View Full Version : three questions
09-03-2010, 11:36
one more question to math things with thinbasic.
' Empty GUI script created on 03-09-2010 10:22:46 by denis (ThinAIR)
Uses "console", "math"
MsgBox 0, "my multiply result: " + mymath()
Function mymath() As Long
Dim a,b,c As Long
Dim pival As Integer
a = 5
b = 6
c = a*b
PrintL a + b
PrintL Sin(a)
'PrintL Pi(b) '-- doesn't work, why ?
PiVal = 4 * Atn(1)
PrintL "my pival result: " + pival
PrintL Log(b)
'PrintL c-a ' c(-a) '-- doesn't work, why ?
'Printl a + mymath() '--- works, but fast list cannot stop to see
Function = c
End Function
my questions I named in code example ;)
09-03-2010, 13:52
Post moved to General forum because this in an inquiry and not a code/snipet
[@]pi is a reserved keyword of MATH module:
[@]PrintL accept strings as parameters and not numeric calculations so if you want make a calculation just use a formatting function like PrintL Format$(c - a)
[@]with "PrintL a + mymath()" you are recursively calling your function without an exit strategy. Are you sure about your code?
[@]to slow down your application, enter something like SLEEP [milliseconds] where [milliseconds] is the time the script has to stop
09-03-2010, 14:29
thanks eros :)
a) does it mean I cannot calculate "PI" with different values ? (sorry)
(for example: pi*180/r)
b) how would this new example looks like with increase "mymath() function" and stop it at number I = 50 for exit ? I cannot manage. (sorry again) It's possible to increase a function? I don't think so. Was just an idea.
c) printl format$(c-a): good! I have saved in my mind, thanks!
with "PrintL a + mymath()" you are recursively calling your function without an exit strategy. Are you sure about your code?
no, I am no more sure about that ;)
' Empty GUI script created on 03-09-2010 10:22:46 by denis (ThinAIR)
Uses "console", "math"
MsgBox 0, "my multiply result: " + mymath()
Function mymath() As Long
Dim a,b,c As Long
Dim pival As Integer
Dim counter As Long
a = 5
b = 6
c = a*b
PrintL Format$(c + b)
PrintL Sin(a)
MsgBox 0," this is cos(a) result: " + Cos(a),%MB_OK, "pi " + Pi
PiVal = 4 * Atn(1)
PrintL "my pival result: " + pival
PrintL Log(b)
PrintL Format$(c-a)
counter += 1
Sleep 1000
Incr counter
PrintL a + counter '+ mymath() --- works, but fast list cannot Stop To see
If counter = 30 Then Exit Function
PrintL counter
Function = c
End Function
bye, thanks, denis
09-03-2010, 15:53
yes you can pi*180/r but not Pi(b) like in your first example. What is Pi(b)?
If you have a recursive function you must have an exit test otherwise you will enter into a loop and after a while a possible GPF or overflow. So what is your exit test here?
If your exit test is "If counter = 30 Then Exit Function"
you will never get that line of code because recursion is the line before it.
DIM counter As Long
Global counter As Long
and invert line
PrintL a + mymath()
with line
If counter = 30 Then Exit Function
Also note you are increasing Counter twice
09-03-2010, 16:02
hello chris, (christianssen)
what are you trying ?
i don't understand whats going on in your code :lol:
' Empty ThinBASIC CONSOLE file template
Uses "Console"
Uses "console", "math"
MsgBox 0, "my multiply result: " + mymath()
Function mymath() As Long
Dim a,b,c,r As Long
Dim pival As Long
Dim counter As Long
a = 5
b = 6
c = a*b
r = c+b
PrintL "c+b = " + r
PrintL "sin(a) = " + Sin(a)
r= Cos(a) + Pi
PrintL " this is cos(a)+pi = " + r
PiVal = 4 * Atn(1)
PrintL "my pival result: " + pival
PrintL Log(b)
PrintL " c-a" = r
counter += 1
Sleep 1000
Incr counter
r=a+ counter + mymath()
PrintL "a + counter + mymath() =" r
If counter = 30 Then Exit Function
PrintL "counter=" + counter
Function = c
End Function
09-03-2010, 17:40
hi denis, hi joshy, hi eros.
if you use your first example with some function like "printl a + math()" you will get no exit for your function, neither for "counter = 30" nor "counter = 5". I have tested such similar things with functions and value increases some weeks before.
but with a loop (this I would prefer to do) you can have a serious exit if you want. don't know what's your intention? to combine a mathematical function with a loop, increasing values for what ? ;) I don't know that. I can suggest this kind of tb example:
' Empty GUI script created on 03-09-2010 10:22:46 by denis (ThinAIR)
' franks modification with loop and exit
Uses "console", "math"
Global counter As Long
MsgBox 0, "my multiply result: " + mymath()
Function mymath() As Long
Dim a,b,c,d,i As Long
Dim pival As Integer
Dim counter As Long
a = 5
b = 6
c = a*b
d = Sin(a)
PrintL Format$(c + b)
PrintL "sin(a) is: " + d
Sleep 1000
MsgBox 0," this is cos(a) result: " + Cos(a),%MB_OK, "pi " + Pi
PiVal = 4 * Atn(1)
PrintL "my pival result: " + pival
PrintL Log(b)
PrintL Format$(c-a)
counter = 0
Incr counter
Sleep 500
Console_WriteLine ("-- my counter :"+Str$(counter))
Function = c
Loop Until counter = 10 '----- Then Exit Do
Sleep 100
'PrintL "mymath result: " + mymath()
End Function
PrintL "again: mymath result: " + mymath()
PrintL "pi(b) is sometimes one piece biscuit (b) cut off the pastry ?"
2) if you activate "PrintL "mymath result: " + mymath() " before end function you will have the same dilemma that this function will never end and exit ;) you can test it.
eros has mentioned it already above:
If you have a recursive function you must have an exit test otherwise you will enter into a loop and after a while a possible GPF or overflow. So what is your exit test here?
thanks for your little example, frank
10-03-2010, 11:12
thanks joshy, eros, frank for help.
think about best example for my idea was today with loop exit. because I am new with console modus I didn't see I cannot break the "PrintL "a + counter + mymath() " function for exit. that's new for me. sorry for unserious question or I didn't explain it clear. thanks to all for help! learning day by day one little cake of thinbasic :D