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View Full Version : Suggestions/Ideas discussions

  1. Optional default-value & IsMissing(argument) (0 replies)
  2. Function Overload - yes we can - and why we need UDT-Subelement as SUB (0 replies)
  3. TOPIC REGEXPR Examples (0 replies)
  4. Units & Type ideas (0 replies)
  5. an "ascii-idea", $NUL-terminated scripts (0 replies)
  6. What about Strings & implicit operations? (1 replies)
  7. Some naming suggests <=O-O=> - future goggles - (0 replies)
  8. Virtual dynamic Strings (1 replies)
  9. Run script without saving? (5 replies)
  10. once again: the private scope (1 replies)
  11. Internal (SDK mostly) Vartype-thoughts about encoding and other stuff (1 replies)
  12. Keywords as Function-parameters (0 replies)
  13. call back into the future (0 replies)
  14. Functions that return Arrays (1 replies)
  15. thinBasic-project 1.2021 (1 replies)
  16. Console as UIControl or AddressOf(,,,) (0 replies)
  17. Any, Some, All, Neither|Nor, None to fix & improve. (0 replies)
  18. Select UCase <String> (1 replies)
  19. Formatting string in Bin_To_Hex$ function (3 replies)
  20. CleanUp those millions of constants (2 replies)
  21. Static Type-members and scopes (2 replies)
  22. Support a doubly-linked list module similar to LL (7 replies)
  23. Bug tracking allow file attachment (0 replies)
  24. TB Main - automatically be terminated after number of seconds (2 replies)
  25. what colour is TB? (4 replies)
  26. thinBasic-Online-interpreter (3 replies)
  27. Variable scope suggestion (21 replies)
  28. i18n internationalization functionality in thinbasic / thinair (23 replies)
  29. Still: static udt-subelements... (4 replies)
  30. Considering semantic versioning (10 replies)
  31. Tbo2 (37 replies)
  32. LookUp-Table-structure (0 replies)
  33. UDT-improvement (10 replies)
  34. Package manager proposal for ThinBASIC (4 replies)
  35. Sqlite? (7 replies)
  36. Suggestion: new for commands (7 replies)
  37. Need help assigning class to arrays (5 replies)
  38. LL's and Dir_List trying to understand (0 replies)
  39. Cool and Clean, safe to use? (3 replies)
  40. C-style #DEFINEs (1 replies)
  41. TypeOf and secret Static UDT-members... (7 replies)
  42. grouped Enumeration as other languages have (1 replies)
  43. MaskedTextBox Control (6 replies)
  44. Console - function to be called at shutdown (2 replies)
  45. data-structures and more (2 replies)
  46. For X At pStart To pEnd Step Sizeof(X) (1 replies)
  47. unique udt-variables (2 replies)
  48. enumerating types (1 replies)
  49. when thinBasic crashes... (5 replies)
  50. Array Sort - once more... (3 replies)
  51. zLib - archives (2 replies)
  52. Array Join (4 replies)
  53. Peek & Poke... (3 replies)
  54. Concept: Context function (3 replies)
  55. Allow Me without dot or Extends <PrimitiveType> (1 replies)
  56. Array Left$ (22 replies)
  57. Function_ReturnValue/ Function_ResultPtr (2 replies)
  58. SizeOf(<stringexpression>) (0 replies)
  59. Type ... As ... ? (0 replies)
  60. 3 problems that complicate my life (0 replies)
  61. With {As|Like} vartype At- a virtual idea (0 replies)
  62. UDT_ElementName-idea (0 replies)
  63. all those keywords... (5 replies)
  64. Would there be an interest in a free EZGUI runtime for ThinBasic ? (1 replies)
  65. idea for stack-variables (0 replies)
  66. Array CVx... (0 replies)
  67. another weird Alias-thought (5 replies)
  68. enumerating-thoughts (5 replies)
  69. ARRAY-ideas (51 replies)
  70. Type_Exists(sType) ? (0 replies)
  71. experimental script & tB-bug (6 replies)
  72. Variadic Functions (1 replies)
  73. tB-online-interpreter-idea (7 replies)
  74. idea: "thinWiki" (3 replies)
  75. Static UDT-idea & more (7 replies)
  76. type-constructor-ideas (6 replies)
  77. TBGL-Ideas (4 replies)
  78. Safety first: 3+1 suggestions for thinBASIC (4 replies)
  79. UI-Menubuilder-Idea (2 replies)
  80. TypeOf- ideas (45 replies)
  81. OOP ideas (13 replies)
  82. Release the beast: Get$/Set$/GetPtr (66 replies)
  83. Ideas for dynamic Array-constructor on the fly (0 replies)
  84. Idea for Line-Number string literal $LN (0 replies)
  85. Request for better parsing of IF statements (6 replies)
  86. Idea for ordered SWAP (7 replies)
  87. Idea for #LINE preprocessor command (0 replies)
  88. Idea about "pseudo-variable" target functions (11 replies)
  89. Idea about "VAR ARG" parameters (8 replies)
  90. Idea for LEFT$/RIGHT$ variable that work in reverse (6 replies)
  91. Idea for automatic implied line continuation (4 replies)
  92. Support IN for lists of strings (2 replies)
  93. Idea for multi-variable DIM declarations (3 replies)
  94. Idea for case-insensitive string comparisons (15 replies)
  95. Idea for blank-delimited concatenation (19 replies)
  96. Constant String Arrays with non-linear "indexes" (3 replies)
  97. OK, I need help from ASM men (9 replies)
  98. Icons for thinBasic (8 replies)
  99. O2 thinBasic (5 replies)
  100. Win7 64 bit: my new development machine. (3 replies)
  101. thinCore as embeddable 3rd party DLL (21 replies)
  102. 3 DLL less in next preview (3 replies)
  103. Question: UIAdv module (2 replies)
  104. Application for thinBasic startup (38 replies)
  105. Complexity and speed (12 replies)
  106. STATIC variables (16 replies)
  107. Idea for TBEM (or other modules) and thinCore (1 replies)
  108. For those developing thinBasic modules (4 replies)
  109. MOD operator deprecated (3 replies)
  110. Speed2, a comparative speed test through different development environments (28 replies)
  111. Speed confirmation (9 replies)
  112. ProgressBar in next versions (5 replies)
  113. I need some speed tests (11 replies)
  114. Considering drop support for Win9x OS (12 replies)
  115. New RETURN keyword change (4 replies)