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  1. Positionning Inputbox$ , MsgBox popup window (3 replies)
  2. n = WinSetProcessDPIAware() (2 replies)
  3. Sendstring with LibreOffice Calc (0 replies)
  4. Sendstrings with Excel Two (0 replies)
  5. Indexing UI-Objects - rule for callbacks (0 replies)
  6. GUI-Builder (0 replies)
  7. Dialog Set Image (0 replies)
  8. Trapping the RTE in Ui? (1 replies)
  9. Callbacks on generic events (0 replies)
  10. ActiveX --- HOW? (3 replies)
  11. How to display unicode string in ThinBasic controls (4 replies)
  12. Help with RichEdit Control (11 replies)
  13. Callbacks for user defined controls & menuitems (2 replies)
  14. Can we use Control/Dialog Name? (10 replies)
  15. Tutorial on importing functions to existing controls and more? (12 replies)
  16. Tutorial on importing functions to existing controls and more? (0 replies)
  17. How to use Resed together with thinBasic and Freebasic-Compiler? (1 replies)
  18. ListBox control multi selection (2 replies)
  19. UI development (19 replies)
  20. #Resource controls recognized at runtime by thinBasic (6 replies)
  21. Control set text (4 replies)
  22. Getting to controls of existing applications (1 replies)
  23. How to remove graphic from a label control? (9 replies)
  24. UI difference between bundled app and running from thinAir (6 replies)
  25. How to retrieve thumb position of canvas? (5 replies)
  26. Maximum width of canvas = 1348921, but why? (24 replies)
  27. Virtual canvas and Canvas_Scale() question (12 replies)
  28. Canvas: How to retrieve scroll bar thumb positions when in virtual mode? (3 replies)
  29. Set FontSize on Dialog Label (3 replies)
  30. How to close dialog box from within callback (6 replies)
  31. Smooth in-memory image display - what's the best method? (20 replies)
  32. Variable graphics speed at Canvas_Window (6 replies)
  33. Statusbar_SetIcon (6 replies)
  34. Canvas-Window- how to bind TBGL? (7 replies)
  35. Ui_oop (7 replies)
  36. Splash Screen (8 replies)
  37. %WM_KeyDown a CBMSG ? (6 replies)
  38. UI: Line-Control questions (3 replies)
  39. UI_ Pixels, Units & all that (7 replies)
  40. Tab control style (1 replies)
  41. UI: alternate Visual Designers (10 replies)
  42. canvas getwindowkey qt (1 replies)
  43. image_synchronization (game) (6 replies)
  44. xp button (3 replies)
  45. PropertyList- how to get Item-Ptr? (8 replies)
  46. UI: How to detect minimizing of Dialog? (7 replies)
  47. MLGRID Style and ExStyle Options (2 replies)
  48. Loading data into MLGrid Control (4 replies)
  49. thinBASIC IUP (24 replies)
  50. Where can I find those callback %WM_s names? (2 replies)
  51. Counter (7 replies)
  52. switching color background (gui) (2 replies)
  53. progressbar with colour possible? (3 replies)
  54. SET FOCUS - Callback-How? (0 replies)
  55. Control Listbox - why does it always crash? (14 replies)
  56. Control_GetText and Control_SetText (27 replies)
  57. Body Mass Index Calculator with Gridlayout for infos (0 replies)
  58. canvas move control experiment (3 replies)
  59. moving canvas box (4 replies)
  60. Listview_SetColumnWidth (1 replies)
  61. language translation proggy (10 replies)
  62. thinbasic+gdiplus experiments (18 replies)
  63. UI/ImageCTX "IMAGECTX_SaveImage" ? (13 replies)
  64. canvas_setpixel (mandelbrot) (14 replies)
  65. docking windows (UI) possible? (10 replies)
  66. MLGrid: new sheets functionality (0 replies)
  67. strange behaviour WM_Paste (3 replies)
  68. Question about sendkeys (9 replies)
  69. MDI Dialogs (3 replies)
  70. thinbasic helicopter (1 replies)
  71. question about EM_FINDTEXT or SETTEXTEX (4 replies)
  72. puzzle game in spe (7 replies)
  73. New game from newbe (5 replies)
  74. getting info from the clipboard (4 replies)
  75. treeview + viewport + tbgl ? (3 replies)
  76. math Art using the Canvas (5 replies)
  77. How do I change the font size in WebBrowser module (12 replies)
  78. context menu (right-cklick) help (5 replies)
  79. click on a Label (2 replies)
  80. how to create a hyperlink (3 replies)
  81. IMAGECTX_SetImageAdjustment --> problem with stretching image after resizing window (1 replies)
  82. canvas loops and question (4 replies)
  83. clicking on Geometry Figures (25 replies)
  84. UI text input and "focus" (2 replies)
  85. Get Pixel Color from a Picture (3 replies)
  86. simple checkbox program example (4 replies)
  87. creating a shape (19 replies)
  88. opening 2 forms (6 replies)
  89. ellipse with angle canvas draw (1 replies)
  90. Highlight color (1 replies)
  91. Scrollbar with a Tab Control? (2 replies)
  92. progress bar color ? (3 replies)
  93. Q on dragging the mouse in a Canvas Window (2 replies)
