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  1. What is your estimate for how long will Windows supporting 32bit apps (1 replies)
  2. What is the official support email adress? (7 replies)
  3. Need the latest stabil thin basic issue (5 replies)
  4. FreeBasic QB Mode (0 replies)
  5. DOSBox-X Dos Emulator (0 replies)
  6. XP-Mode (1 replies)
  7. Microsoft acquired GitHub? (1 replies)
  8. ThinBasic Usage (2 replies)
  9. Need Help on making Window creating class (13 replies)
  10. Accesing this forum (48 replies)
  11. thinBasic on GitHub (7 replies)
  12. thinBASIC domain (2 replies)
  13. busy beaver Turing Machine simulator (0 replies)
  14. How to change exe icon for a TB program permanantly ? (12 replies)
  15. some arrays goodies (24 replies)
  16. Share to Twitter? (5 replies)
  17. about Replace$ (4 replies)
  18. about CreateFont (1 replies)
  19. non_greedy metacharacter "?" (0 replies)
  20. Opera Browser warns about this site (2 replies)
  21. Fantastic TED talk (3 replies)
  22. Programmers are always guilty! (6 replies)
  23. Problem with MS' Recent KB3013455 Update (1 replies)
  24. When the talent is so evident (3 replies)
  25. Inputting one text file, and writing out another... Can this be done? (4 replies)
  26. Book for Game Development (1 replies)
  27. Game Development (0 replies)
  28. All BASIC IRC (3 replies)
  29. Malware Infection at BP.org? (3 replies)
  30. How hard is to be a technician (3 replies)
  31. A nice (verbal) example of recursion (2 replies)
  32. A little bit of fun :) (4 replies)
  33. Help me :) (22 replies)
  34. Variadic Functions (13 replies)
  35. Best SQL injection ever :) (0 replies)
  36. Hi everyone :) (8 replies)
  37. Fibonacci (1 replies)
  38. thinGaming-Website? (1 replies)
  39. http://www.kickstarter.com/ (0 replies)
  40. Flying People in New York City (2 replies)
  41. www.khanacademy.org (6 replies)
  42. Interesting division: 1/998001 (0 replies)
  43. Hot Tips For Landing Jobs at Google, Apple and Facebook (0 replies)
  44. How to program the mouse functions (6 replies)
  45. googling for "thinbasic" strange links (1 replies)
  46. ThinBASIC works also under Linux (7 replies)
  47. New Generic Domains (1 replies)
  48. End of the World [Again] (17 replies)
  49. Files Copier (0 replies)
  50. summing the Digits of a Number (29 replies)
  51. Poet junk or funk (3 replies)
  52. thinBasic Compiler (0 replies)
  53. very big files (1 replies)
  54. regular expressions usage (4 replies)
  55. GetTickCount (4 replies)
  56. reverse the words (2 replies)
  57. 3D Mandelbrot Set (11 replies)
  58. RichEdit, searching & coloring words (4 replies)
  59. Network Activity Indicator for Windows 7 (3 replies)
  60. How would you implement an Undo functionality in an app? (8 replies)
  61. Windows 95 (13 replies)
  62. gnuplot for plotting (4 replies)
  63. a not necessary IDE for thinbasic (2 replies)
  64. Include file for GDI/GPI+? (4 replies)
  65. UK data (0 replies)
  66. Hi all ,you should update your SMF (1 replies)
  67. Collaborative development of the Linux Kernel (3 replies)
  68. Computer Gaming in Business (3 replies)
  69. Computer Programs going amuk (10 replies)
  70. Whats so special???? (9 replies)
  71. Forum not working correctly (5 replies)
  72. Registry Repair Programs (1 replies)
  73. thinBASIC QB Compatibility Code Challenge (0 replies)
  74. Interesting counters (3 replies)
  75. All Basic word count code challenge (52 replies)
  76. Donations (2 replies)
  77. Electronic theory (1 replies)
  78. ThinBasic Tutorial?? (5 replies)
  79. email address showing (5 replies)
  80. The Weekly BP.org (1 replies)
  81. thinBASIC on All Basic (1 replies)
  82. General security and efficiency with WinXP Pro (3 replies)
  83. calling activex dll (7 replies)
  84. Function Address (7 replies)
  85. Where should I put it? (5 replies)
  86. Error Code 400 (7 replies)
  87. Storing not allows (15 replies)
  88. Declare Api (5 replies)
  89. Search function of forum gives weird results (9 replies)
  90. Request: Ignore feature for forum (3 replies)
  91. Project 10^100 (1 replies)
