- Positionning Inputbox$ , MsgBox popup window (3 replies)
- n = WinSetProcessDPIAware() (2 replies)
- Sendstring with LibreOffice Calc (0 replies)
- Sendstrings with Excel Two (0 replies)
- Indexing UI-Objects - rule for callbacks (0 replies)
- GUI-Builder (0 replies)
- Dialog Set Image (0 replies)
- Trapping the RTE in Ui? (1 replies)
- Callbacks on generic events (0 replies)
- ActiveX --- HOW? (3 replies)
- How to display unicode string in ThinBasic controls (4 replies)
- Help with RichEdit Control (11 replies)
- Callbacks for user defined controls & menuitems (2 replies)
- Can we use Control/Dialog Name? (10 replies)
- Tutorial on importing functions to existing controls and more? (12 replies)
- Tutorial on importing functions to existing controls and more? (0 replies)
- How to use Resed together with thinBasic and Freebasic-Compiler? (1 replies)
- ListBox control multi selection (2 replies)
- UI development (19 replies)
- #Resource controls recognized at runtime by thinBasic (6 replies)
- Control set text (4 replies)
- Getting to controls of existing applications (1 replies)
- How to remove graphic from a label control? (9 replies)
- UI difference between bundled app and running from thinAir (6 replies)
- How to retrieve thumb position of canvas? (5 replies)
- Maximum width of canvas = 1348921, but why? (24 replies)
- Virtual canvas and Canvas_Scale() question (12 replies)
- Canvas: How to retrieve scroll bar thumb positions when in virtual mode? (3 replies)
- Set FontSize on Dialog Label (3 replies)
- How to close dialog box from within callback (6 replies)
- Smooth in-memory image display - what's the best method? (20 replies)
- Variable graphics speed at Canvas_Window (6 replies)
- Statusbar_SetIcon (6 replies)
- Canvas-Window- how to bind TBGL? (7 replies)
- Ui_oop (7 replies)
- Splash Screen (8 replies)
- %WM_KeyDown a CBMSG ? (6 replies)
- UI: Line-Control questions (3 replies)
- UI_ Pixels, Units & all that (7 replies)
- Tab control style (1 replies)
- UI: alternate Visual Designers (10 replies)
- canvas getwindowkey qt (1 replies)
- image_synchronization (game) (6 replies)
- xp button (3 replies)
- PropertyList- how to get Item-Ptr? (8 replies)
- UI: How to detect minimizing of Dialog? (7 replies)
- MLGRID Style and ExStyle Options (2 replies)
- Loading data into MLGrid Control (4 replies)
- thinBASIC IUP (24 replies)
- Where can I find those callback %WM_s names? (2 replies)
- Counter (7 replies)
- switching color background (gui) (2 replies)
- progressbar with colour possible? (3 replies)
- SET FOCUS - Callback-How? (0 replies)
- Control Listbox - why does it always crash? (14 replies)
- Control_GetText and Control_SetText (27 replies)
- Body Mass Index Calculator with Gridlayout for infos (0 replies)
- canvas move control experiment (3 replies)
- moving canvas box (4 replies)
- Listview_SetColumnWidth (1 replies)
- language translation proggy (10 replies)
- thinbasic+gdiplus experiments (18 replies)
- UI/ImageCTX "IMAGECTX_SaveImage" ? (13 replies)
- canvas_setpixel (mandelbrot) (14 replies)
- docking windows (UI) possible? (10 replies)
- MLGrid: new sheets functionality (0 replies)
- strange behaviour WM_Paste (3 replies)
- Question about sendkeys (9 replies)
- MDI Dialogs (3 replies)
- thinbasic helicopter (1 replies)
- question about EM_FINDTEXT or SETTEXTEX (4 replies)
- puzzle game in spe (7 replies)
- New game from newbe (5 replies)
- getting info from the clipboard (4 replies)
- treeview + viewport + tbgl ? (3 replies)
- math Art using the Canvas (5 replies)
- How do I change the font size in WebBrowser module (12 replies)
- context menu (right-cklick) help (5 replies)
- click on a Label (2 replies)
- how to create a hyperlink (3 replies)
- IMAGECTX_SetImageAdjustment --> problem with stretching image after resizing window (1 replies)
- canvas loops and question (4 replies)
- clicking on Geometry Figures (25 replies)
- UI text input and "focus" (2 replies)
- Get Pixel Color from a Picture (3 replies)
- simple checkbox program example (4 replies)
- creating a shape (19 replies)
- opening 2 forms (6 replies)
- ellipse with angle canvas draw (1 replies)
- Highlight color (1 replies)