  94. WinAPI for adding menu shortcuts? (0 replies)
  95. simple math.calculator + verify numbers AND characters possible ? (12 replies)
  96. canvas sine curve (6 replies)
  97. simple resize example (1 replies)
  98. primes spiral with labels (canvas example) (2 replies)
  99. canvas tourism (0 replies)
  100. contrast (color) illusion (13 replies)
  101. canvas text+background (0 replies)
  102. canvas, mix canvas draw routines on top of tbgl_ opengl commands (6 replies)
  103. text input ui + dialogs (2 replies)
  104. Message (2 replies)
  105. toolbar load own icons (1 replies)
  106. numeric input calc (8 replies)
  107. close one dialog from another one and back (0 replies)
  108. why are the callback params not a part of the function prolog ? (5 replies)
  109. combobox align right ? (0 replies)
  110. window sdk possible like petzold ? (13 replies)
  111. first puzzle : sudoku (1 replies)
  112. console simulation ui (1 replies)
  113. timer countdown UI (1 replies)
  114. multi dialog modeless (6 replies)
  115. circles anima canvas (2 replies)
  116. button_picture play (0 replies)
  117. change pixelcolour (canvas) (3 replies)
  118. Transparent background for controls (8 replies)
  119. progress bar (2 replies)
  120. ListBox NonSelectable & Selectable (3 replies)
  121. load avi file ? (0 replies)
  122. gdi question (6 replies)
  123. Keyboard Input & CallBacks (27 replies)
  124. gui: xpbutton good for ("UIAdv") (6 replies)
  125. ui example (4 replies)
  126. draw paint Demo (canvas) :) (6 replies)
  127. Select Case Vs IF statements in CallBacks (3 replies)
  128. class+object+dialog (3 replies)
  129. imageCTX two in one (5 replies)
  130. canvas example :) (1 replies)
  131. my first ui example (13 replies)
  132. Callbacks (2 replies)
  133. property list question (2 replies)
  134. DIALOG SET MINSIZE (No MAXSIZE?) (1 replies)
  135. %MF_CHECKED (Menu Equate) (2 replies)
  136. SaveFile_WriteLine Example (0 replies)
  137. Trackbar size (5 replies)
  138. UI_IMAGECTX Module question (6 replies)
  139. Text Caret To End of Line (2 replies)
  140. How to Drop a file onto an Input box? (8 replies)
  141. UI redraw bug (4 replies)
  142. Dialog Show State (2 replies)
  143. Removing a Menu (2 replies)
  144. How to use the treeview in (4 replies)
  145. Confusion with DIALOG GET/SET CLIENT, DESKTOP GET SIZE and DIALOG SET LOC (3 replies)
  146. How to detect if dialog is maximized and set maximized at runtime? (2 replies)
  147. How to prevent Dialog from closing before confirmation? (2 replies)
  148. Listbox, not repositioning when dialog resizes (1 replies)
  149. JPG IMG controls... (Why is that not here?) (3 replies)
  150. Selecting "Nothing" in an empty control causes a hang/failure. (25 replies)
  151. CONTROL ADD FRAME (2 replies)
  152. Why does the dialog caption disappear? (17 replies)
  153. what is "listbox"? (UI) (4 replies)
  154. TreeView doesn't show up (6 replies)
  155. AntiTetris game example (5 replies)
  156. How do i get a list of hwds with Win_FindByTitle ? (5 replies)
  157. msgbox owner window? (1 replies)
  158. createfont and font_create (2 replies)
  159. Splitter control (experimental) (11 replies)
  160. Dialog gradient background (10 replies)
  161. UI runtime errors (10 replies)
  162. dialog background (23 replies)
  163. what's the difference (3 replies)
  164. load images examples don't work (2 replies)
  165. calculator bug? (1 replies)
  166. Interesting new controls (3 replies)
  167. dialog_choosecolor returned number (5 replies)
  168. add label bug or my mistake (2 replies)
  169. .gif? (1 replies)
  170. window always on top? (1 replies)
  171. tip of the day window? (2 replies)
  172. using dt module (2 replies)
  173. Days till Christmas (16 replies)
  174. use bmps in labels (6 replies)
  175. tree view? (3 replies)
  176. combobox useage (2 replies)
  177. get label background color (1 replies)
  178. button background color change (7 replies)
  179. file_exists confusion (5 replies)
  180. trying to use combobox (6 replies)
  181. weird add button error (4 replies)
  182. control get text question (1 replies)
  183. delete text from textbox? (2 replies)
  184. Listbox and Textbox (2 replies)
  185. Dialog_ChooseColor Problem (9 replies)
  186. control get text (3 replies)
  187. using font_create (9 replies)
  188. MOVED: runtime error (0 replies)
  189. bitwise operators (8 replies)
  190. DIALOG ShapeToBMP example (1 replies)
  191. global variables (1 replies)
  192. getting a line from text file (6 replies)
  193. different font for a label (4 replies)
  194. using the UI module (4 replies)
  195. Possible implementation RTF_AppendText (17 replies)