- Question for Petr (or any one else of course)
- Carl Friedrich goes to Monte Carlo
- Carl Friedrich: Second Coming to Monte Carlo
- Shrinking population with auto-zoom ;-)
- A 3D turtle with a constant lap.
- GeoFrac2D - with auto REsize and iteration level / angle animation
- Yet another question, Scroll bars
- Fun with Riemann, problems with Freebasic DLLs
- Euler - Gamma for Complex - interesting enough for a DLL ?
- Dynamic membrame with borders - TBGL
- Thanks Petr,
- Slices of Mandelbrot - the idea
- Systems of three non-linear ordinary differential equations & a slight problem
- camera+movement in 3d
- Lorenz 3D - & question
- Lorenz necklace (a little addendum)
- Lorenz 4D - Lists
- Augustin Fresnel (and his fractals)
- How to combine GBuffers & Entities?
- TBGL_EntityDestroy-question
- Cartesian coordinate of a 3D object by clicking on it ?
- Natural things -- TBGL -- geometry
- [TBGL] TBGL_GetFullscreenModes?
- Textures...
- Pseudo 3D L-systems -- a tB Lisp hybrid
- How to get TBGL-Window on top (zOrder) ?
- GBuffer tests
- glDrawArrays example + GBuffers example
- Boosting calculation speed using compilers DLLs (such as FreeBasic)
- [TBGL] Question about TBGL_DrawFrame
- Cancel TBGL_Window-closebutton?
- Voronoi colorfull mountain
- Rotation issues
- Texturing Points Cloud
- TBGL - 3 things
- Tree Recursion 2
- Load from password protected zip files : Model Handling
- "Exit While" works, but "Exit Do" hangs up in TBGL loops
- water waves
- Trouble with TBGL_MouseGetLButton ?
- Mystery Curve
- Möbius strip
- Behaviour of TBGL_GetAsyncKeyState?
- Texture Loading and acceleration
- Uniformity to match TBGL with other Modules
- TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray how without function overloading ?
- Tangent to a Curve
- Sun, Earth, Moon simulation with Entity System
- searching for Curves and Surfaces in the space
- Deformed pictures
- Comparing different filtering algorithms
- Mandelbrot 3D set
- Simple Beautiful Curves
- [TBGL] Logic trouble (help asked)
- [TBGL] anykey
- Testers wanted: TBGL_MouseGetPos* with RenderMatrix2D support
- vertex buffer objects for OpenGl 1.5
- [TBGL] tbgl_createWindowEx vs USES "tbgl"
- Spiky Dumples
- Render To Texture with OpenGL
- thin-screen800x600 and tbgl-screen 400x400
- Collision question with Print message
- NeHe example 13 Help (Powerbasic)
- Powerbasic: question OpenGL Window in a SDK Window