View Full Version : TBGL General
- Powerbasic: question OpenGL Window in a SDK Window (2 replies)
- NeHe example 13 Help (Powerbasic) (5 replies)
- Collision question with Print message (0 replies)
- thin-screen800x600 and tbgl-screen 400x400 (1 replies)
- Render To Texture with OpenGL (1 replies)
- Spiky Dumples (3 replies)
- [TBGL] tbgl_createWindowEx vs USES "tbgl" (3 replies)
- vertex buffer objects for OpenGl 1.5 (17 replies)
- Testers wanted: TBGL_MouseGetPos* with RenderMatrix2D support (7 replies)
- [TBGL] anykey (3 replies)
- [TBGL] Logic trouble (help asked) (11 replies)
- Simple Beautiful Curves (0 replies)
- Mandelbrot 3D set (4 replies)
- Comparing different filtering algorithms (5 replies)
- Deformed pictures (1 replies)
- searching for Curves and Surfaces in the space (10 replies)
- Sun, Earth, Moon simulation with Entity System (5 replies)
- Tangent to a Curve (0 replies)
- TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray how without function overloading ? (3 replies)
- Uniformity to match TBGL with other Modules (8 replies)
- Texture Loading and acceleration (5 replies)
- Behaviour of TBGL_GetAsyncKeyState? (2 replies)
- Möbius strip (5 replies)
- Mystery Curve (1 replies)
- Trouble with TBGL_MouseGetLButton ? (3 replies)
- water waves (4 replies)
- "Exit While" works, but "Exit Do" hangs up in TBGL loops (9 replies)
- Load from password protected zip files : Model Handling (23 replies)
- Tree Recursion 2 (1 replies)
- TBGL - 3 things (4 replies)
- Texturing Points Cloud (3 replies)
- Rotation issues (3 replies)
- Voronoi colorfull mountain (0 replies)
- Cancel TBGL_Window-closebutton? (6 replies)
- [TBGL] Question about TBGL_DrawFrame (10 replies)
- Boosting calculation speed using compilers DLLs (such as FreeBasic) (5 replies)
- glDrawArrays example + GBuffers example (1 replies)
- GBuffer tests (7 replies)
- How to get TBGL-Window on top (zOrder) ? (1 replies)
- Pseudo 3D L-systems -- a tB Lisp hybrid (0 replies)
- Textures... (9 replies)
- [TBGL] TBGL_GetFullscreenModes? (8 replies)
- Natural things -- TBGL -- geometry (3 replies)
- Cartesian coordinate of a 3D object by clicking on it ? (3 replies)
- TBGL_EntityDestroy-question (1 replies)
- How to combine GBuffers & Entities? (9 replies)
- Augustin Fresnel (and his fractals) (23 replies)
- Lorenz 4D - Lists (9 replies)
- Lorenz necklace (a little addendum) (0 replies)
- Lorenz 3D - & question (11 replies)
- camera+movement in 3d (7 replies)
- Systems of three non-linear ordinary differential equations & a slight problem (3 replies)
- Slices of Mandelbrot - the idea (14 replies)
- Thanks Petr, (1 replies)
- Dynamic membrame with borders - TBGL (3 replies)
- Euler - Gamma for Complex - interesting enough for a DLL ? (19 replies)
- Fun with Riemann, problems with Freebasic DLLs (14 replies)
- Yet another question, Scroll bars (2 replies)
- GeoFrac2D - with auto REsize and iteration level / angle animation (6 replies)
- A 3D turtle with a constant lap. (7 replies)
- Shrinking population with auto-zoom ;-) (7 replies)
- Carl Friedrich: Second Coming to Monte Carlo (28 replies)
- Carl Friedrich goes to Monte Carlo (0 replies)
- Question for Petr (or any one else of course) (15 replies)
- UI & TBGL -- active window (9 replies)
- Life 3D alfa (10 replies)
- Life 3D pseudo - questions. (12 replies)
- TBGL_Camera (1 replies)
- RGBA array -> TBGL window (yet another question) (3 replies)
- Space bar echoes ? (11 replies)
- Some benchmarks (7 replies)
- Intro + TBGL question (5 replies)
- drag'n'drop question plus properties (11 replies)
- TBGL_PrintFont ? (3 replies)
- TBGL_Color (1 replies)
- How to remove or disable a func slot from entity ? (2 replies)
- What is the prototype of the UserDefined function of TBGL_ENTITYCREATEFUNCSLOT ? (5 replies)
- How to set near and far plane from entity camera ? (5 replies)
