24-03-2010, 08:45
Problem 5:
Find the 5 positive integer roots (the 5 values of X which cause the equation to be true) for the following polynomial.
X^5 - 973447643102 * X^4 + 1132119607924548 * X^3 - 340211189835457006 * X^2 + 6379933987025808250 * X - 6040853943350632690 = 0
26-03-2010, 02:04
Here is one method of solution.
'file = Lovecraft5.tbasicc
Uses "console"
Uses "file"
%maxdegree = 5
%eps = 10^-12 As Ext
Global root(%maxdegree) As Quad
Global polycoeff(%maxdegree + 1) As Quad
Global derivcoeff(%maxdegree + 1) As Quad
Global reducedpolycoeff(%maxdegree + 1) As Quad
Global lowerlimit As Quad
Global currentdegree As DWord
Global currentroot As DWord
Global ti, tf As DWord
Global tt As Ext
Global filestring As String = "Lovecraft5.txt"
Global outfile As DWord
Function TBMain()
Local i As DWord
currentroot = 0
lowerlimit = 0
ti = GetTickCount
currentroot += 1
currentdegree = %maxdegree - currentroot + 1
If currentdegree = 1 Then Exit Do
tf = GetTickCount
outfile = FILE_Open(filestring, "output")
End Function
Function calcnextroot()
'As the script is currently constructed, the polynomial must have all integer
'Using the method of this script, we always find the leftmost root (the lowest in
'At any point, the value of the derivative of a function, is a straight line that
'is tangent to the curve of the function.
'Here, we follow the derivative line to the x axis. The intersection gives the
'new value of x.
'For any right triangle, with legs "x" and "y"; and "t" defined as the acute angle
'between the hypotenuse and x,
'y = x * tan(t).
'x = y / tan(t).
'Below, "calcpolyval(oldx)" corresponds to y, and "calcderivval(oldx)" corresponds to
'When the absolute value of, the new value of x minus the old value of x, is very
'small, we round it to the nearest integer, and that integer is the root.
Local oldx, newx As Ext
Local count As DWord
oldx = lowerlimit
newx = oldx - calcpolyval(oldx) / calcderivval(oldx)
If Abs(newx - oldx) < %eps Then
root(currentroot) = newx
lowerlimit = root(currentroot)
Exit Do
End If
oldx = newx
End Function
Function setinitialpolycoeff()
polycoeff(1) = -06040853943350632690, +06379933987025808250, -00340211189835457006
polycoeff(4) = +00001132119607924548, -00000000973447643102, +00000000000000000001
currentdegree = %maxdegree
End Function
Function zeropolycoeff()
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To %maxdegree
setpolycoeff(i, 0)
End Function
Function setpolycoeff(degree As DWord, coeff As Quad)
polycoeff(degree + 1) = coeff
End Function
Function getpolycoeff(degree As DWord) As Quad
Return polycoeff(degree + 1)
End Function
Function calcpolyval(x As Ext) As Ext
Local total As Ext = 0
Local degree As Ext
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To currentdegree
degree = i
total += getpolycoeff(i) * x ^ degree
Return total
End Function
Function zeroderivcoeff()
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To %maxdegree
setderivcoeff(i, 0)
End Function
Function calcderivcoeff()
'For the polynomial form,
'c * x ^ n,
'where c and n are integers,
'the derivative is,
'n * c * x ^ (n - 1).
Local i As DWord
For i = 1 To currentdegree
setderivcoeff(i - 1, getpolycoeff(i) * i)
End Function
Function setderivcoeff(degree As DWord, V As Quad)
derivcoeff(degree + 1) = V
End Function
Function getderivcoeff(degree As DWord) As Quad
Return derivcoeff(degree + 1)
End Function
Function calcderivval(x As Ext) As Ext
Local total As Ext = 0
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To currentdegree - 1
total += getderivcoeff(i) * x ^ i
Return total
End Function
Function zeroreducedpolycoeff()
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To %maxdegree
setreducedpolycoeff(i, 0)
End Function
Function calcreducedpolycoeff()
'A polynomial's degree, is the value of its highest exponent.