  92. How does one determine version number (7 replies)
  93. AllBasic.Info has a new look (2 replies)
  94. ThinBasic on ReactOS 3.6-REL (1 replies)
  95. AllBasic.Info (1 replies)
  96. Self-evaluation reference chart (0 replies)
  97. Interestiing site for gfx (1 replies)
  98. Help me investigate slow connection from USA (4 replies)
  99. Problem with download (3 replies)
  100. batch (.bat) files (9 replies)
  101. 7zip (0 replies)
  102. old dos programs (10 replies)
  103. does anyone have a program (9 replies)
  104. All in one place (12 replies)
  105. Be left in awe :) (8 replies)
  106. cmd zipping (5 replies)
  107. DLL information (9 replies)
  108. Power supply calculator (8 replies)
  109. For ASCII enthusiasts (5 replies)
  110. Sandcastle help Compiler System (5 replies)
  111. amd dual core utility (0 replies)
  112. PDF: Haru Library (21 replies)
  113. Easter Eggs (5 replies)
  114. lights out game (9 replies)
  115. OpenGL Dead (24 replies)
  116. NZ police quiz 'teenage hacker' (0 replies)
  117. Netobjects Fusion Essentials (8 replies)
  118. User "stats" for next PCopy issue. (12 replies)
  119. Vote thinBasic on IlSole24Ore (8 replies)
  120. Signature under postings (2 replies)
  121. windows themes (2 replies)
  122. Back online at home (6 replies)
  123. 24-hour analog clocks (15 replies)
  124. Scrap files (1 replies)
  125. thinBasic is running under Wine (2 replies)
  126. cyberlog-x (2 replies)
  127. Whats inside your computer? (18 replies)
  128. maybe illigal software (6 replies)
  129. Is thinBundle working correctly? (3 replies)
  130. Website slow? (2 replies)
  131. My website and forum will go offline soon (8 replies)
  132. Screen to movie (3 replies)
  133. Graphics Tablets (8 replies)
  134. Online Game development mag (3 replies)
  135. What are you up to? (17 replies)
  136. ThinBASIC screen saver gadget (18 replies)
  137. Wondering about pulling the talent together (0 replies)
  138. cool videos on photoshop and illustrator, plus lots of cool shows (0 replies)
  139. Created a dedicated forum to Power Basic programming (1 replies)
  140. Space Ship Model Site for Blender, Lots of cool models (4 replies)
  141. found this and thought very interesting as thinBasic has many features (0 replies)
  142. This is some amazing assembly coding (8 replies)
  143. Forum software updated (0 replies)
  144. powerbasic gui free (3 replies)
  145. XML module, command description? (11 replies)
  146. Forum Problems (4 replies)
  147. My forum presence (2 replies)
  148. Hardest Boss Battle Ever... (1 replies)
  149. topics and replies (3 replies)
  150. I will be out (3 replies)
  151. Old Computer Magazine and Book Downloads (8 replies)
  152. Microsoft claims open source infringes 235 patents (2 replies)
  153. Sonic Fatality (7 replies)
  154. Google Adsense in this forum (17 replies)
  155. IMPORTANT: we are upgrading forum to latest SMF version (1 replies)
  156. FREE Online courses from MIT (3 replies)
  157. Approaching 5000 posts (3 replies)
  158. thinBasic forum upgrade (2 replies)
  159. thinBasic.com slow down (1 replies)
  160. The darkside of an unexpected "going very well" (2 replies)
  161. Nice videos (2 replies)
  162. New supported post tag: [youtube] (1 replies)
  163. thinBasic tested in Windows Vista RC1 executed under VMware (2 replies)
  164. RSS feed (3 replies)
  165. Members map (11 replies)
  166. Vista prices in EU (3 replies)
  167. Suggest new forums (0 replies)
  168. wow (0 replies)
  169. "Product announcements" forum (2 replies)
  170. Happy Christmas (5 replies)
  171. An idea, will this work (15 replies)
  172. Gmail invite (1 replies)
  173. Speed Test Results (3 replies)
  174. New message previe option (0 replies)
  175. New karma options (2 replies)
  176. Forum Update: from SMF 1.1 RC2 to SMF 1.1 RC3 (5 replies)
  177. Back from holidays (0 replies)
  178. New subforums (0 replies)
  179. New forum (2 replies)
  180. New thinBasic web site: scripts repository (0 replies)
  181. Dedicated server (4 replies)
  182. Syntax highlight in forum [Code] posts (3 replies)
  183. CMS selection (2 replies)