- Entities again... (6 replies)
- TBGL_EntityGetMatrix...TBGL_PushMatrix...? (6 replies)
- Use of TBGL_NewListSpace or Poke$(Varptr(DISPLAYLIST/@Entity)...? (2 replies)
- TBGL_EntitySetFOV gives strange results (4 replies)
- TBGL_BindMaterial? (6 replies)
- Entities: Attach or setParent? (3 replies)
- Q: TBGL_SpriteLoadSheet+TBGL_BindTexture (1 replies)
- TBGL+3d-Engine (3 replies)
- TBGL+ multiple Dialogs? (8 replies)
- (3 replies)
- On Error always crash? (2 replies)
- Ordering 2D-Drawing - curious... (5 replies)
- TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray - can I do custom vertex types? (4 replies)
- Rene's project consulting (22 replies)
- Concerning the new updated TBGL module (1 replies)
- gluNurbsCurve example plz... (3 replies)
- ColDet 3D integration with TBGL ? (8 replies)
- Update Canvas Proportions... (3 replies)
- pressing key once are not instantaneous (2 replies)
- Using MsBox within a Periodic Function (don't) (2 replies)
- TBGL_RotateXYZ and OpenGL (3 replies)
- A few questions about the TBGL module (6 replies)
- Sphere Texturing (1 replies)
- tron grid? (12 replies)
- the old GLUT (8 replies)
- 2 openGL dialogs with thinbasic? (3 replies)
- planets and gui / questions (16 replies)
- little game (catwoman/batman) (3 replies)
- insert new tbgl objects into existing scene? (5 replies)
- time line control exists ? (1 replies)
- volumetric pixel art (for mr. blank) (4 replies)
- reset rotated object to original position (3 replies)
- The latest TBGL version (21 replies)
- how to make "smooth openGL objects"? (8 replies)
- C gl and glu code conversion to thinBasic (Again) (1 replies)
- OpenCL Emulation ? (4 replies)
- 3D curves texturing between mathematica and thinbasic (1 replies)
- texturing model by one picture stretched (3 replies)
- spider animation (again) (4 replies)
- use sprite in 3d tbgl? (5 replies)
- Overlaying (3 replies)
- nurbsproject: tbgl points movement by mouse (7 replies)
- multiple textures on the cube faces (3 replies)
- What is the main TBGL Setup ? (10 replies)
- tbgl cityfog project, new direction (1 replies)
- tbgl cityfog project (9 replies)
- my AI Track as exercise (5 replies)
- Planned TBGL guide to 2D programming, what would you like to see? (10 replies)
- MathArt: Port of code by Stan Blank (16 replies)
- how to control rendering contrast (7 replies)
- TBGL music visualisation - cold winter night (6 replies)
- qt: matrix + blurTextEffect (4 replies)
- antique blending tbgl example :) (4 replies)
- TBGL Materials, new feature from BETA (4 replies)
- Can TBGL Do multitexture for an M15 Object? (3 replies)
- TBGL question - not sure if im in the right area (11 replies)
- FreeImage + TBGL (4 replies)
- smurf game demo :) (21 replies)
- city builder project (16 replies)
- Vector Graphics (21 replies)
- Milkshape exporter (2 replies)
- Lydia - Particles [SPLIT from original hunters thread] (7 replies)
- hunter and friends (5 replies)
- MOVED: tbgl_Box and the color (0 replies)
- String size in pixels or units (9 replies)
- TBGL - please help with testing fonts (3 replies)
- fractal tbgl help (12 replies)
- TBGL - Rotating objects - TBGL_Rotate (9 replies)
- Back to the future - little taste of new TBGL (9 replies)
- emitter example part one and two :) (1 replies)
- tbgl using oxygen choosing color example :) (2 replies)
- no water effect ;) (11 replies)
- my little track ai :) (6 replies)
- little sphero and effect example with entities (7 replies)
- TBGL window resizing demo (1 replies)
- badmine bombs and particles (3 replies)
- need rockets :) (10 replies)
- more than sinus script (5 replies)
- Circles question (8 replies)
- Specular Light (19 replies)
- Rotation problem (4 replies)
- Little tbgl example with Textures (2 replies)
- qt: Nurbs, Primitives and more (10 replies)
