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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Question for Petr (or any one else of course)
  2. Carl Friedrich goes to Monte Carlo
  3. Carl Friedrich: Second Coming to Monte Carlo
  4. Shrinking population with auto-zoom ;-)
  5. A 3D turtle with a constant lap.
  6. GeoFrac2D - with auto REsize and iteration level / angle animation
  7. Yet another question, Scroll bars
  8. Fun with Riemann, problems with Freebasic DLLs
  9. Euler - Gamma for Complex - interesting enough for a DLL ?
  10. Dynamic membrame with borders - TBGL
  11. Thanks Petr,
  12. Slices of Mandelbrot - the idea
  13. Systems of three non-linear ordinary differential equations & a slight problem
  14. camera+movement in 3d
  15. Lorenz 3D - & question
  16. Lorenz necklace (a little addendum)
  17. Lorenz 4D - Lists
  18. Augustin Fresnel (and his fractals)
  19. How to combine GBuffers & Entities?
  20. TBGL_EntityDestroy-question
  21. Cartesian coordinate of a 3D object by clicking on it ?
  22. Natural things -- TBGL -- geometry
  23. [TBGL] TBGL_GetFullscreenModes?
  24. Textures...
  25. Pseudo 3D L-systems -- a tB Lisp hybrid
  26. How to get TBGL-Window on top (zOrder) ?
  27. GBuffer tests
  28. glDrawArrays example + GBuffers example
  29. Boosting calculation speed using compilers DLLs (such as FreeBasic)
  30. [TBGL] Question about TBGL_DrawFrame
  31. Cancel TBGL_Window-closebutton?
  32. Voronoi colorfull mountain
  33. Rotation issues
  34. Texturing Points Cloud
  35. TBGL - 3 things
  36. Tree Recursion 2
  37. Load from password protected zip files : Model Handling
  38. "Exit While" works, but "Exit Do" hangs up in TBGL loops
  39. water waves
  40. Trouble with TBGL_MouseGetLButton ?
  41. Mystery Curve
  42. Möbius strip
  43. Behaviour of TBGL_GetAsyncKeyState?
  44. Texture Loading and acceleration
  45. Uniformity to match TBGL with other Modules
  46. TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray how without function overloading ?
  47. Tangent to a Curve
  48. Sun, Earth, Moon simulation with Entity System
  49. searching for Curves and Surfaces in the space
  50. Deformed pictures
  51. Comparing different filtering algorithms
  52. Mandelbrot 3D set
  53. Simple Beautiful Curves
  54. [TBGL] Logic trouble (help asked)
  55. [TBGL] anykey
  56. Testers wanted: TBGL_MouseGetPos* with RenderMatrix2D support
  57. vertex buffer objects for OpenGl 1.5
  58. [TBGL] tbgl_createWindowEx vs USES "tbgl"
  59. Spiky Dumples
  60. Render To Texture with OpenGL
  61. thin-screen800x600 and tbgl-screen 400x400
  62. Collision question with Print message
  63. NeHe example 13 Help (Powerbasic)
  64. Powerbasic: question OpenGL Window in a SDK Window