View Full Version : drag drop question

26-01-2010, 18:12
hello. I tried to make drag & drop example. found something with vb and other app`s. now it`s only the textmessage missing I would like to see for file I dropped into dialog box. perhaps somebody can check my example.

' Empty GUI script created on 01-23-2010 15:53:51 by (ThinAIR)

Uses "ui", "file"

%Attribute_Directory = 16
%textboxOne = 170
%CloseButton = 180
%MyPropertylist = 200
%MassiveFiles = 100
%myListbox = 300

Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "shell32" Alias "DragQueryFileA" ( _
ByVal wHandle As Long, _
ByVal NumFiles As Long, _
ByVal NameBuffer As String, _
ByVal BufferLen As Long) As Long

Declare Sub DragFinish Lib "shell32" Alias "DragFinish" (ByVal wHandle As Long)

'- get property exists ?
'- pRoot = PropertyList_GetPropertyRoot(hWnd, ctrlID)

Function GetDroppedFiles(ByVal hDrop As Long) As Long
hDrop = 10 '- only for dummy testing !

Local myDroppedFiles() As String
Local count As DWord
Local fString As Asciiz
Local n As Long
Local hDlg As Long

count = DragQueryFile(hDrop, %MassiveFiles, fString, 0)

If count > 0 Then
ReDim myDroppedFiles(count-1)
For n = 1 To count-1
count = DragQueryFile(hDrop,n, fString,Len(fString)-1)
myDroppedFiles(n) += Peek$(StrPtr(fString),count) & $CRLF
Next n
End If
End Function
Sub myListDroppedFiles()
Local myFileList As String
Local myDroppedFiles() As String
Local getAttr() As String
Local retVal As Long
Local n As Long

For n = 1 To UBound(myDroppedFiles)
retVal = GetAttr(myDroppedFiles(n)) '- how to get property and attributes ?
If retVal = %Attribute_Directory Then
myFileList = myFileList & "[ " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " ]" & $CRLF
myFileList = myFileList & " " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " " & $CRLF
End If
Next n
MsgBox 0, "hello, you have copied: " + myFileList,%MB_OK,"Thinbasic Drag & Drop demo." 'str$(myFileList)

End Sub
CallBack Function GetDroppedCallback()
Local hDlg As Long
Select Case CBMSG
If GetDroppedFiles(CBWPARAM) Then myListDroppedFiles
DragFinish (CBWPARAM)
End Select

End Function

Function tbmain() As Long
Local hDlg As Long
Local result As Long

Dialog New 0, "my drag drop demo", -1,-1, 280, 180, %DS_CENTER Or %WS_SYSMENU , %WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES To hDlg
Control Add Label, hDlg, -1, "Try and drop files on this form" & _
$CRLF & "Try muliple files and directorys at this place", 20, 20, 180, 40
Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %textboxOne, "drag to this place!", 40,40,100,100
Control Add Button, hDlg, %CloseButton, "Click to kill", 170, 130, 60, 24, Call cbDialog()
Control Add PropertyList, hdlg, %MyPropertylist, "properties", 160, 40, 80, 70, %WS_TABSTOP ', call cbPropList
Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call GetDroppedCallback

End Function

' Callback function used to handle dialog events
CallBack Function cbDialog() As Long

Select Case CBMSG
If CBWPARAM = %CloseButton Then Dialog End CBHNDL
MsgBox 0, "Window is to be destroyed."
End Select
End Function

I am not sure if textbox can be best choice for message feedback of what kind of file I dropped into dialog . found no perfect answer.


26-01-2010, 18:30
don't be sure, but try your example instead of textbox with "listbox" :)
I am still at work and cannot check whole example. but perhaps this evening, later.


Michael Hartlef
26-01-2010, 19:04
Hi Tom,

I already started to fix your script and will get back to you in about 3-4 hours.
The problem is in the way you call the API and some other little stuff from the porting you did.
I am at work now and have to head home. As soon as my little one hits the bed, I will work further
on it.


