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  1. Powerbasic: question OpenGL Window in a SDK Window (2 replies)
  2. NeHe example 13 Help (Powerbasic) (5 replies)
  3. Collision question with Print message (0 replies)
  4. thin-screen800x600 and tbgl-screen 400x400 (1 replies)
  5. Render To Texture with OpenGL (1 replies)
  6. Spiky Dumples (3 replies)
  7. [TBGL] tbgl_createWindowEx vs USES "tbgl" (3 replies)
  8. vertex buffer objects for OpenGl 1.5 (17 replies)
  9. Testers wanted: TBGL_MouseGetPos* with RenderMatrix2D support (7 replies)
  10. [TBGL] anykey (3 replies)
  11. [TBGL] Logic trouble (help asked) (11 replies)
  12. Simple Beautiful Curves (0 replies)
  13. Mandelbrot 3D set (4 replies)
  14. Comparing different filtering algorithms (5 replies)
  15. Deformed pictures (1 replies)
  16. searching for Curves and Surfaces in the space (10 replies)
  17. Sun, Earth, Moon simulation with Entity System (5 replies)
  18. Tangent to a Curve (0 replies)
  19. TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray how without function overloading ? (3 replies)
  20. Uniformity to match TBGL with other Modules (8 replies)
  21. Texture Loading and acceleration (5 replies)
  22. Behaviour of TBGL_GetAsyncKeyState? (2 replies)
  23. Möbius strip (5 replies)
  24. Mystery Curve (1 replies)
  25. Trouble with TBGL_MouseGetLButton ? (3 replies)
  26. water waves (4 replies)
  27. "Exit While" works, but "Exit Do" hangs up in TBGL loops (9 replies)
  28. Load from password protected zip files : Model Handling (23 replies)
  29. Tree Recursion 2 (1 replies)
  30. TBGL - 3 things (4 replies)
  31. Texturing Points Cloud (3 replies)
  32. Rotation issues (3 replies)
  33. Voronoi colorfull mountain (0 replies)
  34. Cancel TBGL_Window-closebutton? (6 replies)
  35. [TBGL] Question about TBGL_DrawFrame (10 replies)
  36. Boosting calculation speed using compilers DLLs (such as FreeBasic) (5 replies)
  37. glDrawArrays example + GBuffers example (1 replies)
  38. GBuffer tests (7 replies)
  39. How to get TBGL-Window on top (zOrder) ? (1 replies)
  40. Pseudo 3D L-systems -- a tB Lisp hybrid (0 replies)
  41. Textures... (9 replies)
  42. [TBGL] TBGL_GetFullscreenModes? (8 replies)
  43. Natural things -- TBGL -- geometry (3 replies)
  44. Cartesian coordinate of a 3D object by clicking on it ? (3 replies)
  45. TBGL_EntityDestroy-question (1 replies)
  46. How to combine GBuffers & Entities? (9 replies)
  47. Augustin Fresnel (and his fractals) (23 replies)
  48. Lorenz 4D - Lists (9 replies)
  49. Lorenz necklace (a little addendum) (0 replies)
  50. Lorenz 3D - & question (11 replies)
  51. camera+movement in 3d (7 replies)
  52. Systems of three non-linear ordinary differential equations & a slight problem (3 replies)
  53. Slices of Mandelbrot - the idea (14 replies)
  54. Thanks Petr, (1 replies)
  55. Dynamic membrame with borders - TBGL (3 replies)
  56. Euler - Gamma for Complex - interesting enough for a DLL ? (19 replies)
  57. Fun with Riemann, problems with Freebasic DLLs (14 replies)
  58. Yet another question, Scroll bars (2 replies)
  59. GeoFrac2D - with auto REsize and iteration level / angle animation (6 replies)
  60. A 3D turtle with a constant lap. (7 replies)
  61. Shrinking population with auto-zoom ;-) (7 replies)
  62. Carl Friedrich: Second Coming to Monte Carlo (28 replies)
  63. Carl Friedrich goes to Monte Carlo (0 replies)
  64. Question for Petr (or any one else of course) (15 replies)
  65. UI & TBGL -- active window (9 replies)
  66. Life 3D alfa (10 replies)
  67. Life 3D pseudo - questions. (12 replies)
  68. TBGL_Camera (1 replies)
  69. RGBA array -> TBGL window (yet another question) (3 replies)
  70. Space bar echoes ? (11 replies)
  71. Some benchmarks (7 replies)
  72. Intro + TBGL question (5 replies)
  73. drag'n'drop question plus properties (11 replies)
  74. TBGL_PrintFont ? (3 replies)
  75. TBGL_Color (1 replies)
  76. How to remove or disable a func slot from entity ? (2 replies)
  77. What is the prototype of the UserDefined function of TBGL_ENTITYCREATEFUNCSLOT ? (5 replies)
  78. How to set near and far plane from entity camera ? (5 replies)
  79. Entities again... (6 replies)
