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View Full Version : COMM (Serial communication)

  1. Not receiving expected result from Comm_RECV (10 replies)
  2. Feature request: Add timeout to COMM_Send() (6 replies)
  3. COMM_Print() never returns when opening Arduino UNO R3 serial port (6 replies)
  4. COMM_Open never sets Err (3 replies)
  5. Serial Relays Controller Using COMM Module (4 replies)
  6. USB to Serial emulator (1 replies)
  7. can't opening comm (15 replies)
  8. sample script for RS485 (6 replies)
  9. From Support: Detecting COMM port and attached device names (if any) (16 replies)
  10. Cannot get COMM to receive (7 replies)
  11. interpred vs compiled Thin Basic (2 replies)
  12. Using Thin Basic in SCADA (2 replies)
  13. Comm Module Comm_Recv (13 replies)
  14. Comm_Recv causes thinBasic to crash (23 replies)
  15. COMM Module? (5 replies)