26-01-2010, 20:59
hi tom, may be I have one solution for you ;)

' Empty GUI script created on 01-23-2010 15:53:51 by (ThinAIR)

Uses "ui", "file"

%Attribute_Directory = 16
%textboxOne = 170
%CloseButton = 180
%MyPropertylist = 200
%MassiveFiles = &HFFFF '100
%myListbox = 300

Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "shell32" Alias "DragQueryFileA" ( _
ByVal wHandle As Long, _
ByVal NumFiles As Long, _
ByVal NameBuffer As String, _
ByVal BufferLen As Long) As Long

Declare Sub DragFinish Lib "shell32" Alias "DragFinish" (ByVal wHandle As Long)

'- get property exists ?
'- pRoot = PropertyList_GetPropertyRoot(hWnd, ctrlID)

'-- deleted
CallBack Function GetDroppedCallback()
Local hDlg As Long
Local lParam As Long

Local myFileList As String
Local myDroppedFiles() As String
Local getAttr() As String
Local retVal,n As Long
Local leny As Long
Local counter As Long
Local drop As Long
Local fstring As String

For n = 1 To UBound(myDroppedFiles)
retVal = GetAttr(myDroppedFiles(n)) '- how to get property and attributes ?
If retVal = %Attribute_Directory Then
myFileList = myFileList & "[ " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " ]" & $CRLF
myFileList = myFileList & " " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " " & $CRLF
End If
Next n
'MsgBox 0, "hello, you have copied: " + myFileList,%MB_OK,"Thinbasic Drag & Drop demo." 'str$(myFileList)

Select Case CBMSG
drop = DragQueryFile(CBWPARAM, %MassiveFiles, %NULL, 0)
If drop > 0 Then
For Counter = 0 To (drop-1)
leny = DragQueryFile(lParam, Counter, %NULL, 0)
DragQueryFile(lParam, Counter, fString, leny+1)
LISTBOX Add CBHNDL, %myListbox, Peek$(StrPtr(fString),leny)
End If
Control Add LISTBOX, CBHNDL, %myListbox, , 40, 40, 100, 100, 0, %WS_EX_LEFT
End Select
End Function

Function tbmain() As Long
Local hDlg As Long
Local result As Long

Dialog New 0, "my drag drop demo", -1,-1, 280, 180, %DS_CENTER Or %WS_SYSMENU , %WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES To hDlg
Control Add Label, hDlg, -1, "Try and drop files on this form" & _
$CRLF & "Try muliple files and directorys at this place", 20, 20, 180, 40
'Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %textboxOne, "drag to this place!", 40,40,100,100
Control Add Button, hDlg, %CloseButton, "Click to kill", 170, 130, 60, 24, Call cbDialog()
Control Add PropertyList, hdlg, %MyPropertylist, "properties", 160, 40, 80, 70, %WS_TABSTOP ', call cbPropList
Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call GetDroppedCallback

End Function

' Callback function used to handle dialog events
CallBack Function cbDialog() As Long

Select Case CBMSG
If CBWPARAM = %CloseButton Then Dialog End CBHNDL
MsgBox 0, "Window is to be destroyed."
End Select
End Function

try and use this, I have looked at some older and saved examples at my old machine and tried to fix your example for example using "listbox" !

necessary callback statements I have done all in one callback function part and deleted your "Function GetDroppedFiles(ByVal hDrop As Long) As Long " complete ;)

if you choose one thinbasic file example and drag it into your form / dialog there will be shown a pathname and your thinbasic script ;) wasn't really easy.


Michael Hartlef
26-01-2010, 21:27
Hi Tom, this one works. Besides that you called the API wrongly, your dummy HDrop entry at the beginning of GetDroppedFiles threw my mind a little as I didn't see it at first.

' Empty GUI script created on 01-23-2010 15:53:51 by (ThinAIR)

Uses "ui", "file"

%Attribute_Directory = 16
%textboxOne = 170
%CloseButton = 180
%MyPropertylist = 200
'%MassiveFiles = 100
%myListbox = 300

Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "shell32" Alias "DragQueryFileA" ( _
ByVal wHandle As DWord, _
ByVal NumFiles As DWord, _
ByVal NameBuffer As DWord, _
ByVal BufferLen As Long) As DWord

Declare Sub DragFinish Lib "shell32" Alias "DragFinish" (ByVal wHandle As Long)

Dim myDroppedFiles(1) As String
'- get property exists ?
'- pRoot = PropertyList_GetPropertyRoot(hWnd, ctrlID)

Function GetDroppedFiles(ByVal hDrop As DWord) As Long
'hDrop = 10 '- only for dummy testing !

