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  1. XInput header - Using XBox controller from ThinBASIC (0 replies)
  2. Lottery example short (0 replies)
  3. Numbrr to increasing string (1 replies)
  4. Sigil Wrapper (1 replies)
  5. Fire effect from Doom port for original Playstation :D (16 replies)
  6. TBZoom (0 replies)
  7. All BASIC Sandbox (2 replies)
  8. Keywords, constants, UDTs and classes for each module (3 replies)
  9. The power ob GRAB$ function (3 replies)
  10. StringyHash - easy to use hash (1 replies)
  11. SwiftCommunication - UDP without struggle (3 replies)
  12. Log007 - lightweight logger with license to kill (2 replies)
  13. enVar - simple module for handling of environment variables (6 replies)
  14. tHeap + extension tTypedHeap (2 replies)
  15. Accessing base type methods: How + example (0 replies)
  16. tDictionary - class for easy Dictionary handling (2 replies)
  17. IniFile - module for INI file handling (6 replies)
  18. Organini - simple module for INI files (11 replies)
  19. Code snippet: Click to window at client coordinates (1 replies)
  20. Not exactly a productivity tool, but... (1 replies)
  21. Volcano Eruption Particle (0 replies)
  22. Trauma (0 replies)
  23. 3D Text (1 replies)
  24. Lorenz Attractor2 (0 replies)
  25. Fractal Island (0 replies)
  26. Tiny Mathematics (0 replies)
  27. Magnetismus (0 replies)
  28. Lorenz Attractor (0 replies)
  29. Mathematics Butterfly (0 replies)
  30. Ufo Shaking (0 replies)
  31. Moutain Driver (2 replies)
  32. Bananas Tree (0 replies)
  33. Tree Recursion (13 replies)
  34. Heads Attack (1 replies)
  35. Pyramide (0 replies)
  36. PingPong (0 replies)
  37. Smoothing (1 replies)
  38. Lawn (4 replies)
  39. Canvas & GdiPlus (4 replies)
  40. Api Update (1 replies)
  41. Line Test (3 replies)
  42. Api Mandelbrot (0 replies)
  43. Stars and Ufo (0 replies)
  44. Api Update (0 replies)
  45. Linux Pingi Picture Show (0 replies)
  46. OpenGl Ufo (9 replies)
  47. Back to the root (6 replies)
  48. Metallica again (nothing else matters) (14 replies)
  49. The Mandelbrot map of the Golden Ratio Fractal (2 replies)
  50. Metallica - the inside of a fractal - O2 etc... (10 replies)
  51. Lorenz Butterfly (7 replies)
  52. TB Mandelbrot Time (16 replies)
  53. Ball Train (2 replies)
  54. Colour Cube (0 replies)
  55. Pyramid (0 replies)
  56. Tile Testa.dll (1 replies)
  57. Member Question (4 replies)
  58. Ufos Observation (0 replies)
  59. Father Cristmas (4 replies)
  60. My DNS (0 replies)
  61. 3D Test (3 replies)
  62. ABC Update (0 replies)
  63. Mouise Movement (0 replies)
  64. Bitmap Rotation (10 replies)
  65. DrawText solved (0 replies)
  66. Mini ThinBasic Game (7 replies)
  67. New Data Link Library (3 replies)
  68. Canvas Fun (1 replies)
  69. Bubbles-Particle-Infection (12 replies)
  70. AlienSound (0 replies)
  71. Stick Demo (0 replies)
  72. Sdl Demo (6 replies)
  73. SDL Heaven (0 replies)
  74. Controlling 8 Relay via LPT Port Using InpOut32.dll (15 replies)
  75. Sdl Library (21 replies)
  76. OpenGl2D Library (20 replies)
  77. Tuned Dir_ListArray to accept multiple masks (0 replies)
  78. canvas load images (simple way) (0 replies)
  79. How to set a font on a control (0 replies)
  80. Christmas (9 replies)
  81. Idea Library (0 replies)
  82. Snake2 (0 replies)
  83. 3DText (5 replies)
  84. MagicSquare (4 replies)
  85. Interpreter (4 replies)
  86. SokoMouse (3 replies)
  87. heart Picker Game (8 replies)
  88. Night Stars (3 replies)
  89. Atom Frogs (0 replies)
  90. Bananas Viruses (3 replies)
  91. AlienShooter (5 replies)
  92. I think it's Okay (0 replies)
  93. More Ideas (3 replies)
  94. My Idea (4 replies)
  95. SetText Problem (7 replies)
  96. Dll Test (0 replies)