  80. TBGL_EntityGetMatrix...TBGL_PushMatrix...? (6 replies)
  81. Use of TBGL_NewListSpace or Poke$(Varptr(DISPLAYLIST/@Entity)...? (2 replies)
  82. TBGL_EntitySetFOV gives strange results (4 replies)
  83. TBGL_BindMaterial? (6 replies)
  84. Entities: Attach or setParent? (3 replies)
  85. Q: TBGL_SpriteLoadSheet+TBGL_BindTexture (1 replies)
  86. TBGL+3d-Engine (3 replies)
  87. TBGL+ multiple Dialogs? (8 replies)
  88. thinBasic_GL.inc (3 replies)
  89. On Error always crash? (2 replies)
  90. Ordering 2D-Drawing - curious... (5 replies)
  91. TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray - can I do custom vertex types? (4 replies)
  92. Rene's project consulting (22 replies)
  93. Concerning the new updated TBGL module (1 replies)
  94. gluNurbsCurve example plz... (3 replies)
  95. ColDet 3D integration with TBGL ? (8 replies)
  96. Update Canvas Proportions... (3 replies)
  97. pressing key once are not instantaneous (2 replies)
  98. Using MsBox within a Periodic Function (don't) (2 replies)
  99. TBGL_RotateXYZ and OpenGL (3 replies)
  100. A few questions about the TBGL module (6 replies)
  101. Sphere Texturing (1 replies)
  102. tron grid? (12 replies)
  103. the old GLUT (8 replies)
  104. 2 openGL dialogs with thinbasic? (3 replies)
  105. planets and gui / questions (16 replies)
  106. little game (catwoman/batman) (3 replies)
  107. insert new tbgl objects into existing scene? (5 replies)
  108. time line control exists ? (1 replies)
  109. volumetric pixel art (for mr. blank) (4 replies)
  110. reset rotated object to original position (3 replies)
  111. The latest TBGL version (21 replies)
  112. how to make "smooth openGL objects"? (8 replies)
  113. C gl and glu code conversion to thinBasic (Again) (1 replies)
  114. OpenCL Emulation ? (4 replies)
  115. 3D curves texturing between mathematica and thinbasic (1 replies)
  116. texturing model by one picture stretched (3 replies)
  117. spider animation (again) (4 replies)
  118. use sprite in 3d tbgl? (5 replies)
  119. Overlaying (3 replies)
  120. nurbsproject: tbgl points movement by mouse (7 replies)
  121. multiple textures on the cube faces (3 replies)
  122. What is the main TBGL Setup ? (10 replies)
  123. tbgl cityfog project, new direction (1 replies)
  124. tbgl cityfog project (9 replies)
  125. my AI Track as exercise (5 replies)
  126. Planned TBGL guide to 2D programming, what would you like to see? (10 replies)
  127. MathArt: Port of code by Stan Blank (16 replies)
  128. how to control rendering contrast (7 replies)
  129. TBGL music visualisation - cold winter night (6 replies)
  130. qt: matrix + blurTextEffect (4 replies)
  131. antique blending tbgl example :) (4 replies)
  132. TBGL Materials, new feature from BETA (4 replies)
  133. Can TBGL Do multitexture for an M15 Object? (3 replies)
  134. TBGL question - not sure if im in the right area (11 replies)
  135. FreeImage + TBGL (4 replies)
  136. smurf game demo :) (21 replies)
  137. city builder project (16 replies)
  138. Vector Graphics (21 replies)
  139. Milkshape exporter (2 replies)
  140. Lydia - Particles [SPLIT from original hunters thread] (7 replies)
  141. hunter and friends (5 replies)
  142. MOVED: tbgl_Box and the color (0 replies)
  143. String size in pixels or units (9 replies)
  144. TBGL - please help with testing fonts (3 replies)
  145. fractal tbgl help (12 replies)
  146. TBGL - Rotating objects - TBGL_Rotate (9 replies)
  147. Back to the future - little taste of new TBGL (9 replies)
  148. emitter example part one and two :) (1 replies)
  149. tbgl using oxygen choosing color example :) (2 replies)
  150. no water effect ;) (11 replies)
  151. my little track ai :) (6 replies)
  152. little sphero and effect example with entities (7 replies)
  153. TBGL window resizing demo (1 replies)
  154. badmine bombs and particles (3 replies)
  155. need rockets :) (10 replies)
  156. more than sinus script (5 replies)
  157. Circles question (8 replies)
  158. Specular Light (19 replies)
  159. Rotation problem (4 replies)
  160. Little tbgl example with Textures (2 replies)
  161. qt: Nurbs, Primitives and more (10 replies)
  162. External MD2 support for TBGL (5 replies)
  163. HNY2009 (9 replies)
