Main ThinBASIC features

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Main ThinBASIC features


Easy to learn


thinBasic syntax is based on the popular BASIC language

thinBasic is designed to be easy to use even for non professional programmers


Modular structure


thinBasic is composed of modules.

Modules are special DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) that extend thinBasic language adding new functionality.

thinBasic starts every script using Core module. All other modules can be loaded on demand if required by the current script.


There are 2 kind of thinBasic modules: official and user defined.

Official modules are those developed directly by thinBasic team.

User defined modules are developed directly by thinBasic users using thinBasic SDK.


Modules are covered in details by this specific topic: Modules


Very rich set of functionalities


Unlimited numeric and string variables + ability to create user defined types

Local, static and global variable scope


User defined function: FUNCTION/END FUNCTION end SUB/END SUB

Up to 32 parameters can be passed to user defined functions.

Parameters passed BYVAL or BYREF

Function recursion

Many, many high and low level predefined functions


Great for System Administrator


automate everyday tasks, client and server

schedule complex processing

manage user login automation


Many official modules ready to be used


CORE: contains all string and numeric functionalities plus main program flow

TBGL: provides interface for creating hardware accelerated graphics from thinBasic language.

CGI: contains many build in functionalities in order to use thinBasic as server side web scripting engine

FILE: functions working on files and directories

PC: functions working on PC handling

CONSOLE: manage scripts to be executed under Text Mode Console

OS: functions to manage operating system functionalities

LL: linked list data structure with data name association

Crypto: official windows cryptology plus crypto functions directly developed by thinBasic

DT: functions for handling date/time

TCP: functions to send/receive data using tcp protocol

BIFF: functions for handling BIFF

INI: GetKey, SetKey, CountSections, GetSectionList, GetSectionKeyList, ...

INET: detect internet connection ON/OFF and type (LAN, MODEM, PROXY), Automatic connection or Hang-Up


SMTP: with HTML mails support, file attachments, Sync and Async

FTP: Connect, Quit, File list, Dir change, Upload/Download both Sync and Async, File delete and all server allowed command

Registry: reading and writing

LIST object: Create, AddItem, SetItem, GetItem, DelItem, Count, Join, Sort

Console operations: Print, ProgressBar, Box, SetTitle, FullScreen, Window, Top, Activate, ...

Windows: MessageBox, InputBox, ProgressBar, Labels, Grids, Images, ...

Shell execution Sync and Async

Environment variables

Binary file reading/writing

File handling: copy, rename, size, date, kill, exists, Dir, ...

Path handling

Sounds playing (via MCI)

Windows controlling (Opening, closing, set foreground, sendkeys, ...)

SQL DB connection capabilities. Any ODBC compliant DB

Direct Excel file writing using BIFF format

ZIP file handling