- Scrollbar with a Tab Control? (2 replies)
- progress bar color ? (3 replies)
- Q on dragging the mouse in a Canvas Window (2 replies)
- WinAPI for adding menu shortcuts? (0 replies)
- simple math.calculator + verify numbers AND characters possible ? (12 replies)
- canvas sine curve (6 replies)
- simple resize example (1 replies)
- primes spiral with labels (canvas example) (2 replies)
- canvas tourism (0 replies)
- contrast (color) illusion (13 replies)
- canvas text+background (0 replies)
- canvas, mix canvas draw routines on top of tbgl_ opengl commands (6 replies)
- text input ui + dialogs (2 replies)
- Message (2 replies)
- toolbar load own icons (1 replies)
- numeric input calc (8 replies)
- close one dialog from another one and back (0 replies)
- why are the callback params not a part of the function prolog ? (5 replies)
- combobox align right ? (0 replies)
- window sdk possible like petzold ? (13 replies)
- first puzzle : sudoku (1 replies)
- console simulation ui (1 replies)
- timer countdown UI (1 replies)
- multi dialog modeless (6 replies)
- circles anima canvas (2 replies)
- button_picture play (0 replies)
- change pixelcolour (canvas) (3 replies)
- Transparent background for controls (8 replies)
- progress bar (2 replies)
- ListBox NonSelectable & Selectable (3 replies)
- load avi file ? (0 replies)
- gdi question (6 replies)
- Keyboard Input & CallBacks (27 replies)
- gui: xpbutton good for ("UIAdv") (6 replies)
- ui example (4 replies)
- draw paint Demo (canvas) :) (6 replies)
- Select Case Vs IF statements in CallBacks (3 replies)
- class+object+dialog (3 replies)
- imageCTX two in one (5 replies)
- canvas example :) (1 replies)
- my first ui example (13 replies)
- Callbacks (2 replies)
- property list question (2 replies)
- %MF_CHECKED (Menu Equate) (2 replies)
- SaveFile_WriteLine Example (0 replies)
- Trackbar size (5 replies)
- UI_IMAGECTX Module question (6 replies)
- Text Caret To End of Line (2 replies)
- How to Drop a file onto an Input box? (8 replies)
- UI redraw bug (4 replies)
- Dialog Show State (2 replies)
- Removing a Menu (2 replies)
- How to use the treeview in (4 replies)
- How to detect if dialog is maximized and set maximized at runtime? (2 replies)
- How to prevent Dialog from closing before confirmation? (2 replies)
- Listbox, not repositioning when dialog resizes (1 replies)
- JPG IMG controls... (Why is that not here?) (3 replies)
- Selecting "Nothing" in an empty control causes a hang/failure. (25 replies)
- CONTROL ADD FRAME (2 replies)
- Why does the dialog caption disappear? (17 replies)
- what is "listbox"? (UI) (4 replies)
- TreeView doesn't show up (6 replies)
- AntiTetris game example (5 replies)
- How do i get a list of hwds with Win_FindByTitle ? (5 replies)
- msgbox owner window? (1 replies)
- createfont and font_create (2 replies)
- Splitter control (experimental) (11 replies)
- Dialog gradient background (10 replies)
- UI runtime errors (10 replies)
- dialog background (23 replies)
- what's the difference (3 replies)
- load images examples don't work (2 replies)
- calculator bug? (1 replies)
- Interesting new controls (3 replies)
- dialog_choosecolor returned number (5 replies)
- add label bug or my mistake (2 replies)
- .gif? (1 replies)
- window always on top? (1 replies)
- tip of the day window? (2 replies)
- using dt module (2 replies)
- Days till Christmas (16 replies)
- use bmps in labels (6 replies)
- tree view? (3 replies)
- combobox useage (2 replies)
- get label background color (1 replies)
- button background color change (7 replies)
- file_exists confusion (5 replies)
- trying to use combobox (6 replies)
- weird add button error (4 replies)
- control get text question (1 replies)
- delete text from textbox? (2 replies)
- Listbox and Textbox (2 replies)
- Dialog_ChooseColor Problem (9 replies)
- control get text (3 replies)
- using font_create (9 replies)
- MOVED: runtime error (0 replies)
- bitwise operators (8 replies)
- DIALOG ShapeToBMP example (1 replies)
- global variables (1 replies)
- getting a line from text file (6 replies)
- different font for a label (4 replies)
- using the UI module (4 replies)
- Possible implementation RTF_AppendText (17 replies)