- External MD2 support for TBGL (5 replies)
- HNY2009 (9 replies)
- How is drawing a sprite done ? (16 replies)
- EntityGrid example with Primitives (7 replies)
- checkerboard floor - formula??? (3 replies)
- Basic 2D collision, Ray-Rectangle, Point-Rectangle (0 replies)
- Effects, stars, colors example :) (6 replies)
- SaveOurCities with tbgl/UI/OS :) (7 replies)
- New benchmark proposal (15 replies)
- tbgl spaceFocus example :) (17 replies)
- Video Card Drivers (5 replies)
- tbgl primitive example with quadview (3 replies)
- Rendering issues with Catalyst 8.9 on ATi XPRESS 200 (8 replies)
- entity turn... (7 replies)
- How to make OBJ2M15 work (9 replies)
- Early black box preview of ray-mesh collisions (8 replies)
- nehe-lesson question:) (5 replies)
- new tbgl example 'mine-fields' (13 replies)
- Why is my texture not showing (11 replies)
- help using TBGL_CallList (2 replies)
- GUI with menus or better OpenGL ? (13 replies)
- Help on TBGL/OpenGL (69 replies)
- B3D - Tools (2 replies)
- B3D - MapLet level editor (3 replies)
- MD2 Animation (8 replies)
- Assembler on GPU, from ATi resources (1 replies)
- Motion blur (9 replies)
- Sphere physics (39 replies)
- NeHe lessons (1 replies)
- History of Voodoo Cards (2 replies)
- OpenGL cards - only for millionaires? :D (3 replies)
- TBGL entity system and dynamic CALLs (4 replies)
- Another L-System fun (14 replies)
- W.I.P. TBGL Solar System (12 replies)
- NVIDIA CG in thinBASIC (17 replies)
- GamingFX problem (3 replies)
- Interesting 3D Article (6 replies)
- textures and fonts (1 replies)
- using textures (4 replies)
- Whats the best way? (4 replies)
- Partial glow (5 replies)
- Can you outline upcomming features/Changes? (6 replies)
- TBGL 0.2.2, first public preview version (24 replies)
- Bone deformation and entities (7 replies)
- Frame limiter (15 replies)
- Sierpinski triangle approximation .... using L-System :D (7 replies)
- Command to define an empty bone? (7 replies)
- 2D and Collision Detection (10 replies)
- SampleScripts: Moving in 3D using entities (3 replies)
- TBGL website - minor changes (3 replies)
- Could be very useful (0 replies)
- m15 utils (12 replies)
- Is it possible to draw this simple map faster? (22 replies)
- Something To Shoot - Latest preview & 0.2.1 improvements (18 replies)
- Latest preview & 0.2.1 improvements (4 replies)
- 3D file formats (5 replies)
- BlendInspect - Tool to research the blend modes (3 replies)
- Thanks Petr (10 replies)
- TBGL 0.2.1 - Entities out of cage ! (21 replies)
- Is there some kind of color keying? (18 replies)
- How to set the background color? (3 replies)
- TBGL / OpenGL Advanced User (4 replies)
- Fractal Fern (17 replies)
- TBGL Development Pipeline Tools ( Vaporware discussion :) ) (1 replies)
- Bonus for tB, 9th of July release (15 replies)
- Petr how are you handling your light parameter functions? (2 replies)
- opengl texture any resolution with clamping (5 replies)
- m15 file changing vertices (2 replies)
- tbgl window to a given handle (2 replies)
- New article on TBGL website - TRA (8 replies)
- TBGL FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) (4 replies)
- Lissajous_curve (8 replies)
- Sine Wave Dynamic Texture Fonty thingy (14 replies)
- Tutorial Update (2 replies)
- FBX or Collada (6 replies)
- Oh wow, got it working, dynamic textures (16 replies)
- TBGL Support (9 replies)
- Height of ground, how to get this? (22 replies)
- cool article about imposter, clouds (1 replies)
- tbgl coding challenge (4 replies)
- sending a required byref parameter error (17 replies)
- openGL extensions (9 replies)
- nvidia, ati and opengl (3 replies)
- TGA files not working (15 replies)
- fireworks (2 replies)
- Platform Game (What are you working on?) (9 replies)
- What are you working on? (17 replies)
- TBGL_LoadTexture and loading (13 replies)
- TBGL Help file (7 replies)