'An nth degree polynomial, has n roots.
'Here we are reducing the polynomial (lowering its degree by one).
'Say, we begin with the polynomial,
'x^3 - 6*x^2 + 11*x - 6.
'I know its roots are x = 1, 2, 3.
'How do I know?
'Because, I constructed it that way.
'I wanted the roots to be x = 1, 2, 3, so I began with,
'(x - 1) * (x - 2) * (x - 3).
'Notice, that if x = 1, 2, or 3, then one of the three factors is 0, and
'therefore, the result is 0.
'When the three factors are multiplied together, we get,
'x^3 - 6*x^2 + 11*x - 6.
'Using the method of this script, we always find the leftmost root, so, the first
'root found, would be 1, using,
'x^3 - 6*x^2 + 11*x - 6 = 0.
'Then, we reduce the polynomial from degree 3, to degree 2, using what is called
'synthetic division.
'We perform the division,
'(x^3 - 6*x^2 + 11*x - 6) / (x - 1),
'and we get,
'x^2 -5*x + 6,
'which is equal to,
'(x - 2) * (x - 3).
'Then, we find the left root of,
'x^2 -5*x + 6 = 0,
'which is 2.
'Then, we reduce the polynomial from degree 2, to degree 1, by performing the
'(x^2 -5*x + 6) / (x - 2),
'and we get,
'x - 3.
'Then, we solve,
'x - 3 = 0,
'and we are done, we have found all three roots.
'So, the method works by alternately finding the leftmost root, and then reducing
'the polynomial by one degree, until all of the roots have been found.
Local i, cd, cr As DWord
Local pc, rpc As Quad
cd = currentdegree
cr = currentroot
For i = 1 To cd
pc = getpolycoeff(cd - i + 1)
rpc = getreducedpolycoeff(cd - i + 1)
setreducedpolycoeff(cd - i, pc + rpc * root(cr))
End Function
Function setreducedpolycoeff(degree As DWord, V As Quad)
reducedpolycoeff(degree + 1) = V
End Function
Function getreducedpolycoeff(degree As DWord) As Quad
Return reducedpolycoeff(degree + 1)
End Function
Function setnewpolycoeff()
Local i As DWord
For i = 0 To currentdegree - 1
setpolycoeff(i, getreducedpolycoeff(i))
End Function
Function calctotaltime()
tt = (tf - ti)/1000.0
End Function
Function writeoutput()
Local s1, s2, s3 As String
Local i As Integer
s1 = "Root Value"
For i = 1 To %maxdegree
s1 = Format$(i, "00")
s2 = s1 & " "
s1 = Format$(root(i), "000000000000")
s3 = s2 & s1
s1 = "elapsed time = "
s2 = Format$(tt, "0000.000")
s3 = s1 & s2
s1 = " seconds"
s2 = s3 & s1
End Function
Function writeoutputline(s4 As String)
FILE_LinePrint(outfile, s4)
End Function
28-03-2010, 06:27
You can solve a degree 16 polynomial, if in the program you change,
%maxdegree = 5,
%maxdegree = 16.
And in function "setinitialpolycoeff()", you use these coefficients, -->
polycoeff(01) = +020922789888000, -070734282393600, +102992244837120, -087077748875904
polycoeff(05) = +048366009233424, -018861567058880, +005374523477960, -001146901283528
polycoeff(09) = +000185953177553, -000023057159840, +000002185031420, -000000156952432
polycoeff(13) = +000000008394022, -000000000323680, +000000000008500, -000000000000136
polycoeff(17) = +000000000000001
I tried solving a degree 20 polynomial. It didn't work. My guess is that the
reason is, we are losing too much precision. I think we would need more
significant digits, than Quad and Ext provide.