- What is your estimate for how long will Windows supporting 32bit apps (1 replies)
- What is the official support email adress? (7 replies)
- Need the latest stabil thin basic issue (5 replies)
- FreeBasic QB Mode (0 replies)
- DOSBox-X Dos Emulator (0 replies)
- XP-Mode (1 replies)
- Microsoft acquired GitHub? (1 replies)
- ThinBasic Usage (2 replies)
- Need Help on making Window creating class (13 replies)
- Accesing this forum (48 replies)
- thinBasic on GitHub (7 replies)
- thinBASIC domain (2 replies)
- busy beaver Turing Machine simulator (0 replies)
- How to change exe icon for a TB program permanantly ? (12 replies)
- some arrays goodies (24 replies)
- Share to Twitter? (5 replies)
- about Replace$ (4 replies)
- about CreateFont (1 replies)
- non_greedy metacharacter "?" (0 replies)
- Opera Browser warns about this site (2 replies)
- Fantastic TED talk (3 replies)
- Programmers are always guilty! (6 replies)
- Problem with MS' Recent KB3013455 Update (1 replies)
- When the talent is so evident (3 replies)
- Inputting one text file, and writing out another... Can this be done? (4 replies)
- Book for Game Development (1 replies)
- Game Development (0 replies)
- All BASIC IRC (3 replies)
- Malware Infection at BP.org? (3 replies)
- How hard is to be a technician (3 replies)
- A nice (verbal) example of recursion (2 replies)
- A little bit of fun :) (4 replies)
- Help me :) (22 replies)
- Variadic Functions (13 replies)
- Best SQL injection ever :) (0 replies)
- Hi everyone :) (8 replies)
- Fibonacci (1 replies)
- thinGaming-Website? (1 replies)
- http://www.kickstarter.com/ (0 replies)
- Flying People in New York City (2 replies)
- www.khanacademy.org (6 replies)
- Interesting division: 1/998001 (0 replies)
- Hot Tips For Landing Jobs at Google, Apple and Facebook (0 replies)
- How to program the mouse functions (6 replies)
- googling for "thinbasic" strange links (1 replies)
- ThinBASIC works also under Linux (7 replies)
- New Generic Domains (1 replies)
- End of the World [Again] (17 replies)
- Files Copier (0 replies)
- summing the Digits of a Number (29 replies)
- Poet junk or funk (3 replies)
- thinBasic Compiler (0 replies)
- very big files (1 replies)
- regular expressions usage (4 replies)
- GetTickCount (4 replies)
- reverse the words (2 replies)
- 3D Mandelbrot Set (11 replies)
- RichEdit, searching & coloring words (4 replies)
- Network Activity Indicator for Windows 7 (3 replies)
- How would you implement an Undo functionality in an app? (8 replies)
- Windows 95 (13 replies)
- gnuplot for plotting (4 replies)
- a not necessary IDE for thinbasic (2 replies)
- Include file for GDI/GPI+? (4 replies)
- UK data (0 replies)
- Hi all ,you should update your SMF (1 replies)
- Collaborative development of the Linux Kernel (3 replies)
- Computer Gaming in Business (3 replies)
- Computer Programs going amuk (10 replies)
- Whats so special???? (9 replies)
- Forum not working correctly (5 replies)
- Registry Repair Programs (1 replies)
- thinBASIC QB Compatibility Code Challenge (0 replies)
- Interesting counters (3 replies)
- All Basic word count code challenge (52 replies)
- Donations (2 replies)
- Electronic theory (1 replies)
- ThinBasic Tutorial?? (5 replies)
- email address showing (5 replies)
- The Weekly BP.org (1 replies)
- thinBASIC on All Basic (1 replies)
- General security and efficiency with WinXP Pro (3 replies)
- calling activex dll (7 replies)
- Function Address (7 replies)
- Where should I put it? (5 replies)
- Error Code 400 (7 replies)
- Storing not allows (15 replies)
- Declare Api (5 replies)
- Search function of forum gives weird results (9 replies)
- Request: Ignore feature for forum (3 replies)
