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View Full Version : Milkshape exporter

29-08-2009, 15:00
Hi thinBasic & TBGL users,

Does anyone know if there is a M15 import/export for the popular Milkshape modeling program available anywhere on the net?
Why just M15 for TGBL?


Petr Schreiber
29-08-2009, 15:12
Hi Pipes,

Milkshape can export to OBJ, which you can convert to M15 using this tool:
OBJ 2 M15 (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=1418.msg10052#msg10052)

Why no other format? It is simple - there are thousands of programs, which manage to export even such a simple format as OBJ badly. I also did not wanted to use formats produced by commercial programs, to keep the TBGL coding ... low cost :)

So I prefer way of neutral M15 format, to which you can convert using robust converters (ZBrush/Blender/Wings3D ... they all do OBJ "slightly differentely", but the converter detects the errors and corrects them), and M15 loader in TBGL can rely on fact the M15 will be correct.

Milkshape is great modeler, but it is shareware, after 30 days you must buy it or stop using it.
I bought it to my brother last summer, and according to my tests the conversion of OBJ from it is all right.

Let me know,

29-08-2009, 15:58
Hi Petr,

It is simple - there are thousands of programs, which manage to export even such a simple format as OBJ badly. I also did not wanted to use formats produced by commercial programs, to keep the TBGL coding ... low cost

Makes good sense. I was just wondering why. I figured there was a good reason.

I can appreciate keeping things low cost. Milkshape is the poor man's Autodesk 3D. I've been using Milkshape for quite awhile. For the price it can't be beat. :D

I'll more than likely have many, "wondering why," questions. It seems I keep coming back to thinBasic intermittently from other programming languages. Something about it keeps me intrigued.

Thanks for the quick response.

May all your thinBasic endeavors be successful. :D