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- BCX Programming Language (1 replies)
- Microsoft Opens Up Old Win32 APIs to C# and Rust, More Languages to Come (1 replies)
- OxygenBasic (5 replies)
- CTRL with the "+" in the laptop (3 replies)
- cockroach consciousness !! (0 replies)
- bizarre table (0 replies)
- Windows 11 is passing by soon. Expect Windows 21 (0 replies)
- After death (1 replies)
- 8/2(2+2) = ? (5 replies)
- Flash will stop working in 2020 !! (0 replies)
- The Virus Chronicles (5 replies)
- Asteroid approaching Earth (1 replies)
- Wasn't There ...? (1 replies)
- Mesmerizing animation (1 replies)
- Impossible Luck (0 replies)
- Windows 12 LITE (4 replies)
- waiting in line to buy windows 98 (0 replies)
- fun with Tower of Pisa (0 replies)
- Tiobe (2 replies)
- An employee bullys a customer (0 replies)
- Curious motion illusions (3 replies)
- A trouble with what is like a minus symbol (4 replies)
- Solothurn's 11 hour clock (0 replies)
- start YouTube video from specific place (1 replies)
- Autobiographical Numbers (0 replies)
- Thinbasic runs on my smartphone (OS=ANDROID!!!!) (6 replies)
- Future ? (0 replies)
- Free train ride (2 replies)
- Back in germany... (3 replies)
- Online Quantum Computer from IBM (1 replies)
- Amazing Steam Powered Clock in Vancouver (1 replies)
- Languages energy-consumption (2 replies)
- QuickBASIC programming for scientists and engineers (3 replies)
- Escape from NK (0 replies)
- cat and dog waiting for traffic light (3 replies)
- Handless little boy cares for his newborn sibling (0 replies)
- Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012 (0 replies)
- a spider in JS and more (0 replies)
- where is DOS, where is Windows !!! (1 replies)
- hello again (14 replies)
- some abandonware (1 replies)
- Deaf Grandmother teaches 9 weeks old Deaf baby sign language (3 replies)
- The Tinkertoy computer and other machinations (0 replies)
- server internal error (1 replies)
- RobbeK 1956-2015 (2 replies)
- Clever Algorithms _ Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes (1 replies)
- for crying out loud (1 replies)
- Italy earthquake (1 replies)
- TASKLIST windows function (6 replies)
- .crypt extension added to half of my files (4 replies)
- Are We Living in a Computer Simulation ? (3 replies)
- Unknown Codex (3 replies)
- Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (6 replies)
- Laptops accepts 64Bit only windows 8.1++ (1 replies)
- Jazz Master (0 replies)
- Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world (2 replies)
- Full Solar Eclipse (2 replies)
- .tProject-files ? (4 replies)
- Scientists slow the speed of light (0 replies)
- World's Roundest Object! (1 replies)
- When You Feel The Need To Speed Up, Slow Down (0 replies)
- Yellow Submarine (going deep) (8 replies)
- Symbols of an Alien Sky (0 replies)
- The Symphony of Time (3 replies)
- Origins Exclusive Worldwide Premiere (0 replies)
- The God Delusion (4 replies)
- Lucy - Full Movie (3 replies)
- Hawk Attack! (0 replies)
- The Book of Man (0 replies)
- Crop Circle Maker (0 replies)
- Inside The Dark Web (0 replies)
- Are you a Robot? (2 replies)
- Compiler (8 replies)
- Humans Need Not Apply (0 replies)
- HitchBot (4 replies)
- Music Loops (19 replies)
- IT'S Alive! (1 replies)
- Sirius Documentary (0 replies)
- UFO with alien head sticking out (6 replies)
- HP Labs New Computer Technology (3 replies)
- Dad & Daughter Project (0 replies)
- Steve Jobs Documentary (5 replies)
