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View Full Version : Joshy - cars

04-03-2010, 16:31
I am now playing with "Volkswagen" to test out space like movement and physics.i hope you don't use ODE, Newton or Tokamak.

i tryed all in the past 2 years and the results looks more than a toy as a realistic driving car.

now i write my own car physics engine.

the most part of my OpenGL render engine for good looking cars are done

here are a video of my work (if you like)



Petr Schreiber
04-03-2010, 16:44
Hi Joshy,

that "Volkswagen" was not car, but space shuttle we nicknamed thanks to fact it looked bit like 60's Volkswagen Transporter :) The physics model was completely custom there:
picture (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=687.0;attach=798;image)

Your car rendering looks neat!

I used ODE for my Bachelors thesis ... so I have idea what kind of monster it is :D
