(255, 255, 0),Rgb(255, 255, 0))

For i = 1 To 9



t2 = HiResTimer_Get

MsgBox hWin, "Time taken:"+Format$((t2-t1)/1000000, "#.000")+" second --" + dots + " dots drawn", %MB_APPLMODAL

Canvas_Window end

SUB Plotting()

turn = turn + 1
If turn = 5 Then turn = 1
edgecycle = edgecycle + 1

If edgecycle = 3 Then
edgecycle = 1
points_per_edge = points_per_edge + 1
end if

For j = 1 To points_per_edge

num = num + 1

If IsPrime(num)=%TRUE Then
colrR = 0 : colrG = 255 : colrB = 0
colrR = 255 : colrG = 0 : colrB = 0
end if

Select Case turn
Case 1
x = x + 24
Case 2
y = y - 24
Case 3
x = x - 24
Case 4
y = y + 24
End Select

Canvas_Ellipse(x-4, y-4, x+4, y+4, Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB),Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB))
dots = dots + 1
Next j


the second program will plot the 250500 numbers, the primes in white, the composites in black, if you want to speed the plotting just press the left mouse button over the title bar as reported here:
when not pressing on the address bar i get the time 15.375 seconds

Uses "UI"

Dim hWin As DWord = Canvas_Window("primes spiral", 1, 1, 800, 600 )
Canvas_Attach(hWin, 0, %TRUE) ' <- double buffer
Dim t1, t2 As Quad
t1 = hiresTimer_Get
Dim i,j,colrR,colrG,colrB As Long
Dim x, y, dots As Long
Dim ScreenWidth As Long = 800: Dim ScreenHeight As Long = 600
x = ScreenWidth/2 :y = ScreenHeight/2
Dim turn,num,points_per_edge,edgecycle As Long
points_per_edge = 1: edgecycle = 0

For i = 1 To 1000
'ploting point number 1 (thick dot):
Canvas_Ellipse(ScreenWidth/2-2, ScreenHeight/2-2, ScreenWidth/2+2, ScreenHeight/2+2, Rgb(255,255, 0),Rgb(255, 255, 0))
t2 = HiResTimer_Get
MsgBox hWin, "Time taken:"+Format$((t2-t1)/1000000, "#.000")+" second --" + dots + " dots drawn", %MB_APPLMODAL
Canvas_Window End

SUB Plotting()

turn = turn + 1
If turn = 5 Then turn = 1
edgecycle = edgecycle + 1

If edgecycle = 3 Then
edgecycle = 1
points_per_edge = points_per_edge + 1
end if

For j = 1 To points_per_edge
num = num + 1
If IsPrime(num)=%TRUE Then
colrR = 255: colrG = 255 : colrB = 255
colrR = 0 : colrG = 0 : colrB = 0
end if

Select Case turn
Case 1
x = x + 1
Case 2
y = y - 1
Case 3
x = x - 1
Case 4
y = y + 1
End Select

Canvas_Color( Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB))
Canvas_SetPixel(x, y)
dots = dots + 1
Next j


08-06-2010, 07:44
Thank you zak for this interesting script
Math visualization is always very fascinating

Can I put those scripts in next thinBasic release examples giving credit to you?

08-06-2010, 08:05
Hi Eros
yes of course, also you can refine it as needed ,thanks.
i have faced a strange phenomena, when running firefox on the thinbasic forum and choosing "work offline" from file menu the speed of the plot is as you click on the address bar. but when it in google no effect. can you confirm this, this is strange.

08-06-2010, 08:40
i have reproduced the effect many times, more than 10 times, but not now, it seems the effect appears sometimes, . i can't reproduce it again.

Petr Schreiber
08-06-2010, 09:02
Hi Zak,

very nice example, thanks a lot! I get similar time here.
You can get to ~3 seconds by redrawing just once:

Uses "UI"

Dim hWin As DWord = Canvas_Window("primes spiral", 1, 1, 800, 600 )
Canvas_Attach(hWin, 0, %TRUE) ' <- double buffer
Dim t1, t2 As Quad
t1 = HiResTimer_Get
Dim i,j,colrR,colrG,colrB As Long
Dim x, y, dots As Long
Dim ScreenWidth As Long = 800: Dim ScreenHeight As Long = 600
x = ScreenWidth/2 :y = ScreenHeight/2
Dim turn,num,points_per_edge,edgecycle As Long
points_per_edge = 1: edgecycle = 0

For i = 1 To 1000

'ploting point number 1 (thick dot):
Canvas_Ellipse(ScreenWidth/2-2, ScreenHeight/2-2, ScreenWidth/2+2, ScreenHeight/2+2, Rgb(255,255, 0),Rgb(255, 255, 0))
t2 = HiResTimer_Get
MsgBox hWin, "Time taken:"+Format$((t2-t1)/1000000, "#.000")+" second --" + dots + " dots drawn", %MB_APPLMODAL
Canvas_Window End

Sub Plotting()

turn = turn + 1
If turn = 5 Then turn = 1
edgecycle = edgecycle + 1

If edgecycle = 3 Then
edgecycle = 1
points_per_edge = points_per_edge + 1
End If

For j = 1 To points_per_edge
num = num + 1
If IsPrime(num)=%TRUE Then
colrR = 255: colrG = 255 : colrB = 255
colrR = 0 : colrG = 0 : colrB = 0
End If

Select Case turn
Case 1
x = x + 1
Case 2
y = y - 1
Case 3
x = x - 1
Case 4
y = y + 1
End Select

Canvas_Color( Rgb(colrR, colrG, colrB))
Canvas_SetPixel(x, y)
dots = dots + 1
Next j

End Sub

Maybe writing directly to bitmap (Canvas_BitmapGet, Canvas_BitmapSet) with array overlay could bring some speedup.

Regarding the FireFox interference - I can observe it for OpenGL programs as well, the frame rate can get quite jumpy with FF open.
