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  1. Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation (0 replies)
  2. Ray-triangle intersection: Example using new function enabled TYPEs (2 replies)
  3. 100! for Oussama (0 replies)
  4. Very cool random number website with java app too (0 replies)
  5. Monte Carlo calculation of volumes of n-balls (2 replies)
  6. GimbalRock - demo of rotations via gimbals (11 replies)
  7. Sage (0 replies)
  8. Proof: -(-n) = n (1 replies)
  9. Selecting a random element from an infinite set? (3 replies)
  10. Introducing NUMS -- an Arbitrary Precision Math Library (33 replies)
  11. power sum evaluations (7 replies)
  12. n! - very slowly. (11 replies)
  13. Cheap math books? - sometimes. (0 replies)
  14. a fast growing integer function (1 replies)
  15. 100,000 factorial (0 replies)
  16. Gamma function (14 replies)
  17. d/dx(sin(x)) (1 replies)
  18. The limit as t --> 0, of, sin(t)/t (1 replies)
  19. Toom-Cook Multiplication (9 replies)
  20. LibTom example (1 replies)
  21. Right Triangles (20 replies)
  22. some numerical recreations (5 replies)
  23. H.i.m.e. (3 replies)
  24. different types of floating point? (11 replies)
  25. number of digits in (x pow y) (5 replies)
  26. Help converting this math formula into code, please. (21 replies)
  27. A program showing Mandelbrot Orbits (4 replies)
  28. R Integration (1 replies)
  29. semi random walk (pictorial numerology) (5 replies)
  30. prime numbers spiral (4 replies)
  31. Project Lovecraft Problem 7 (37 replies)
  32. Project Lovecraft Problem 6 (3 replies)
  33. Project Lovecraft Problem 5 (2 replies)
  34. Biomorphs , a Fractal creatures (6 replies)
  35. Project Lovecraft Problem 4 (6 replies)
  36. Project Lovecraft Problem 3 (4 replies)
  37. Project Lovecraft Problem 2 (26 replies)
  38. Project Lovecraft Problem 1 (36 replies)
  39. Infinite Sets (7 replies)
  40. Project Euler 16 (0 replies)
  41. Project Euler 14 (20 replies)
  42. Project Euler Problem 7 (6 replies)
  43. Math subforum (0 replies)
  44. Project Euler Problem 8 (5 replies)
  45. Project Euler problem 6 (0 replies)
  46. Project Euler problem 4 (0 replies)
  47. Project Euler Problem 1 (13 replies)