- Optional Parameters (a joke) (17 replies)
- from the smallest to the largest (0 replies)
- Learn HTML in 7 minutes (2 replies)
- Moving to the cloud (0 replies)
- Unfolding Secrets (1 replies)
- Ed Snowden robot interviewed by Sir Tim Berners Lee (0 replies)
- Creative Photography :) NASA Studios (4 replies)
- The Secret of Oz (0 replies)
- Mathmagic with Donald Duck (0 replies)
- Thrive (1 replies)
- Will You Swallow Google's Edible Microchip? (1 replies)
- Internet Surveillance Technology (0 replies)
- The age of big data (0 replies)
- Sysadmins of the world, unite! (1 replies)
- Google's New Legs (4 replies)
- The Animal Communicator (0 replies)
- Troop of Gorillas visit a camp (2 replies)
- Experiments in self-learning (4 replies)
- 60 ton Egyptian Stone Boxes (0 replies)
- Open Hardware Monitor (2 replies)
- Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and spying (1 replies)
- Windows 8 refresh - lesson learned the hard way (9 replies)
- Advee in Kosice (8 replies)
- Syria: Bashar Al Assad (0 replies)
- Privacy? (2 replies)
- 9/11 (2 replies)
- Basic Compilers (25 replies)
- O2 com (0 replies)
- 64 bit strings (2 replies)
- Forum-Qusetion (0 replies)
- Moving On (0 replies)
- Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices (3 replies)
- North Korea's Kim reportedly has ex-girlfriend, 11 others executed (1 replies)
- The Boy With The Incredible Brain (0 replies)
- PB GUI/IDE cesspool (16 replies)
- Boffin snatches control of colleague's BODY with remote control BRAIN HAT (1 replies)
- Alien controlling the BBC (0 replies)
- Retrogames forum access problem (3 replies)
- thinBasic open source (2 replies)
- Galactic Times (2 replies)
- 3D Printer Kit (1 replies)
- Uploads impossible? (7 replies)
- Cognitive Science and and Software Design (2 replies)
- a common sense yogi (0 replies)
- Animated Penrose Tiling (1 replies)
- Global Warming ? (1 replies)
- Has the forum been hacked? (3 replies)
- O2 Lurker (3 replies)
- I like Southpark (1 replies)
- Microsoft shares Kinect source code with public (3 replies)
- Amazing concert available for watching online (0 replies)
- Forum: Support-Section-Bug (1 replies)
- Directed Energy Technology (0 replies)
- Mostly unuseless stuff: Chindogu (0 replies)
- forum abusements (2 replies)
- Tim Berners-Lee: Developers Are Doing “Incredible Things” (0 replies)
- some feedback, resume (18 replies)
- Is the Universe Alive (7 replies)
- New Age Oracles (12 replies)
- Apollo Guidance Computer (1 replies)
- Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film) (2 replies)
- Disco Radio (0 replies)
- What Happened on the Moon (3 replies)
- New Galactic Year 21 Dec 2012 (6 replies)
- Reincarnation- past life evidence (8 replies)
- Tributes to Bob Zale (2 replies)
- thinBasic direction (48 replies)
- Gary McKinnon: May Blocks Extradition To US (1 replies)
- Visual music (5 replies)
- Europe's strangest creature? (0 replies)
- Man Made Ancient Pyramids Found on Antarctica (0 replies)
- Tim Berners Lee (0 replies)
- Astronaut Neil Armstrong Dies Aged 82 (1 replies)
- Geoengineering (0 replies)
- DNA as a medium for data storage (0 replies)
- Julian Assange, Wikileaks (8 replies)
- Scary? (2 replies)
- How to listen to music with your whole body (2 replies)
- Olympics Opening Ceremony (6 replies)
- 12,000-year-old unexplained structure (0 replies)
- Starless Galaxies (0 replies)
- Spider-Man stuntman reveals secrets (0 replies)