  97. Sines Text (0 replies)
  98. Wobbler (0 replies)
  99. I need some advice to get started with simple 2D-game (7 replies)
  100. Sirpinsky Christmas Tree (0 replies)
  101. Zoom Sprite x10 (1 replies)
  102. Bitmap Rotation (0 replies)
  103. Enhanced Trigonometry (1 replies)
  104. Trigonometry) (1 replies)
  105. jumping Frogs (2 replies)
  106. Collision Test (1 replies)
  107. Spiro Ball (0 replies)
  108. Black Rain (6 replies)
  109. Mandel Larva (0 replies)
  110. Mirage (9 replies)
  111. system colors (0 replies)
  112. simple "calendar / datetime" example (0 replies)
  113. matrices dialog (8x8) (4 replies)
  114. when it's time to use a pointer? (3 replies)
  115. parsecount problem ? (2 replies)
  116. CG Society Gallery Browser (4 replies)
  117. New File Added: test (2 replies)
  118. Dll-Test (7 replies)
  119. Dynamic desktop background changer (3 replies)
  120. Color Picker Wheel (4 replies)
  121. Script to copy one directory to other, recursively (ideal for SVN softcopy) (2 replies)
  122. Hello Charles (32 replies)
  123. Mushroom Game (1 replies)
  124. MiniSoko (12 replies)
  125. Simple unit for UDT list in ThinBASIC (3 replies)
  126. textshrinking editor (project) (0 replies)
  127. prime numbers (1-1000) (4 replies)
  128. chr$ text converter (ui) (1 replies)
  129. Ackermann function (0 replies)
  130. A Stack of Quads (4 replies)
  131. Various types of recursion (6 replies)
  132. bottle of beer (just for fun) (3 replies)
  133. FourGame (11 replies)
  134. Stan Blank's Book Conversions (3 replies)
  135. byte example + udt (4 replies)
  136. Udt example (0 replies)
  137. Here's a working virtual listview script (12 replies)
  138. byte values (1 replies)
  139. Here's a script to read ID3v1 tags (9 replies)
  140. Here's a script for scrolling text (25 replies)
  141. Triangle (9 replies)
  142. Boulder Dash (7 replies)
  143. Pac3D (21 replies)
  144. Here's a script to load and save settings (4 replies)
  145. Sprite Tutorial (7 replies)
  146. doggy logo :) (3 replies)
  147. timer example :) (1 replies)
  148. FunGame (3 replies)
  149. four. sides. scrolling. test (6 replies)
  150. Demo (10 replies)
  151. Load and Invoke .net at runtime (9 replies)
  152. PuzzleGame (17 replies)
  153. Forum posts 2 speech (13 replies)
  154. EmeraldsGame (16 replies)
  155. MLGrid for evaluating formulas (0 replies)
  156. message-buttons-popup-wonder :) (1 replies)
  157. Callback Buttons and popups (4 replies)
  158. Game: UFO on the run (19 replies)
  159. Bug on the run (34 replies)
  160. Dow you know... (3 replies)
  161. CHOOSE and CALL used to do the same thing (1 replies)
  162. Win-captute with BitBlt and PrintWindow and Opengl examples (54 replies)
  163. Petr's cool 2 line copy processes to clipboard (3 replies)
  164. thinBasic scripts and CodeSense control (13 replies)
  165. Mouse Speed (10 replies)
  166. Check3States Styles (1 replies)
  167. calendar program (30 replies)
  168. hangman game (7 replies)
  169. Button Styles (4 replies)
  170. base conversion (3 replies)
  171. AutoSpeed Test (13 replies)
  172. Word list maker (28 replies)
  173. TBHawkNL - Include and samples (9 replies)
  174. TBLua - Include and samples (10 replies)
  175. Ping an entire Lan and collect machine Mac Address (4 replies)
  176. MOVED: Re: Do you need to download pages/files from internet? (0 replies)
  177. Do you need to download multiple files / pages from internet? (0 replies)
  178. Do you need to download pages/files from internet? (2 replies)
  179. Do you need to check internet connection? (0 replies)
  180. Function plotting sample (1 replies)
  181. RichEdit background control color (2 replies)
  182. CALL keyword with function name as string expression (0 replies)