View Full Version : Suggestions/Ideas discussions
- Optional default-value & IsMissing(argument) (0 replies)
- Function Overload - yes we can - and why we need UDT-Subelement as SUB (0 replies)
- TOPIC REGEXPR Examples (0 replies)
- Units & Type ideas (0 replies)
- an "ascii-idea", $NUL-terminated scripts (0 replies)
- What about Strings & implicit operations? (1 replies)
- Some naming suggests <=O-O=> - future goggles - (0 replies)
- Virtual dynamic Strings (1 replies)
- Run script without saving? (5 replies)
- once again: the private scope (1 replies)
- Internal (SDK mostly) Vartype-thoughts about encoding and other stuff (1 replies)
- Keywords as Function-parameters (0 replies)
- call back into the future (0 replies)
- Functions that return Arrays (1 replies)
- thinBasic-project 1.2021 (1 replies)
- Console as UIControl or AddressOf(,,,) (0 replies)
- Any, Some, All, Neither|Nor, None to fix & improve. (0 replies)
- Select UCase <String> (1 replies)
- Formatting string in Bin_To_Hex$ function (3 replies)
- CleanUp those millions of constants (2 replies)
- Static Type-members and scopes (2 replies)
- Support a doubly-linked list module similar to LL (7 replies)
- Bug tracking allow file attachment (0 replies)
- TB Main - automatically be terminated after number of seconds (2 replies)
- what colour is TB? (4 replies)
- thinBasic-Online-interpreter (3 replies)
- Variable scope suggestion (21 replies)
- i18n internationalization functionality in thinbasic / thinair (23 replies)
- Still: static udt-subelements... (4 replies)
- Considering semantic versioning (10 replies)
- Tbo2 (37 replies)
- LookUp-Table-structure (0 replies)
- UDT-improvement (10 replies)
- Package manager proposal for ThinBASIC (4 replies)
- Sqlite? (7 replies)
- Suggestion: new for commands (7 replies)
- Need help assigning class to arrays (5 replies)
- LL's and Dir_List trying to understand (0 replies)
- Cool and Clean, safe to use? (3 replies)
- C-style #DEFINEs (1 replies)
- TypeOf and secret Static UDT-members... (7 replies)
- grouped Enumeration as other languages have (1 replies)
- MaskedTextBox Control (6 replies)
- Console - function to be called at shutdown (2 replies)
- data-structures and more (2 replies)
- For X At pStart To pEnd Step Sizeof(X) (1 replies)
- unique udt-variables (2 replies)
- enumerating types (1 replies)
- when thinBasic crashes... (5 replies)
- Array Sort - once more... (3 replies)
- zLib - archives (2 replies)
- Array Join (4 replies)
- Peek & Poke... (3 replies)
- Concept: Context function (3 replies)
- Allow Me without dot or Extends <PrimitiveType> (1 replies)
- Array Left$ (22 replies)
- Function_ReturnValue/ Function_ResultPtr (2 replies)
- SizeOf(<stringexpression>) (0 replies)
- Type ... As ... ? (0 replies)
- 3 problems that complicate my life (0 replies)
- With {As|Like} vartype At- a virtual idea (0 replies)
- UDT_ElementName-idea (0 replies)
- all those keywords... (5 replies)
- Would there be an interest in a free EZGUI runtime for ThinBasic ? (1 replies)
- idea for stack-variables (0 replies)
- Array CVx... (0 replies)
- another weird Alias-thought (5 replies)
- enumerating-thoughts (5 replies)
- ARRAY-ideas (51 replies)
- Type_Exists(sType) ? (0 replies)
- experimental script & tB-bug (6 replies)
- Variadic Functions (1 replies)
- tB-online-interpreter-idea (7 replies)
- idea: "thinWiki" (3 replies)
- Static UDT-idea & more (7 replies)
- type-constructor-ideas (6 replies)
- TBGL-Ideas (4 replies)
- Safety first: 3+1 suggestions for thinBASIC (4 replies)
- UI-Menubuilder-Idea (2 replies)
- TypeOf- ideas (45 replies)
- OOP ideas (13 replies)
- Release the beast: Get$/Set$/GetPtr (66 replies)
- Ideas for dynamic Array-constructor on the fly (0 replies)
- Idea for Line-Number string literal $LN (0 replies)
- Request for better parsing of IF statements (6 replies)
- Idea for ordered SWAP (7 replies)
- Idea for #LINE preprocessor command (0 replies)
- Idea about "pseudo-variable" target functions (11 replies)
- Idea about "VAR ARG" parameters (8 replies)
- Idea for LEFT$/RIGHT$ variable that work in reverse (6 replies)
- Idea for automatic implied line continuation (4 replies)
- Support IN for lists of strings (2 replies)
- Idea for multi-variable DIM declarations (3 replies)
- Idea for case-insensitive string comparisons (15 replies)
- Idea for blank-delimited concatenation (19 replies)
- Constant String Arrays with non-linear "indexes" (3 replies)
- OK, I need help from ASM men (9 replies)
- Icons for thinBasic (8 replies)
- O2 thinBasic (5 replies)
- Win7 64 bit: my new development machine. (3 replies)
- thinCore as embeddable 3rd party DLL (21 replies)
- 3 DLL less in next preview (3 replies)
- Question: UIAdv module (2 replies)
- Application for thinBasic startup (38 replies)
- Complexity and speed (12 replies)
- STATIC variables (16 replies)
- Idea for TBEM (or other modules) and thinCore (1 replies)
- For those developing thinBasic modules (4 replies)
- MOD operator deprecated (3 replies)
- Speed2, a comparative speed test through different development environments (28 replies)
- Speed confirmation (9 replies)
- ProgressBar in next versions (5 replies)
- I need some speed tests (11 replies)
- Considering drop support for Win9x OS (12 replies)
- New RETURN keyword change (4 replies)