- Animation of NASA image in thinBASIC (4 replies)
- spontaneous orchestra - ode to joy (6 replies)
- the birth of Basic (5 replies)
- In Conversation with The Mystic Sadhguru (0 replies)
- The Laws of Eternity - Journey Up The Dimensional Levels. (2 replies)
- four ways of letting go (0 replies)
- 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced mariage (0 replies)
- fun with Pythagoras (0 replies)
- BreakOut starting project (18 replies)
- Preistoric model viewer (2 replies)
- A dynamic particle system using Eval module (0 replies)
- Mountains: M15 thinEdge model loaded into thinBAsic script (4 replies)
- 3D surface function plotting (4 replies)
- Mantas video (5 replies)
- thinBasic on YouTube: Robot duel (1 replies)
- thinBasic on YouTube: Labyrinth (0 replies)
- thinBasic on YouTube (4 replies)