- Project 10^100 (1 replies)
- How does one determine version number (7 replies)
- AllBasic.Info has a new look (2 replies)
- ThinBasic on ReactOS 3.6-REL (1 replies)
- AllBasic.Info (1 replies)
- Self-evaluation reference chart (0 replies)
- Interestiing site for gfx (1 replies)
- Help me investigate slow connection from USA (4 replies)
- Problem with download (3 replies)
- batch (.bat) files (9 replies)
- 7zip (0 replies)
- old dos programs (10 replies)
- does anyone have a program (9 replies)
- All in one place (12 replies)
- Be left in awe :) (8 replies)
- cmd zipping (5 replies)
- DLL information (9 replies)
- Power supply calculator (8 replies)
- For ASCII enthusiasts (5 replies)
- Sandcastle help Compiler System (5 replies)
- amd dual core utility (0 replies)
- PDF: Haru Library (21 replies)
- Easter Eggs (5 replies)
- lights out game (9 replies)
- OpenGL Dead (24 replies)
- NZ police quiz 'teenage hacker' (0 replies)
- Netobjects Fusion Essentials (8 replies)
- User "stats" for next PCopy issue. (12 replies)
- Vote thinBasic on IlSole24Ore (8 replies)
- Signature under postings (2 replies)
- windows themes (2 replies)
- Back online at home (6 replies)
- 24-hour analog clocks (15 replies)
- Scrap files (1 replies)
- thinBasic is running under Wine (2 replies)
- cyberlog-x (2 replies)
- Whats inside your computer? (18 replies)
- maybe illigal software (6 replies)
- Is thinBundle working correctly? (3 replies)
- Website slow? (2 replies)
- My website and forum will go offline soon (8 replies)
- Screen to movie (3 replies)
- Graphics Tablets (8 replies)
- Online Game development mag (3 replies)
- What are you up to? (17 replies)
- ThinBASIC screen saver gadget (18 replies)
- Wondering about pulling the talent together (0 replies)
- cool videos on photoshop and illustrator, plus lots of cool shows (0 replies)
- Created a dedicated forum to Power Basic programming (1 replies)
- Space Ship Model Site for Blender, Lots of cool models (4 replies)
- found this and thought very interesting as thinBasic has many features (0 replies)
- This is some amazing assembly coding (8 replies)
- Forum software updated (0 replies)
- powerbasic gui free (3 replies)
- XML module, command description? (11 replies)
- Forum Problems (4 replies)
- My forum presence (2 replies)
- Hardest Boss Battle Ever... (1 replies)
- topics and replies (3 replies)
- I will be out (3 replies)
- Old Computer Magazine and Book Downloads (8 replies)
- Microsoft claims open source infringes 235 patents (2 replies)
- Sonic Fatality (7 replies)
- Google Adsense in this forum (17 replies)
- IMPORTANT: we are upgrading forum to latest SMF version (1 replies)
- FREE Online courses from MIT (3 replies)
- Approaching 5000 posts (3 replies)
- thinBasic forum upgrade (2 replies)
- thinBasic.com slow down (1 replies)
- The darkside of an unexpected "going very well" (2 replies)
- Nice videos (2 replies)
- New supported post tag: [youtube] (1 replies)
- thinBasic tested in Windows Vista RC1 executed under VMware (2 replies)
- RSS feed (3 replies)
- Members map (11 replies)
- Vista prices in EU (3 replies)
- Suggest new forums (0 replies)
- wow (0 replies)
- "Product announcements" forum (2 replies)
- Happy Christmas (5 replies)
- An idea, will this work (15 replies)
- Gmail invite (1 replies)
- Speed Test Results (3 replies)
- New message previe option (0 replies)
- New karma options (2 replies)
- Forum Update: from SMF 1.1 RC2 to SMF 1.1 RC3 (5 replies)
- Back from holidays (0 replies)
- New subforums (0 replies)
- New forum (2 replies)
- New thinBasic web site: scripts repository (0 replies)
- Dedicated server (4 replies)
- Syntax highlight in forum [Code] posts (3 replies)
- CMS selection (2 replies)