  164. How is drawing a sprite done ? (16 replies)
  165. EntityGrid example with Primitives (7 replies)
  166. checkerboard floor - formula??? (3 replies)
  167. Basic 2D collision, Ray-Rectangle, Point-Rectangle (0 replies)
  168. Effects, stars, colors example :) (6 replies)
  169. SaveOurCities with tbgl/UI/OS :) (7 replies)
  170. New benchmark proposal (15 replies)
  171. tbgl spaceFocus example :) (17 replies)
  172. Video Card Drivers (5 replies)
  173. tbgl primitive example with quadview (3 replies)
  174. Rendering issues with Catalyst 8.9 on ATi XPRESS 200 (8 replies)
  175. entity turn... (7 replies)
  176. How to make OBJ2M15 work (9 replies)
  177. Early black box preview of ray-mesh collisions (8 replies)
  178. nehe-lesson question:) (5 replies)
  179. new tbgl example 'mine-fields' (13 replies)
  180. Why is my texture not showing (11 replies)
  181. help using TBGL_CallList (2 replies)
  182. GUI with menus or better OpenGL ? (13 replies)
  183. Help on TBGL/OpenGL (69 replies)
  184. B3D - Tools (2 replies)
  185. B3D - MapLet level editor (3 replies)
  186. MD2 Animation (8 replies)
  187. Assembler on GPU, from ATi resources (1 replies)
  188. Motion blur (9 replies)
  189. Sphere physics (39 replies)
  190. NeHe lessons (1 replies)
  191. History of Voodoo Cards (2 replies)
  192. OpenGL cards - only for millionaires? :D (3 replies)
  193. TBGL entity system and dynamic CALLs (4 replies)
  194. Another L-System fun (14 replies)
  195. W.I.P. TBGL Solar System (12 replies)
  196. NVIDIA CG in thinBASIC (17 replies)
  197. GamingFX problem (3 replies)
  198. Interesting 3D Article (6 replies)
  199. textures and fonts (1 replies)
  200. using textures (4 replies)
  201. Whats the best way? (4 replies)
  202. Partial glow (5 replies)
  203. Can you outline upcomming features/Changes? (6 replies)
  204. TBGL 0.2.2, first public preview version (24 replies)
  205. Bone deformation and entities (7 replies)
  206. Frame limiter (15 replies)
  207. Sierpinski triangle approximation .... using L-System :D (7 replies)
  208. Command to define an empty bone? (7 replies)
  209. 2D and Collision Detection (10 replies)
  210. SampleScripts: Moving in 3D using entities (3 replies)
  211. TBGL website - minor changes (3 replies)
  212. Could be very useful (0 replies)
  213. m15 utils (12 replies)
  214. Is it possible to draw this simple map faster? (22 replies)
  215. Something To Shoot - Latest preview & 0.2.1 improvements (18 replies)
  216. Latest preview & 0.2.1 improvements (4 replies)
  217. 3D file formats (5 replies)
  218. BlendInspect - Tool to research the blend modes (3 replies)
  219. Thanks Petr (10 replies)
  220. TBGL 0.2.1 - Entities out of cage ! (21 replies)
  221. Is there some kind of color keying? (18 replies)
  222. How to set the background color? (3 replies)
  223. TBGL / OpenGL Advanced User (4 replies)
  224. Fractal Fern (17 replies)
  225. TBGL Development Pipeline Tools ( Vaporware discussion :) ) (1 replies)
  226. Bonus for tB, 9th of July release (15 replies)
  227. Petr how are you handling your light parameter functions? (2 replies)
  228. opengl texture any resolution with clamping (5 replies)
  229. m15 file changing vertices (2 replies)
  230. tbgl window to a given handle (2 replies)
  231. New article on TBGL website - TRA (8 replies)
  232. TBGL FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) (4 replies)
  233. Lissajous_curve (8 replies)
  234. Sine Wave Dynamic Texture Fonty thingy (14 replies)
  235. Tutorial Update (2 replies)
  236. FBX or Collada (6 replies)
  237. Oh wow, got it working, dynamic textures (16 replies)
  238. TBGL Support (9 replies)
  239. Height of ground, how to get this? (22 replies)
  240. cool article about imposter, clouds (1 replies)
  241. tbgl coding challenge (4 replies)
  242. sending a required byref parameter error (17 replies)
  243. openGL extensions (9 replies)
  244. nvidia, ati and opengl (3 replies)
  245. TGA files not working (15 replies)
  246. fireworks (2 replies)
  247. Platform Game (What are you working on?) (9 replies)
  248. What are you working on? (17 replies)
  249. TBGL_LoadTexture and loading (13 replies)
  250. TBGL Help file (7 replies)