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  1. Have you come accross this new PowerBasic forum yet? (1 replies)
  2. José Roca's WIN32 API Headers (4 replies)
  3. #Compiled Language = PowerBasic (1 replies)
  4. Power Basic Development to Continue (5 replies)
  5. PowerBasic v9.07 (18 replies)
  6. need help for compiling these calc_methods (2 replies)
  7. myfundialog test (4 replies)
  8. visibility of variables (21 replies)
  9. Pb ide (18 replies)
  10. PowerBasic Object Oriented Programming (10 replies)
  11. C to PBCC6 (0 replies)
  12. OpenGL (4 replies)
  13. Borje Hagsten is back in PB forum (1 replies)
  14. gbSnippets PowerBASIC (0 replies)
  15. PowerBASIC --> Timing Matrix Inversions (5 replies)
  16. To purchase or wait (7 replies)
  17. PB/Win 9.03 and PB/CC 5.03 just released (0 replies)
  18. PowerBasic 64bits (10 replies)
  19. qt about powerbasic :) (5 replies)
  20. Replacing ARRAY SORT (9 replies)
  21. Upgrading PowerBasic? (7 replies)
  22. New image controls (7 replies)
  23. Array vs type optimization (6 replies)
  24. PBWIN901 and PBCC501 free update (2 replies)
  25. What PowerBasic can do (7 replies)
  26. OpenGL extensions macros (1 replies)
  27. Introducing my new web site and forum boards (6 replies)
  28. PBWin 9 Review (3 replies)
  29. PowerBasic Console compiler, why would I need it? (5 replies)
  30. PowerBasic: new Windows API (0 replies)
  31. PowerBasic: version 9 is out (0 replies)
  32. PowerBasic: nth post from Bob about objects (13 replies)
  33. PowerBasic: 8th post from Bob about objects (0 replies)
  34. PowerBasic: 7th post from Bob about objects (3 replies)
  35. PowerBasic: 6th post from Bob about objects (2 replies)
  36. PowerBasic: 5th post from Bob about objects (3 replies)
  37. PowerBasic: 4th post from Bob about objects (20 replies)
  38. PowerBasic: 3rd post from Bob about objects (5 replies)
  39. PowerBasic: 2nd post from Bob about objects (1 replies)
  40. PowerBasic: 1st post from Bob about objects (5 replies)
  41. Cheesecacke Basic (7 replies)
  42. Power Basic news (2 replies)
  43. variant parameter (2 replies)
  44. New PowerBasic forum launched (5 replies)
  45. [TOOL] TypeLib Browser (2 replies)
  46. [IDE] SED Editor (5 replies)
  47. [IDE] JellyfishPro (1 replies)
  48. [Sources] DirectX headers (10 replies)
  49. [Sources] PowerBASIC encryption and compression algorithms (13 replies)
  50. [IDE] Phoenix (1 replies)
  51. [IDE] FireFly (1 replies)
  52. [Forum] José Roca forum about Power Basic (1 replies)