'Local myDroppedFiles() As String
Local filecount, count2 As DWord
Local fString As Asciiz * 512
'Local fString As String
Local n As Long
Local hDlg As Long
Local maxfiles As DWord
maxfiles = &hFFFFFFFF
'count = DragQueryFile(hDrop, %MassiveFiles, fString, 0)
filecount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, &hFFFFFFFF, 0, 0)

If count > 0 Then
'ReDim myDroppedFiles(count-1)
ReDim myDroppedFiles(count)
'For n = 1 To count-1
For n = 0 To count-1
count2 = DragQueryFile(hDrop,n, StrPtr(fString),512)
myDroppedFiles(n+1) += Peek$(StrPtr(fString),count2)
Next n
End If
End Function
Sub myListDroppedFiles()
Local myFileList As String
'Local myDroppedFiles() As String
Local getAttr() As String
Local retVal As Long
Local n As Long
Local fileCount As Long

fileCount = UBound(myDroppedFiles)
For n = 1 To filecount
'retVal = GetAttr(myDroppedFiles(n)) '- how to get property and attributes ?
'If retVal = %Attribute_Directory Then
' myFileList = myFileList & "[ " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " ]" & $CRLF
myFileList = myFileList & " " & myDroppedFiles(n) & " " & $CRLF
'End If
Next n
MsgBox 0, "hello, you have copied "&Str$(filecount)&" files: " &$CRLF& myFileList,%MB_OK,"Thinbasic Drag & Drop demo." 'str$(myFileList)

End Sub
CallBack Function GetDroppedCallback()
Local hDlg As Long
Select Case CBMSG
If GetDroppedFiles(CBWPARAM) Then myListDroppedFiles
DragFinish (CBWPARAM)
End Select

End Function

Function tbmain() As Long
Local hDlg As Long
Local result As Long

Dialog New 0, "my drag drop demo", -1,-1, 280, 180, %DS_CENTER Or %WS_SYSMENU , %WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES To hDlg
Control Add Label, hDlg, -1, "Try and drop files on this form" & _
$CRLF & "Try muliple files and directorys at this place", 20, 20, 180, 40
Control Add Textbox, hDlg, %textboxOne, "drag to this place!", 40,40,100,100
Control Add Button, hDlg, %CloseButton, "Click to kill", 170, 130, 60, 24, Call cbDialog()
Control Add PropertyList, hdlg, %MyPropertylist, "properties", 160, 40, 80, 70, %WS_TABSTOP ', call cbPropList
Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call GetDroppedCallback

End Function

' Callback function used to handle dialog events
CallBack Function cbDialog() As Long

Select Case CBMSG
If CBWPARAM = %CloseButton Then Dialog End CBHNDL
MsgBox 0, "Window is to be destroyed."
End Select
End Function

29-01-2010, 14:47
thanks frank, michael for help! :)

I've seen my mistakes. stupid things. I like franks solution one percent more because there are the file I wanted to show via drag in my dialog form (here: listbox!) . michaels solution I like too, interesting part for

maxfiles = &hFFFFFFFF
'count = DragQueryFile(hDrop, %MassiveFiles, fString, 0)
filecount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, &hFFFFFFFF, 0, 0)

does "&hFFFFFFFF = -1" value ? I can remember this from earlier c++ years. thanks for this alternative solution, I like thinbasic and to get very fast replies. I will study more about thinbasic gui's and dialog callbacks, I am not very fit with callback functions, listbox, listviews, sorry.


Michael Hartlef
29-01-2010, 16:10
I like franks solution one percent more because there are the file I wanted to show via drag in my dialog form (here: listbox!) .

No problem :D I tend not to read between the lines and add stuff that wasn't asked for on my own.

maxfiles = &hFFFFFFFF
'count = DragQueryFile(hDrop, %MassiveFiles, fString, 0)
filecount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, &hFFFFFFFF, 0, 0)

does "&hFFFFFFFF = -1" value ?

That depends on which data type you use. As a LONG type, it represents -1. As a DWORD, which does not have negative numbers, the value is 4294967295.