- The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla (1 replies)
- Mind Control Technologies (0 replies)
- googleads (0 replies)
- A Man Who Went to Mars (3 replies)
- RBS computer failure (1 replies)
- Requiem by G.Verdi (2 replies)
- Agri Bot (13 replies)
- International finance imbalance (0 replies)
- New Chin Warriors (4 replies)
- Bank accounts blocked (0 replies)
- thinBasic (1 replies)
- Solar Aeroplane (0 replies)
- Spaniards Fight Banks Over Home Evictions (3 replies)
- Rare Venus Transit (9 replies)
- Sci-Fi Surgery (1 replies)
- Andromeda Galaxy to collide with Milky Way (1 replies)
- Resistive RAM (1 replies)
- Spitzer: Infrared Telescope (2 replies)
- Alien Planet (0 replies)
- Bio-photons are a communications medium for cells? (0 replies)
- Skydiving without a parachute (2 replies)
- What Money Can't Buy (1 replies)
- Earthquake Northern Italy (13 replies)
- The Power of Nightmares (5 replies)
- MIT's Latest User Interface (1 replies)
- Economic inequality can lead to collapse - an answer to Dan Baron (2 replies)
- Neo-feudalism, humanity's enlightened destiny ! (0 replies)
- Goodbye Sarkozy (0 replies)
- JP Morgan Loses US$2 Billion in Six Weeks (0 replies)
- For those with nivida optimus notebooks (1 replies)
- Antipode Map (1 replies)
- Olympics Missiles (0 replies)
- This means what? (1 replies)
- ThinBasic Hangout (5 replies)
- A theologian, struggling to come to terms with the problem of evil, dies (2 replies)
- Rap Music and Private Prisons (0 replies)
- Bionic eye gives blind man sight (2 replies)
- All our troubles are over !! (2 replies)
- All we "know", false ? (0 replies)
- A proud father (6 replies)
- Splitting the Electron (0 replies)
- Greek Town Develops Bartering System Without Euro (2 replies)
- Poor Professor (0 replies)
- there is LOVE between syria, russia, china, governers (0 replies)
- Why They Sunk The Titanic (1 replies)
- Web freedom (0 replies)
- Steve Beckow (5 replies)
- a man killed his kids using snakes (0 replies)
- U.S. squeezes Iran (1 replies)
- Ghaddafi fate predicted through a joke (0 replies)
- DARPA Robots (0 replies)
- New News (0 replies)
- You vs cat (0 replies)
- Meet - The Committee of 300 !! (0 replies)
- 103 Alleged 9/11 Co-Conspirators (0 replies)
- Bio Miracles (0 replies)
- Dumb Slaves - and proud of it !! (0 replies)
- Imminent Mass Arrests - Sometime. (2 replies)
- CIA prison in Poland (2 replies)
- Skulls (10 replies)
- strange sudden pain (11 replies)
- Meet - the Kochs ! (3 replies)
- Jail Time ? (0 replies)
- Accusations of IAEA Bias (0 replies)
- How the Dictator Works (2 replies)
- Using computers to catch computer cheats playing chess (3 replies)
- world's oldest conjoined twins (0 replies)
- Resistance to NATO (1 replies)
- Wealth of nations - seems related to Dan Baron's views? (4 replies)
- Sarah Palin (0 replies)
- Prometheus (1 replies)
- 'Material Support' for Terror (0 replies)
- American billionaire Koch brothers 'F'- ing Slovaks (0 replies)
- google are spying too much (1 replies)
- Moon Base? (1 replies)
- Magic (4 replies)
- Movies as code (3 replies)
- Google's New "Privacy" Policy (0 replies)
- The Oil Card (0 replies)
- Sahara Forest Project (0 replies)
- Rupert Murdoch (1 replies)
- B of A (2 replies)
- Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) - official video (3 replies)
- "The nationalist is by definition an ignoramus." (0 replies)
- Preserve my body! (0 replies)
- Open up for the rich. (0 replies)