View Full Version : An idea; thinIPhone

Michael Hartlef
29-08-2009, 12:02
Hi folks,

during my IPhone endevours with GLBasic my wish for this project becomes bigger and bigger. This community and the support we get from Eros and other is outstanding. So what is this project I'm dream of?


First of all, let me explain what the language I mentioned above does. It is a parser/trasnlator which translates BASIC into C/C++ and then compiles it with GCC into the platform depended code you need. Windows, Apple, Linux, GP2X, WIZ, IPhone, Win CE. The libraries are precompiled for each platform and are linked when the executable is build. You are also able to inline C code. For the IPhone it creates a static library out of your code, creates a XCODE project and then you need XCODE on a MAC to compile it. Very clever way of going by the EULA of Apple's SDK.

Would it be awesome if you could code your game in thinBasic and then create a XCODE project from your code to be compiled for an IPhone? It would, 100%. At least for me :)

So what could thinIPhone be? It would be a parser/translater, that creates C code and builds an XCode project. What else would you need? Similar modules to test on windows and their static lib counterparts to compile on the mac. TBGL of course (2D at the beginning), a sound module (based on OpenAL), things for storing files and maybe a little more. Sound like a some workload but I think with two or more people manageable in a resonable timeframe.

So my question is, would someone here like to work with me on something like this?

Well, someone can dream, or?